"Don't embarrass me here, go!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bao Jinghan smiled unconsciously.

Interesting, really interesting!

Obviously, Shang Haotian heard what she said to Ye Jiaojiao and understood the meaning of her words.In other words, Shang Haotian knew that his wife was having an affair with his wife's godfather? !

He was able to hide such a serious matter in his heart without mentioning a word. She really admired his patience with the cuckold.

But, why did he endure it?

He couldn't have instructed Ye Jiaojiao to do it...

A thought that Bao Jinghan himself felt extremely absurd suddenly flashed into his mind.

In front of the door, Ye Jiaojiao and Shang Haotian argued, unwilling to leave.

The beautiful eyes were filled with tears, looking pitiful, as if begging for something.

"You don't want to leave, do you? I'll help you!"

Obviously, Shang Haotian didn't want Bao Jinghan and Ye Jiaojiao to be in contact, not even for a minute.

I saw that with a wave of his long arm, he turned Ye Jiaojiao directly onto her shoulder.


Ye Jiaojiao screamed, clenched her hand into a fist, and lightly slammed on Shang Haotian's shoulder: "Put me down! Haotian! Shang Haotian, be careful, kid!"

It was very noisy outside.

The people inside finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"Aren't you going to leave? Why are you still standing here? This is a public place, and there are eyes everywhere. Jiaojiao, you are so twittering, how unbecoming! Haotian, why don't you hurry up and take her away..."

There was a scolding sound from the door, followed by Ye Tengda's extremely serious face, which appeared at the door.

With a sweep of his eyes, his eyes fell on Bao Jinghan and the handsome man beside her.

A gleam of light quickly flashed across his eyes.

Quickly retracting, he opened his face coldly, and nodded towards the two of them: "Miss Bo, Lawyer Rong, you are here. Please come in! But...the ones behind you, I don't think there is any need to come in, right? Miss Bo, what do you think?!"

Ye Tengda's words were addressed to Bao Jinghan, but his eyes fell on Rong Jiahe.

He knew Rong Jiahe. At the press conference on the day Jiang Rujian signed the contract with investor Lei Jiesen, he met once, and it was a very deep relationship.

He clearly remembered that Rong Jiahe attended the press conference that day on behalf of Bo Jinghan, and claimed that he was entrusted by Bo Jinghan to handle her shares on his behalf.The shares were entrusted to Lei Jiesen on the spot, making the investor Lei Jiesen a proxy shareholder!

Afterwards, he checked Rong Jiahe.

To go did not touch his bottom.

All I know is that Rong Jiahe is the youngest lawyer in the Bo Group's lawyer team. He has only been in the job for less than two years, so he is considered a newcomer in the lawyer team.

Based on this calculation, he guessed that Bao Jinghan's status in the Bo family should be the kind of person who speaks lightly!

Otherwise, if the stubborn old man of the Bo family recognized Bao Jinghan, why would he not announce her identity?How could such rumors fly all over the sky?How could Bao Jinghan be allowed to take up the job of showing her face in front of others... and why would she not send out a team of lawyers when she was in trouble, but assign her an unknown young lawyer?

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