Hu Gechi followed the servant into the palace with a special mood, while A Nuo packed his luggage with Yu'er.Although she didn't understand why Hu Gechi took her out this time, she felt in her heart that things were by no means that simple.However, if Hu Gechi didn't tell her, she wouldn't ask.

In many cases, there is an inexplicable trust between two people. Under this trust, no matter what the other party does, they will fully support and never refute.

After packing up his luggage, Arnold played with Lele for a while.Lele is less than one year old and has already started to crawl on the bed, but it seems that it will take some time to walk.A Nuo thought to himself, Lele will leave when she comes back!

In the imperial palace of the capital, in the imperial study room.

Khan sat behind the long table, looking at his son standing in front of his table.The voice was slow and contemptuous, "You really don't want to?"

Hu Gechi's face was heavy, his eyes were fixed on Khan Kublai Khan, "Father Khan, I absolutely don't want to."

Khan Kublai Khan's gaze dropped slightly, and he raised it slowly after a long time. His voice seemed to be sighing, sighing that his most beloved son could not follow the path he pointed, "In that case, go to Boyan Let the real gold go to Ali Hague."

"Father Khan, you know that real gold is also..." Khan's gaze forced Hu Gechi's words back into his stomach, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, and his knuckles were bluish white due to the force.

Khan stood up suddenly, "I know, but he has to do it." No matter what he said or his tone, there was an irresistible majesty, and his eyes were so sharp that they seemed to be able to see through people instantly.

Hu Gechi looked at the man in front of him, this man was the most powerful man in the whole country, and he stood at the highest point.He has the power of life and death for everyone, and he is a man who can destroy a country with a single sentence.

On weekdays, he is also his father, and he has doted on his father since he was a child.At this time, Hu Gechi suddenly felt that he was very lucky, his father never forced him to do things he didn't want to do.However, Zhen Jin, who is also his son, seems to be much more miserable than him.Both are sons, but they take different paths.

It's not that his father doesn't love Zhenjin, it's just that the burden on Zhenjin's shoulders is heavier.

Hu Gechi didn't know what to say, he took a deep breath and let it out faintly, he seemed to see the future in this long sigh.At that time, what should he do?What should he do?Although he was still the most beneficial in the end, he didn't know how to proceed.

Seeing him like this, Khan softened his eyes, "Just pretend you don't know anything, and take Amur to the Boyan barracks."

Hu Gechi replied with some seriousness, "I know what to do."

Khan looked at Hu Gechi, this son was his favorite son, but it happened that the one he loved was Han.Now that the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty has been gradually invaded by the Yuan Dynasty, it is only a matter of time before the country is destroyed.Although Arnold never stopped at this time, he could even help the Yuan army attack the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty. What about after that?Will she always be here?If one day she doesn't want to, what will they do if she acts secretly?

In this world, the most difficult thing to defend is the person next to your pillow and the relatives around you.

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