Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

2. Burning Lights First Nightmare 2

How could she have forgotten?Her name is Zhang Qingnuo, and she is the Zhang Qingnuo of the 13th century!I still remember that she joined the dance troupe just after graduating from the Academy of Classical Dance [-] years ago. The weather was not very good that day, but the troupe needed to go to the mountains for a performance.There was a downpour of rain on the road, and the car broke down. She got out of the car and planned to find a place to solve her personal problems, but unexpectedly, she remembered the phone at this time.

Open the old-fashioned mobile phone with a flip cover, and see the name that I have been thinking about flashing on the screen.She is an orphan, and she was sent to a dance academy to study since she was a child. She knows nothing but dancing.But even so, she still felt very happy, because Luo Chen was always by her side.

Dark clouds were densely covered, electricity was woven wildly, and a huge lightning flashed across the gloomy sky towards the ground.She just felt that she didn't know anything when her eyes lit up, and when she woke up, her whole body ached.It was only when she was fully awake that she realized that she had traveled through time and came to this place she didn't know where it was, and the ancient times when she didn't know when it was.But I heard my father said that this is the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, how many years has it been since the time I lived in?


The whisper in her ear called her thoughts, and she turned her head to look at those light brown pupils like jewels.What is reflected in the clear eyes is that beautiful face, as delicate as the fine work carved out by the god of creation for many years.She knows she is beautiful, but she is very clear that she is Han.

In this world, in the eyes of their Mongols, the Han people are as humble as livestock.Therefore, Khan easily betrothed her to a Han groom, intending to humiliate her and let her understand how humble she was.But she also understands that even if she is betrothed to a groom, her first night still belongs to the Mongols.

According to the rules of the Mongols, the first night of the marriage of the Han people should be enjoyed by the Mongolian lord.At this time, the man on her body is the owner of the groom she is going to marry, and she should be regarded as his prisoner.The heart gradually began to be sore, and the tears stayed unknowingly.

"Amur, don't cry."

The delicate kiss gently drank the tears from the corners of her eyes, and the warm hands couldn't wait to untie her dress.The white shoulders are exposed, and the beautiful collarbone is like a butterfly about to spread its wings carved from a piece of simple suet white jade.

"Amur, don't be afraid, I will take it easy."

She put away her tears and smiled as happily as possible, "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid." She slowly put her arms around his neck, if she was asked to accept the groom, she would rather dedicate herself to him, and she would not hate it man.

Brother Hu's body trembled slightly, and the kiss was even more delicately imprinted on that beautiful and flawless skin.Panting gradually became heavy, and fingers stroked the red hot skin along the open skirt.Smooth as silk, delicate as jade, warm as water...


A low moan broke the heavy breath, and those beautiful hands like jade carvings gently removed his clothes.There were scars on the bare chest, and the soft fingers brushed gently, criss-crossing one after another. "Does it hurt?" Amur's voice was a little hoarse, echoing in his ears like Chuchen's first bird cry.

He grabbed her hand, put it on his lips and kissed it lightly, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all." He put her hand on his shoulder, "Amur, give it to me, okay? I , I want, I want what you think is going crazy."

"Hmm..." With a faint voice, she nodded lightly, her cheeks were as red as if she had been dyed with the best rouge.As she had just thought, she would, although it might only be tonight.

Hello everyone, this article is a bit slow, and there are more memories in the front, but the latter is absolutely exciting.This is a time travel article, which contains many stories recorded in our history.

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