Silence, eerie silence.

The moment the childish voice settled down, everyone in the restaurant fell silent.

The sound of music, talking and laughing, footsteps...

Even the sound of breathing was held.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the restaurant became strange and anxious.

But this weirdness lasted less than ten seconds before it was broken by two uncontrollable laughter, one in front and one in the back.


Li Yi and Ivan laughed more tacitly than brothers.

Completely disregarding the image, the smile is leaning forward and backward.

Mr. Bo, who was sitting in the main seat, didn't hold back his strength, but his smile was a bit strange, mixed with reproach and love for Tangtang, and also a little helpless and apologetic.

Anxiously together, that expression... I can't bear to look directly at it!

Mengbao Tangtang looked at the adults on the table in bewilderment, at the uncle who was smiling badly, and Grandpa Zeng who had a weird expression as if he was constipated, and frowned unconsciously, as if thinking about making them Laughter's sake.

But after thinking about it, he didn't think the question he asked was so ridiculous.

As soon as he turned his face, he turned his attention to Mummy, who was always the best at explaining his doubts, only to find that Mummy was wiping her mouth with a napkin. Her face was fine, with only a faint smile, but her snow-white teeth were shaking slightly. He pursed his lips, as if trying to suppress a smile.

" can you laugh at Tangtang!"

Xiaotangtang pouted her mouth in aggrieved manner, her eyes were bright and bright, revealing a little sadness.

Swept across the table and finally landed on Lin Xing.

Four eyes facing each other.

Lin Xinggan felt a little pain from watching it!

But obviously he was the one who was embarrassed, and he was the one who was laughed at. This kid was the first to complain to him.

But... pretty cute!

Listening to the laughter in the room, Lin Xing, who couldn't laugh or cry, unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth.

Tangtang was even more annoyed after laughing at him.

He stared at Lin Xing with rounded eyes and puffed pink cheeks.

But since the elders are all at the dinner table, and the Bo family's table manners are extremely strict, it has formed a good habit for Tangtang, who never dares to act foolishly at the dinner table, so she can only purse her mouth and angrily humming.

Only Jing Jing, in a state that no one expected, suddenly put down his favorite dessert in front of him, got down on the children's chair with hands and feet, swayed his small body, and walked around Nuo Da's dining table slowly, While everyone was watching, he walked towards Lin Xing.

The restaurant, which was still very lively just a moment ago, seemed to have been pressed the mute button, and everyone stopped laughing and fell silent in an instant.


He was taken aback by his brother's sudden movement.

Tangtang stood up from the baby chair abruptly and yelled loudly.

Mengbao stopped quietly, turned to look at his brother, tilted his head slightly, and blinked.

I watched him for a while, but didn't speak.

Then he turned around and approached Lin Xing.


The shadow of the lamp dragged the little shadow of the child.

The little cute baby blinked with watery eyes, repeated the monosyllabic words dumbly, looked up at Lin Xing, and frowned for a long time, as if wanting to find out something from Lin Xing.

And while he was looking at himself, Lin Xing was also looking at him.

Facing the poor Tianjian child, Lin Xing more or less heard the two buddies say a lot, and the more he saw it, the more he liked it.

Can't help but reach out and touch his head.

Seeing that he didn't resist, Lin Xing bent over and tried to keep eye level with him: "Honey, are you looking for uncle?"

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