Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 507 Gratitude and Resentment in Stone Town 2

Many times people always think about many, many scenes, just like Arnold did before meeting Tuoba Mingyan.But no matter how you imagined it, no matter how you predicted how you would feel in your heart at that time, no matter how painful it was when you conceived it, it was even more painful when you actually saw it.

The scene is exactly the same, the face is exactly the same, everything is the same as Arnold thought, but the only difference is that the green dress that was worn has now become a purple dress.Noble temperament, cold and indifferent eyes, these are enough to make her heart ache again and again.

When will they come to this point?

Arnold laughed. I'm afraid they were destined to take this step when they met!

Tuoba Mingyan didn't speak, she stared very carefully at any expression and every movement of A Nuo, including A Nuo's eyes.

She is regretting knowing herself!Hate yourself!

Tuoba Mingyan sighed deeply from the bottom of her heart. When she first met Anuo, she did get close with a purpose, but later she felt that the two of them were real friends.If she had always been Mu Yanrong, she would not have betrayed her, not in her entire life.Unfortunately, she is not.

She is Tuoba Mingyan, and the moment she met A Nuo was doomed.Whether it is Arnold's death or her death, maybe both of them will die, but that period of her most precious friendship will definitely cease to exist.

She felt sorry, really sorry.

A Nuo didn't speak first, she just looked at Tuoba Mingyan quietly, she was waiting, waiting for her to speak.

Tuoba Mingyan looked at A Nuo, she really wanted to smile at her again, but when she saw that naked and angry eyes, she couldn't laugh anymore.

If there is a cause, there must be an effect, and the cause of her own will naturally have its own consequences.

"Arnold, long time no see."

"I'm here to kill you for revenge."

Tuoba Mingyan's eyes drooped for a moment, and the corners of her mouth curled up into a wry smile, "Really? Then come on!"

A Nuo looked at her, and she didn't feel happy when she heard these words.When they met for the first time, she had doubts, but she just thought that she might have approached with a purpose, and it was nothing more than sent by real gold or a real spy by Kuo Kuo.However, she had no idea that she had a bigger purpose.

"Before taking revenge, I want to know who you are?" A Nuo asked slowly, this question lingered in her heart for a long time, she wanted to know who the green girl was.She wanted to know, wanted to know who it was that she considered a friend.No matter whether she has ulterior motives or hidden evil intentions, she still wants to know her true identity and hear her say it out.

"You have already guessed it, haven't you?" Tuoba Mingyan's tone was very soft, and his voice dispersed with the wind.She had already doubted her identity, and she knew this clearly.A Nuo is a smart woman, she knows how to judge, but at the beginning she was still growing, and the real gold protected her very well.She was rarely able to show her feet, and she was found suspicious just once.As for her identity, she didn't believe that Arnold couldn't guess it.

A Nuo thought about her identity, but she still wanted to hear it from her, "I want to hear it from you."

The two sides seem to have a tacit understanding of silence, giving all the time to the two of them, whether these two friends are sincere or completely false.

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