Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 511 Gratitude and Resentment in Stone Town 6

The ugly woman is a woman, and Hasen is a Mongolian man, so there is a big difference in height between the two.The top of the ugly woman's head was roughly at Hasen's chest, and the dagger directly stabbed at Hasen's right eye viciously.

Obviously, the man in black is a more insidious person. He seems to attack the ugly woman with every move, but in fact he is actually hiding his murderous intentions at Hasen.He ignored Wu Enqi and attacked Hasen as quickly as possible.As long as Hasen defends, he can take the ugly woman back.

As for Hasen, although he tried his best to protect the woman, and the scimitar was not completely placed at the woman's throat, his moves were very fast, and if there was a slight mistake, he could return the knife and kill the woman.So in every move, he will use the move closest to the woman, and he will definitely keep the knife close to the ugly woman.

The man in black's dagger was very fast, and it was about to pierce Hasen's eyes. At this moment, Hasen had to draw back the scimitar to give up holding the ugly woman and fight back.

However, it is precisely this seemingly quick action that has revealed its flaws.

The corners of the black-clothed man's eyes slightly turned up as if he was smiling, but the black cloth covered more than half of his face and his expression could not be seen.But the movement of his hand was extremely fast. He stretched out his hand and gently pulled the ugly woman away from Hasen's embrace. The other hand holding the dagger turned at the same time at that moment, and the dagger turned attack into defense.

Ha Sen saw where he was willing to let go and let the man in black take the ugly woman away, and slashed with all his strength regardless of the injuries on his body.

Naturally, the man in black had guessed what he was thinking, and once again pulled the ugly woman and quickly kicked her.That kick was so heavy that Hasen was kicked several meters away.The man in black snorted coldly, and pulled the ugly woman back into their crowd.

Wu Enqi had already rushed over at this time, but his kung fu could not stop the man in black from moving.

All this happened too fast, and everyone looked nervously at the four people in the center.There is always a thin line between life and death, and duels are often the most difficult to control this line.

The man in black made repeated moves, and Wu Enqi was already forced to take several steps back.

How could the other attendants around them continue to stand at this time, but Hu Gechi flew over directly.

"You go back first." Hu Gechi yelled softly, and his figure quickly caught up with the man in black.He couldn't spare any of them, especially this ugly woman.He could clearly see the vicious intentions of this woman, and if he didn't kill her, he would definitely cause trouble in the future.

Seeing him catching up, the man in black immediately threw the ugly woman out. His kung fu is not weak, but he doesn't know if he can survive against Hu Gechi.As far as he knew, Hu Gechi was the number one expert in the Yuan Dynasty, extremely talented and bloodthirsty, he would definitely kill someone when he used a knife.Facing such an opponent, he has to use all his strength and cannot be half-hearted. That life is on the tip of the knife.

Hu Gechi originally planned to pursue the ugly woman directly, but at this time the ugly woman was thrown into the crowd by the man in black, but he still couldn't swallow his breath.The left hand twitched the long whip, and swung it vigorously towards the falling figure.

There was a crisp "pop", the ugly woman howled in pain, her body was pulled further away, and a man in black immediately jumped up from the crowd to catch her.

Looking at the ugly woman's face again, a deep welt was bleeding on that terrifying face, from the corner of the left eyebrow to the right cheek was terrifying.

A Nuo gritted his teeth, feeling really relieved in his heart.

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