A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 997 Get off your horse and fight against the scum! 【8】

But disgusting is disgusting.

The big plan he discussed with his little fox can't be changed!

Thinking about the future ending of the person in front of him, Mr. Bo suppressed the roiling hatred in his heart again, took out his transcendent acting skills that he had practiced in the business field, comparable to an Oscar-winning actor, and continued to fight with the scum in front of him——

"You're right. Of course it's good to get back together. But my little girl has a big temper. Even I can't control her. Naturally, I can't help you with what to say. I can only rely on your one." 'Sincerely', to repair the relationship between your father and daughter. But for me, I have to put the ugliness first! I really dote on my granddaughter. If you let me know next time, who is not good at it? Harassing her cleanliness, bullying her, hum..."

The old fox narrowed his eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled into a meaningful smile.

And his thick and vicissitudes of voice, even more skillful here.

The threat behind is self-evident!

"Naturally, naturally! Dad, don't worry, I can assure you that I will definitely love Hanhan more in the future! Just like... guarding her like guarding Qingqing."

A stalk in the throat.

Ye Tengda is also considered a shrewd person, so he can naturally hear the protection and love that Mr. Bo has for Bo Jinghan, both inside and out.

Although this was completely contrary to his previous conjecture, at this moment he had to express his position immediately.

Therefore, he wisely mentioned Bo Qingqing at this time, and with a bit of sadness in his eyes, he raised his eyes to look at the old man in front of him.

In Bo Lao's eyes, he saw deep sorrow, and he had discovered that under that sorrowful expression, there was endless deep hatred and cold contempt hidden.

——This man, how did Qingqing fall in love with him?Could it be that that silly girl has been cheated all her life under his sweet words!

The hand resting leisurely by his side suddenly clenched into a fist.

The veins popped up immediately after.

But Mr. Bo, who had experienced the wind and rain, quickly controlled his emotions and let go of his hand.

Without changing his face, he let Ye Tengda scrutinize him, met his gaze, and looked through him in a daze, looking at the past time...

"Qingqing...that child Qingqing...is not as blessed as a girl!"

Ye Tengda's heart skipped a beat.

For a moment, he was a little confused.

I don't know what old Bo meant by this, and how he should proceed.

But his brain reaction speed is fast enough, he took a breath, and simply didn't think about anything, and calmly followed the old man's sigh to continue the conversation.

"Don't worry, although Qingqing is gone, you still have me and Hanhan. I will guard you and Hanhan well. I will let Hanhan have a happy future! It's just..."

He hesitated and stopped.

Ye Tengda raised his eyes and gave Bo Lao a suspicious look.

"Just what?"

"It's just... I'm thinking, should I announce Hanhan's identity? The rumors outside are really ugly. Even though Mr. Bo and your Bo family are not related by blood, he is also Hanhan's uncle by name or above. But the overwhelming scandals outside always bring the two of them together, which will inevitably...will have an impact on Hanhan's reputation. Dad, what do you think?"

Superficially caring, secretly probing.

Try to find out why Mr. Bo didn't disclose Bo Jinghan's identity.

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to wink at Jia He who was sitting next to him, then turned his eyes to Qiao Lao who was sitting on the other single sofa...

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