Ulan showed a cute smile towards A Nuo, her eyes were full of arrogance.

A Nuo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned around and said, "Hugechi, Ulan is not young anymore, should he find a husband's family? Look at Uzhina, they are all children Eji now."

Ulan's face turned red immediately, and she hurriedly turned around and left, "I'm going to prepare some food for the princess, and the prince just happens to be able to eat some."

Hu Gechi watched Ulan leave, and looked sideways at Wu Enqi who was not far away.His eyes fell on the empty sleeve, he also wanted it, but he didn't have the confidence to fight for it now.

A Nuo followed Hu Gechi's gaze, with deep guilt in his eyes, "If it weren't for me, Wu En, I wouldn't have..."

"That's what he should do." Hu Gechi interrupted her, "I believe that if he was asked to choose again, Wu Enqi would still extend his arm without hesitation."

"Actually, what women want is not necessarily what he thinks. What women want is to be with the person they like. No matter what the other person looks like, they are the best in their hearts." A Nuo said seriously, "I believe , Ulan still likes Wuenqi, in Ulan's heart no matter what kind of Wuenqi is her favorite man, the man she wants to marry."

Hu Gechi stretched out his hand and took Anuo into his arms, "You may be able to see many things, and I may be able to see them too, but it is difficult for Wu Enqi to understand them, and Ulan is even more of a fan of the authorities."

A Nuo raised his head and looked at Hu Gechi's beautiful facial features, "Then should we help them?"

Hu Gechi smiled and shook his head, "We can't help, we can only let them go by themselves." Speaking of this, his hazel eyes seemed to have a beautiful golden light flowing, "You said that the man women like You will feel perfect, as long as you are with the other party, you will not mind what the other party looks like, so, do you like me?"

A Nuo was taken aback for a moment, a layer of rosiness appeared on his face, does she like Hu Gechi?She was moved by Hugechi and hurt by Hugechi, but she knew that it was not just liking. Her feelings for him should be love, and now they should be inseparable from each other's family affection. I don't want to be separated from each other, because without one, there will be no completeness.

She stared fixedly at the pair of light brown eyes with expectation, watching the pupils in those eyes dilate a little bit and then shrink a little bit, "Can I not answer this question?"

Brother Hu's mouth twitched into a smile, and he looked into the distance, but at this moment, a kind of helpless sadness flowed through his heart.There is still real gold in her heart, so she can't tell herself what she likes without hesitation.As she said, the man she likes, no matter what kind of man she likes, is the best.

After adjusting his emotions slightly, Hugechi continued, "Of course." He embraced Anuo in his arms, closed his eyes to feel her warmth, listened quietly to her breathing, smelled her breath, Unique taste, "Although you don't want to tell me, but I want to tell you that the only woman I like in this life is you."

He knew that a long time ago, didn't he?He made up his mind a long time ago that no matter who A Nuo has in mind, as long as A Nuo is willing to follow him, he will spend his whole life protecting her.

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