The little person in his arms fell limply.

Lu Yan was furious!

His eyes were instantly extremely cold, like falling into an ice cave——

If you dare to attack his woman, you will die!

Turning on the wireless communicator, a cold and solemn voice issued an order: "Zhanying, the hostages have been found, start c1 operation!"


The radio waves sent out regular sound waves, and after a few seconds, a response came from the earpiece.

"War Eagle Received, War Eagle Received!"

"Notify the second team and prepare a helicopter to respond. The sniper will take backup cover, and I will take the hostages out!"

"War Eagle received, prepare immediately!"

Turning off the communicator, Lu Yan looked at the unconscious little girl in his arms. He, who couldn't express his emotions or anger, finally turned gloomy, showing anxious and irritable anger.

He was furious at the thought of the little girl being imprisoned for six days by that bastard thing that got rid of the calf.

I wish I could chop that guy up alive!

But now there are enemies everywhere, he is fine alone, holding this unconscious "little oil bottle" is another matter.No matter what, he is also a man of flesh and blood, two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention that if he wants to hold this girl, he only has one hand free.

He can't act rashly without complete assurance.

Even if you are angry, you have to hold it in for a while, waiting for Qiao Shukuang and their backup...


After a while, the alarm bell on the yacht, like a sharp whistle, pierced through the silent sea night.

The noise, the gunshots, kept coming.

On the brightly lit cruise ship, the flashy luxury was replaced by colorful lights of war and blood, illuminating the dark sky outside.

The closed door slammed loudly.


The person called the housekeeper seemed to think for a moment, and then responded in a deep voice: "Well, please come out and take her up."

"Yes, butler!"

It seemed that the man called the butler left, and then, the outside was quiet for a few seconds, and the female voice just got it again.

But instead of being gentle and obedient just now, she was rather eccentric: "Hmph, counting the time, she should have fainted from shock, right? Let me see her ugly state of being fainted from shock, hahaha..."

"嗙 - 嗙 嗙 -"

The door was kicked by outsiders and trembled again and again.

Lu Yan's eyes froze, and he glanced at the switch by the wall. He suddenly stood up and turned off the light, and quickly moved to stand by the door.

Holding Xiao Nier in his arms with one hand, the other hand tightly grasped the miniature submachine gun equipped with a silencer.

The cold and gloomy eyes stared coldly at the heavy wooden door, silently like a lion crouching in the depths of the forest, waiting for its prey——


A loud bang.

One side of the thick European-style double doors was kicked down by someone outside.

The other door left swayed alone.

"Damn it, why is it so dark? That little bitch didn't turn on the light!"

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