"Of course, I like to take care of an elegant lady. Speaking of it, I always feel that this lady seems very familiar, as if I have known him in my previous life!"

The soft female voice, while speaking, blended with a soft laughter.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Bao Jinghan also felt that this voice was a little bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

"I hope this lady can also fall in love with you. Marry, you come out with me. The young master said that he will go upstairs to see this lady later. It is not convenient for us to be here."

The man's hoarse voice penetrated Bao Jinghan's eardrum again, stimulating her auditory nerve.

Almost instinctively, Bao Jinghan quickly and keenly caught a very important message in this man's words.

She should be meeting the guy who brought her here soon.

At this time, the soft female voice followed closely.

"Oh, okay. Let me tidy up, and take the temperature of the lady by the way..."

"No, come down with me now! Put the thermometer on the bedside, and the young master will measure it for her."

The hoarse male voice directly interrupted the gentle voice of the woman, there is no doubt about it.

Then, there was a rustling sound, which seemed to be the friction of something.

There was still a burst of footsteps walking in, you and your things, gradually walking away.


door, closed.

Bao Jinghan leaned slightly, and looked in the direction of the door closing sound.

After confirming that there was no one in the room, she quickly raised her right hand to touch her earlobe.

When touching the earlobe, Bao Jinghan's heart trembled and he was startled.

Her studs are gone!

How could it be gone, was it lost or...

After pinching the earlobe with her fingers, she quickly touched the ring on her little finger.

Only then did she realize that the tail ring her uncle had given her was gone.

It is absolutely impossible to lose them all at the same time, unless someone picks them off.

I just don't know, is it because she knows that others will track her whereabouts through those two things, or does she simply think that sapphires and blue diamonds are valuable?

If it's the latter, it's better, if it's the former, then her situation is——

Bao Jinghan didn't dare to think about it.

She ordered herself to calm down and analyze carefully with a calm mind.

At the same time, a decision was made to take advantage of the time period when the so-called young master hadn't come up, and get up quickly to see where she could escape from!

Yes, escape!

Rather than pondering the other party's intentions here, it is better to escape before the other party sends out a dangerous signal!

Thinking of this.

Bao Jinghan quickly lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

But before she lifted the bed curtain with her hand, the door lock was twisted.

Shocked, his pupils shrank violently.

Shocked at first, Bao Jinghan calmly held his breath, grunted and got back under the quilt, lay flat on the bed and continued to pretend to be asleep.

The door, opened, closed again.

The sound of steady footsteps approached slowly on the thick carpet.

The sound of footsteps was inaudible.

But at this moment, Bao Jinghan, who was highly vigilant, had already gathered 12 points of energy to distinguish the footsteps of the approaching people.

gradually approaching.

A mellow red wine smell, mixed with the sweet and sour taste of grapes and a touch of tobacco smell, drilled into the nose with the breath.

Someone lifted the bed curtain.

The edge of the bed suddenly sank, and the man had already sat down on the edge of the bed.

Bao Jinghan tensed her body, and dragged her breath as long as possible.

But I feel a little strange in my heart, the smell of tobacco...

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