Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 502 Sisterhood Breaks Up the Battle 32

The ugly woman's heart was turbulent, this was great news, but, how could this news be told to Tuoba Mingyan?The treasure of their Xixia was actually in the hands of this woman, and the treasure that they had been searching for for many years without any results appeared.

Originally, she never thought that the Xixia Zhibao was put in a ring, but she only knew a thing or two because she was the maid of Tuoba Mingyan's mother.

Tuoba Mingyan's mother was born to the high priest, but her mother has an older sister.So the high priesthood passed to her sister, and the ring was given to her sister.

Later, she accidentally heard the two talking about an old story, so she knew that what the Mongolians were looking for when they were so cruel to Xixia was this ring. Now it seems that no one knows this secret, otherwise this ring would not have appeared it's here.

A servant stepped forward and lifted the ugly woman up, the knife in his hand was still on the ugly woman's neck.

Originally, the ugly woman thought about committing suicide, but now she felt that she could not die.She has to live, and only if she is alive can she tell the secret to Tuoba Mingyan.

All these changes were too fast, Qianhe was already frightened into a cold sweat, she stood motionless in the muddy water, as if her whole body was frozen.That kind of cold, that feeling she didn't want to experience again.

Hu Gechi helped A Nuo come over, Qian He relaxed a little.She hurried forward, with tears streaming down her eyes, "Arnuo, how could you do this, it's too risky."

A Nuo smiled at her, "It's okay, it's okay."

The real gold hands were tightly clenched together, and only now did they loosen a little. "Ha Sen has already gone after him, we will go back to Dadu immediately."

A Nuo looked at him and said slowly, "I want to chase."

"Then what about your hands?" Zhen Jin's words were very light, but there was concern in his eyes.

A Nuo turned his hands behind his back, "I'm fine, it just hurts a little."

There was a hint of pain in the real golden eyes, Anuo's lips were already blue, his head was covered with sweat, his face was pale and his whole body would tremble slightly.Not everyone can bear the pain of severed fingers, but she has been holding back without moaning.At this time, she still wanted to chase the enemy and retrieve the child's body.

"I'm really fine." A Nuo said it again, she didn't want to go back to Dadu, and she knew that this time was the best time.If this opportunity was missed, their enemies might flee quickly, and she might never see the child's body again.

Zhen Jin knew that she would stubbornly insist on what she believed, so he only agreed to let her continue to follow.However, when he met Hu Gechi's eyes, he sighed slowly in his heart, "No, go back to Dadu now."

"Zhen Jin, you know this is a very important time, I don't want to wait anxiously for news. Let me go, please." A tear fell from the corner of A Nuo's eyes, she really didn't want to miss it.

"Amur, you go back first, I'll go after you." Brother Hu said in a slow voice, and put his arms around A Nuo's shoulders tightly.

"No, I must follow." A Nuo refused again, she knew that Hugechi and Zhenjin would do their best, but she still wanted to go in person.In addition to looking for the child's body, she also wanted to see Miss Lu again, and she had a lot to ask her.In her heart, she was so overwhelmed that she couldn't breathe, she just wanted to ask her personally.

"It's better to treat it here!"

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