"If you tell you to go, you go! I don't believe it, how difficult it is to get something to eat, serve a glass of wine, and ask others for advice. Are you born with no brains, or are you trying to annoy me on purpose-don't put on a look You look like an idiot, it's disgusting to look at!"

The girl spoke again, arrogant and tricky.

Before Ye Jiaojiao could react, she pinched her nose with her hand, frowned, and slapped her with the other hand.

Still disgusted.

"It stinks, it stinks, how much perfume have you put on your body, it stinks to death!"

The girl pouted delicately, and suddenly stretched out her hand to grab Lin Xing who was watching the show: "Standing with her, the air has become filthy! Lin Xing, come with me over there, I don't want to be with a estrous goddaughter." 'Stay together—dirty!"

Her last sentence was extremely cruel.

It was as if Ye Jiaojiao's coat was taken off in public!

But Ye Jiaojiao was able to hold her breath, and she still maintained a gentle and pitiful appearance, as if she had suffered a lot of grievances.

Unfortunately, no one appreciates her performance.

"Go and sit over there for a while, there is still work to do later!"

Holding Bao Jinghan in his arms, Lu Yan led everyone to the rest area on the other side.

Leaving Ye Jiaojiao alone...


Outside the lounge door of the theater, there was a burst of extremely fast footsteps.

"Knock Knock-"

The footsteps stopped, and the man pushed open the door and walked in.

An old man with white beard and hair was sitting on the sofa, looking at something.


"Well... why are you here?" Taking off the eyes rimmed with gold wire, the old man turned his face slightly, with a hint of worry in his eyes: "Is it Xiaoxin'er..."

"Miss and Master Lin Xing are having a good time together. I'm here to report to you that we found this among the donations—"

The visitor respectfully handed over the donation card held in his hand.

The old man took it with his hand, put on his glasses again, and brought the card closer.

But when he saw that line of beautiful characters clearly, his hands trembled suddenly, and the look in his eyes - suddenly changed!


The evening breeze is gentle.

Bao Jinghan followed Lu Yan to the rest area of ​​the infield.

Smiling lightly, Bao Jinghan didn't answer her question.

Instead, he raised his glass to her, "I like your straightforwardness."

"But I don't like you, because Lin Xing thinks you are better than me!"

With her chin raised, the savage little girl quickly squinted at the man beside her.

Like a warning, like a demonstration.

"Xiao Xiner, don't mess around!"

Seeing Lu Yan's face, Lin Xing quickly grabbed his little companion and rubbed the top of her hair like he would a child.

Looking at Bao Jinghan in a blink of an eye, he smiled apologetically, and was about to speak, but was blocked by Lu Yan's voice.

"Come here, let me introduce you—Ji Yueze, a professional racing driver. Qiao Shukuang, the head of Qiao's Asia region..."

After simply saying hello to each other, Bao Jinghan can be considered as part of it.

But she soon felt that there was a subtle tension between these four men.

It seems to have nothing to do with it, but it seems to be closer than others.

While joking, Qiao Shukuang suddenly extended an invitation to her, staring at her with interest, as if... looking at another prey!

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