"Ye girl, what you're talking about..."

"Uncle Jia, my surname is no longer Ye. Ye Jinghan has died since I was forced to leave this place. The reason why I still call you Uncle Jia today is because of your status as an elder. If you still recognize me This junior, please leave this right and wrong place, or sit down and watch a play."

Bao Jinghan's tone was calm and Wu Bo's, but there was a sharp edge hidden inside.

Hearing this, although Jia He's face was a little uneasy, but he was also choked up, and he was a little speechless.

But if he lifted his legs and left, he felt that his face would lose its luster even more.

"Lao Ye, your girl has become more and more clever since I haven't seen her for a few years! The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, we are all getting old!"


Ye Tengda began to pronounce with his nasal cavity again.

With a cold snort, he squinted at Bao Jinghan, gritted his teeth, "She doesn't care much about Ye's family, and I still despise her! Jia He, don't act like you're a proper old man today, just be a witness for me!"

Now, Bao Jinghan understood.

These two people are a red face, and a bad face for her to play!

But today, Ye Tengda's excuse for letting her come was to pay her mother's dowry.

Calling a witness is commonplace.

But seeing the energy of these two singing together, Bao Jinghan had to think a little more and be more on guard.

"Okay, there are witnesses in the Ye Hall, and I have allowed the lawyer to check it, and it is also a business. Now, please ask the Ye Hall to hand over the things that were handed over, and we will check and count them one by one."

Bao Jinghan smiled, put down the teacup gracefully, folded his hands, and looked at him.

Prepare for the coming, unknown situation——

The cup of tea in front of him didn't move at all.

Ye Tengda didn't speak or pay attention to her, but just stared coldly, his eyes fighting in mid-air, secretly competing.

Bao Jinghan instantly understood like a mirror in his heart, this guy wanted to show her off!

You must know that when a master fights, he will choose to defeat the opponent's psychological defense first.

This is the same as fighting, the attack to the heart is far faster than the attack from the body.

And his two consecutive dismounts were obviously unsuccessful.

The number of roads in the corridor is useless, so I want to change the emotional card. Who knows that Bao Jinghan's ruthlessness has already refreshed the boundaries he understands, and it is impossible to break through.

At this moment, he was secretly competing with her again, wondering what he was thinking about.

In the room, it was very quiet.

Finally, a crisp knock of ceramics hitting the wooden table, accompanied by Ye Tengda's cold warning, ended this cold fighting scene——

"I gave you a chance, only once! If you lose it, don't even think about going back to Ye's house. From this moment on, you are not my daughter of Ye Tengda either. There is only one way to fight against me..."

Dead end!

"Are you always talking about cross talk or opera? Such an old-fashioned opening line, it's better to skip it, I don't want you to inherit your bitch's mouth!"

In the calm and breezy response, Bao Jinghan smiled very gently and politely.

Turning to look in Rong Jiahe's direction, "Lawyer Rong, give him the list."

"No need, what you want is in the box over there." Ye Tengda reached out and pointed at the several storage boxes piled up by the door, "Go and see for yourself!"

Handed it over so easily?

Bao Jinghan was muttering in his heart, but he got up and walked over there.

Passing her hand over her ears, she habitually touched the earring on her right ear, and then heard the message from the secret whistle she had arranged in the earring.

"There is an ambush-"

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