Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 520 Gratitude and Resentment in Stone Town 15

Namuhan stretched out his hand, and the messenger hurriedly stood up and handed the letter to him respectfully.

"My lord, here is another letter written by Khan." As he said that, the messenger immediately took out another letter from his pocket, "Khan said, I have wronged my lord."

A trace of doubt flashed across Muhan's face, and after a flash, he returned to the original Xiao Su.He took the letter and opened the first Shangdu secret order first.The letter was about his immediate departure to Shangdu Kaiping, which stated that he led an army of 2 people into the grassland to suppress the rebellion in Haidu.

He already knew these things, and although he hadn't cleared them all up, he wasn't surprised.So, he opened the second letter, which was written by Khan himself, and he was very familiar with the handwriting.

Na Muhan's eyebrows trembled slightly, and the letter paper in his hand also trembled slightly.He slowly closed his eyes, then opened and folded the letter paper, and looked at Chagan, his follower.

Cha Gan had followed Na Muhan for many years and understood the meaning in Na Muhan's eyes, so he took out a torch and handed it over.

Namuhan quietly put the letter written by Khan on the small flame, the blue-yellow flame ignited a corner of the letter, and the dark brown gradually spread.Looking at the burning fire, Namuhan lightly loosened his fingers, and the Khan's letter had been completely burned.

Chagan retracted the fire folder and pulled the rein again.

Namuhan looked at the messenger, "You can tell Father Khan that Namuhan will live up to expectations."

The messenger moved out of the way and stood aside.

Namuhan raised his hand and looked straight ahead, this time he was fighting alone. "Set off……"

The angry horse is like a dragon, and the red dust is billowing behind him.Dozens of riders rushed out of the city gate, and on the other side was Zhenjin and his party who happened to come back.

Na Muhan glanced at Zhen Jin who was riding a horse in front, and then looked at the fast-moving carriage.

He had already guessed who was in the car, and he knew she would be fine.Although he was in a hurry to hurry, he saw the calmness on Zhenjin's face.

Namuhan closed his eyes slowly, and when he opened them again, everything was calm.Today he left without knowing when he would return, and his life was not entirely in his hands.However, before leaving, it was good for him to meet her in front of the city gate.He is a person who knows how to control his emotions, and he understands that it is better not to show many things.

He has a princess, and she is already married.From childhood to now, she has never set her eyes on him.The only time was with a prayer. When he first entered Yanjing, when he saw the red mark on her face, she begged him to let her go.

Na Muhan smiled, he understands a lot, she doesn't understand.Therefore, he can let go, hide, and pretend that there is nothing.Even, he never cared about her.

Na Muhan tightly grasped the rein with his hand, he lifted it up and down, and the horse under him neighed.The horse's hoof stomped heavily on the ground and turned into a mass of red shadows that flew into the distance.

A Nuo in the car just happened to see the scene of the dashing figure running away, and she was just seeing who it was. "What did Muhan go to do? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Qianhe was also looking out of the window, and shook her head when she heard her question, "I don't know, I'm afraid it's something urgent!"

A Nuo withdrew his gaze, "Usually he is in Dadu, and he should be back soon this time." Her voice was soft, but she didn't know that this parting was three years, and during these three years there was another story.

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