The call is still going on.

But there was no movement on the other end of the phone.

Bao Jinghan's heart seemed to be twisted by something, and it hurt slightly.

But when she thought of the man who looked exactly like her, stuck in her throat, she swallowed it.

In the end, it turned into an exhortation.

"Li Yi, be careful."

"Ok, I know."


The two cars, Fengchi Electronics, were chasing on the road.

Li Yi didn't hang up the phone.

Although he didn't have much doubt about this man who looked very similar to Bao Jinghan, he still had the minimum precautions.

When he first found out about this, he was also surprised. It was hard to believe that there were two people so similar in the world.

And they are not siblings!

But soon, he discovered a problem.

Although this man surprised Bo Jinghan and the others several times in a row, he had no hostility towards Bo Jinghan.Or in other words, his handwriting twice in a row, on the surface, seems to be planted, but after removing the thin layer of window paper-like surface illusion, he seems to be helping Jing Han.

Secretly, quietly going on!


what is the reason!

No one will help anyone for no reason.Even a saint would end up with a holy name.

But what about him?Why does this guy have a face so similar to Jing Han's, why does he secretly help her out, why does he stop her from investigating the pharmacist's death?Why……

Many unreasonable places linger in my heart.

In an instant, the hesitant thoughts turned into motivation.

He wants to know the truth!

With a sharp hit on the accelerator, Li Yi stabilized the steering wheel and carefully chased the car.

Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of the alley.

Li Yi saw the man get off the car and walked deep into the alley.

He didn't care that he didn't bring anyone with him, so he reported the address to Bao Jinghan, then plucked his ears, opened the door and got off the car.

He looked around without leaving a trace in his eyes.

After making sure that there was no one around, Li Yi quickly walked into the alley opposite.

That box is very deep and on the shady side.

Even though the sun is shining brightly and the sun is poisonous, the alley is still shady.

Stepping on the bluestone slab, at this moment Li Yi was not in the mood to appreciate the quaint scenery in the alley, he just walked forward and looked around to see where that person might have gone.

Go deeper and deeper.

There is no place to hide in the long alleys.

The scattered households on both sides had their doors and windows closed.

"Is this man a bastard?"

Muttering something in a low voice, Li felt his feet slipped and stepped on a piece of slippery moss.

Fortunately, he supported the damp wall by his side in time.

Looking up again, a figure just flashed in front of him.

His eyes suddenly lit up, Li Yi, who had gone so far without even seeing a ghost, managed to catch someone, how could he let him go?

Hurry up and catch up.

But when he chased to the corner, the man seemed to have spotted him, and ran forward without hesitation.

"Hey! You, stop for me!"

The young master of the Li family, who was used to yelling, yelled at the man's back.

The man's footsteps seemed to have paused, and he slowly turned his face towards him, looked at him, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

The same exquisite facial features and portrait-like eyebrows and eyes made Li Yi's eyes tremble slightly in shock, and he immediately stared at him with rounded eyes.

"you you……"

In shock, Li Yi didn't know what to say at this moment.

But the man suddenly raised his wrist and pointed at him...

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