A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 922 Embracing and Sleeping, Telling My Heart at Night [2]

"You said you were once suspected, did they suspect you?"

With lowered eyes, Lu Yan stared at the black hair of the little person in her arms, and gently brushed a strand of hair past her ear.

And at this time, the soft little guy in his arms nodded again.

Immediately, he suddenly raised his head, and in the dark night, with those sly fox eyes open, he stared fixedly at Lu Yan's chin.

Her pink lips parted slightly, and there was an imperceptible smile in her clear voice, slightly vicissitudes.

"Well, because my appearance was too coincidental and there was no one there, no one could prove my innocence. But no one could prove that Sheng Qing's death had something to do with me. So, I became a suspect. But this happened by coincidence. Before I could accept the investigation, some detectives found the surveillance video and found out that I was carried into the house. Is there any real evidence? In addition, from my blood report The ingredients found in the drug also proved my innocence. So I changed from a suspect to a victim!"

Recalling the events at that time, Bao Jinghan blinked his black and white eyes a few times, then closed them gently, and let out a low breath.

The hand holding onto Lu Yan's lapel still didn't let go, instead it tightened a bit: "Fortunately, Nuan Xia believes in me, and I'm not fighting alone. But Bo Junchen...my uncle is not so lucky, He was regarded by Nuan Xia as his mortal enemy. Because the case was pending, and the results of the autopsy and investigation had no clues, Nuan Xia was extremely upset and lost all day long. But her uncle had always liked her very much. After Sheng Qing passed away, he and Nuan Xia logically continued the previous marriage contract. Therefore, Nuan Xia believed that Sheng Qing's matter was planned by her uncle. And she has been so persistent in affirming this conclusion!"

"What about you? Do you think your uncle did it?"

Lu Yan asked lightly.

He didn't look at her, but at the top of her hair.

"I... I don't believe it! I haven't spent as long with my uncle as Nuan Xia has spent with him, and maybe I don't know him as well as she does. But I believe he won't do that. In my eyes, uncle's love for Nuan Xia Xia's feelings are real, and he really loves her. If he just wanted to get her and possess her, he could have used a more ingenious way before that to make Sheng Qing disappear without a trace. In addition , Sheng Qing is useful to the Bo family, so uncle has no reason to use such cruel means to kill Sheng Qing."

"The most important thing is that he won't do anything to you. Will he?"

Lu Yan's light question made Bao Jinghan suddenly hoarse.

There was a moist luster on the pink lips, and they were slightly parted, but there was no sound for a long time.

Bao Jinghan stared at him.

After a few seconds, he lowered his eyes without leaving a trace.

"Hmm" in a deep voice.

An ordinary person would not be able to hear any problems, but for Lu Yan who knows her well, she can clearly capture the lack of self-confidence in her short pause.

Is she also suspicious of Bo Junchen?

"The matter of Sheng Qing has become an unsolved case, but I think it won't be long before someone will come to investigate. Maybe... I will meet a very special old friend!"

Bao Jinghan gently moved his head.

The long hair stroked slightly in his arms, "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you about Young Master Mu when you recorded your statement. I..."

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