
The neighing of the steed seemed to be mocking.

Shocked, Bao Jinghan suddenly came back to his senses.

Raising his elbow, he slammed into Chao Lu Yan's abdomen.


One might as well, Lu Yan didn't get out of the way, and got a solid elbow.

But in the next second, he grabbed the little thing in front of him, stretched out his hand and dragged it, and threw it on the horse's back for her.


Bao Jinghan panicked, she seemed to recall the feeling of falling from a horse four years ago.

While being shocked, I felt a warm current suddenly approaching from behind.

When she turned her head to look, Lu Yan's hands were passing her waist, holding the reins.

The two were close to each other, and his strong arms wrapped around her waist tightly, holding her in his arms, forming a protective state.

And this kind of closeness doesn't make people want to escape, on the contrary, it makes her feel inexplicably safe, making her want to rely on...

"I'll take you for two laps, let you feel the rhythm on horseback, and then teach you how to ride a horse yourself."

Without any extra explanation, Lu Yanyang whipped the horse, leaving no room for Bo Jinghan to object.

In an instant, the horse soared like flying, and galloped across the pasture like the wind.


Bao Jinghan, who was bouncing on the horseback, finally couldn't help crying out.

For a person who is psychologically terrified of horseback riding, this is more challenging than bungee jumping off a cliff.

But Lu Yan behind her didn't respond at all, even though her voice was almost hoarse, she didn't stop.

But in the rapid speeding, the man's extremely magnetic voice seemed to penetrate the wind in her ear and fall into her auricle.

One word at a time, sonorous and forceful: "Don't be afraid, I'm here...Jing Han, I'm here!"

I don't know whether it was getting used to it gradually, or Lu Yan's words had a soothing effect.

Bao Jinghan didn't shrink into his arms, but slowly stretched out her hand to grab the rein tightly held in his hand.

"Sit tight, there is one more lap!"

Raising his whip, Lu Yan felt the change of the little wild cat in his arms, and the thin lips evoked a touch of pure evil.

The hand holding the rein moved towards her hand the moment the whip fell.

Both hands held the reins together.

Gently overlap and hold each other tightly!

After half an hour—

Bo Jinghan, who was knocked upside down as if her internal organs had been turned upside down, let Lu Yan get off her horse.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

She panted heavily, suppressing the strong churning in her stomach.

Not long after, he leaned on the fence with weak legs and slowly squatted down.

"Are you okay! Jinghan, you..."

"You...you...you did it on purpose!"

She knew that Lu Yan was not that kind!

Use this method to fix her!

It's amazing!

Looking up suddenly, Bao Jinghan glared at Lu Yan viciously.

However, the water in the clear and provocative eyes turned the original strong accusation into mild coquettishness.

"Little wild cat, taming a horse is actually very easy. The more you are afraid of it, the more you dare not approach it, the more it will bully you. But if you master the skills, approach it, communicate with it, and know how to control it, let it Fear you, let it surrender to you, then you can really control it!"

The hazy moonlight blends into the eyes.

Bao Jinghan raised his head, looking at the man standing against the light in front of him.

The moment their eyes met, she seemed to be caught in his unfathomable eyes.

Concentrate on exploring.

Inadvertently, a quick, imperceptible burning flashed through his eyes.

Bao Jinghan narrowed his eyes, lowered his expression, and asked in a low voice, "Lu Yan, are you talking about horses, or yourself!"

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