Twelve o'clock sharp.

Lu Yan stepped on the brake and parked the car firmly at the gate of Bo's Manor.

Turning his face away, he looked at the passenger seat.

Leaning on the comfortable cushion, Bao Jinghan slept very peacefully, like a well-behaved domestic cat, which made people want to stroke it a few times.

Her sleeping posture is correct, and it can even be called quiet and elegant.

The curly eyelash feathers are extremely clear under the street lamp, like the light wings of a butterfly, trembling slightly with breathing.

The slightly pursed thin lips are charming and charming.

But the brows were slightly frowned, as if they had encountered something bothering, full of vigilance!

Lu Yan reached out and gently stroked her forehead.

The action was unexpectedly gentle, even he himself didn't notice that kind of strange affection.

one more time.

Want to soothe her troubles.


Half awake, Bao Jinghan opened his eyes and blinked.

The moment his eyes focused, what fell into his eyes was that flawless handsome face.


Suddenly, she remembered her impulsive back pressure in the locker room!

Fortunately, she was just showing off her power in a small revenge, and didn't really create any sparks.

Otherwise, if the two of them really misfired, Mr. Bo, who is far away on the other side of the ocean, should be very happy!

" Why didn't you call me!"

Bao Jinghan, who looked embarrassed but still pretended to be calm, hurriedly sat up.

With a slight movement, the clothes that were originally covering her body slipped off immediately.

Bao Jinghan subconsciously reached out and grabbed it.

It's Lu Yan's jacket.

"Seeing that you are sleeping soundly, I am not in a hurry to call you."

Compared with Bao Jinghan's guilty conscience, Lu Yan was calm and indifferent.

He took the clothes calmly, raised his wrist and looked at the time: "I promised to bring you back at twelve o'clock, and I will keep my promise. Now, I just need to send you there..."

Before he finished speaking, he was about to open the door, but was stopped by Bao Jinghan's voice.


With a coquettish sound, Bao Jinghan took a deep breath without leaving a trace, and when he turned his head, he said in a low voice, "Today... thank you."

Thank him for taking her out of the party.

Thank him for riding and playing with her.

Aside from the small episode that happened at the racecourse, generally speaking, he has done more than he has done!

So, this thank you is what she should say.

"It's not easy, the little wild cat will also thank you?"

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes and stared at her.

The fingers with strong knuckles brushed across the red mark on the neck.

Immediately, he reached out to her: "Do you want to make peace with me?! Even if, today's affairs are evened out!"

"Okay, it's even, and no one is allowed to mention it in the future!"

After weighing it over and over in his heart, Bao Jinghan reached out and shook his hand.

While letting go, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Get out of the car, I'll take you back, and explain to the monarch and ministers along the way..."

"No need! It's very late, you'd better go back to rest early! As for uncle, I can explain."

Before Lu Yan could finish speaking, Bao Jinghan turned around, opened the car door, and got out of the car as if fleeing.

Lu Yan opened the car door and followed.

"Jing Han!"

"It's really not necessary, it's too late. And..." Her voice paused slightly, Bao Jinghan didn't notice that Lu Yan had changed her address, she was just struggling with the mark on Lu Yan's neck.

His eyes fell on the collar of his shirt.

Bao Jinghan gritted his teeth, his heart skipped a beat.

Putting on her usual queenly posture again, she arrogantly threatened: "You are not allowed to say a word about today's affairs, God knows you and I know you! If... If someone asks you where you got this tooth mark, Just say-"

"It was the little wild cat Bao Jinghan who bit him!"

The deep voice cut through the silent night sky, and it has a deep meaning...

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