Looking at Bao Jinghan's face.

Ye Tengda inevitably thought of his dead wife's beauty.

Accompanied by the voice and smile in his memory, the anger in his heart spewed out unconsciously.

And that sense of disgust enveloped him in an instant, making him subconsciously feel uncomfortable looking at Bao Jinghan!

However, I don't know if he has a guilty conscience and a bad tongue, or he wants to finish today's meeting early after finishing his business. This time, he didn't continue to compete with Bao Jinghan.

With a heavy "hum--", he took a step and walked through the long corridor with winding paths in the private room.

Turn around and enter a real private room through a hollowed-out crescent arch carved from golden nanmu.

Ha ha……

This place is really good, it looks like a place for underground transactions, it's quite hidden!

Through the slightly swaying curtains in the archway.

Bao Jinghan squinted his eyes, looked at the faint figure inside, and involuntarily touched the ear piercer again.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the direction she turned with her fingertips this time is reversed.

Turning his head, Rong Jiahe saw Bao Jinghan's movements, and his eyes dimmed.

And at this moment, Bao Jinghan just turned his face away.

The eyes of the two, colliding, exchanging, separating...

Bao Jinghan smiled again, stretched out his hand to push aside the curtain made of light gauze, and approached the arch.

Gaze over.

But on the nanmu round table in the door, I saw a figure that could not be said to be familiar or unfamiliar.

There was a hint of surprise in the dark eyes.

It disappeared in an instant, replaced by a mocking smile.

"Uncle Jia, so you are here!"

The Uncle Jia mentioned by Bao Jinghan is named Jia He, which means prominent.

Of course, everyone who knows him in the circle knows that this name was changed after he really became famous.

The name used to be so earthy and vulgar, it would be "laughing fruit" when you say it.

But because of his status, not many people would find it boring to mention it in front of him, and at most make fun of it behind his back.

And he is Ye Tengda's rare good friend in the officialdom.

To put it nicely, to call him a confidant in times of trouble, to put it bluntly, this is a party member who works hand in hand with him, steps on each other's shoulders, and climbs up together.

"Lao Ye, this little girl has really good eyes. She still remembers me as Uncle Jia! Come here, come and sit, and let Uncle Jia have a look..." Jia He, who had a round face, smiled at him, and looked at him. Bao Jinghan waved.

The eyes were narrowed into a line because of the smile, matching with the deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, the eyes were almost missing on his overly fat round face.

But don't think that he is a good person because he smiles so happily.

This person is cruel and ruthless, so Ye Tengda doesn't need to hurry up.

It's just that his luck is much better than ordinary people, and with Ye Tengda protecting him, he narrowly escaped in the repeated investigations.

And now that Ye Tengda has found him, there might be nothing good to happen!

With a balance in mind, Bo Jinghan walked towards the round table first.

With his right hand behind his back, he made a gesture that he had agreed with Rong Jia before——

"Uncle Jia, why are you here today?"

"Uncle Jia is here today, first to see you, and second... to be a peacemaker for your father and daughter!"

Squinting his eyes, Jia He's smile was extraordinarily gentle and harmless, like a big Shar Pei dog.

But the sharpness in his eyes betrayed the authenticity of his words!

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