Hu Gechi watched Anuo standing there without saying a word, and then he disappeared again after showing worry on his face.This time he wants to tell her, let her understand what is called a real war.

Hu Gechi clenched his hands tightly into fists, and slowly stretched them out again, leaving a few shallow nail marks on his palms.He didn't want to make her feel sad, and he didn't want to see her showing that strange look to him.At that moment just now, he was even a little shaken, wanting to continue to protect her intact.

But, he knew, it couldn't, it couldn't.

Now, he just let her have a mental preparation, let her understand what is cruel, what is cruel, what is real war.

A Nuo is a Han Chinese, a native of the Southern Song Dynasty.

No matter whether she loves the Southern Song Dynasty or not, no matter whether she has lived beside them Mongolians since she was a child, and no matter whether she still reaches out to help them attack, or she has another name called "Amur".However, none of these can erase the blood flowing on her body, which is the blood of the Han people in the Southern Song Dynasty, the same crimson color but different.

Hu Gechi took a deep breath, he has already made up his mind, hasn't he?He can protect her comprehensively, but he can't protect her heart, so he can only help her harden her heart.Only she herself can protect her heart from being hurt, others can't do it at all.

There is no airtight stronghold in this world, no paper that can wrap fire, and nothing can be completely sealed.

The cold wind lifted A Nuo's temple hair, and the black hair was like a wisp of light ink scattered on the paper.

A Nuo felt that his heart was slowly calming down, she could clearly see the coldness in Hu Gechi's eyes, but she could also understand his little movements and the unconcealable distress in his eyes.

If she still can't discern his intention at this moment, then she is really hopelessly stupid.

She still clearly remembered what Kugechi said to her in the military camp, her father would not surrender, and Khan would not let Diaoyushan go.Just like Changzhou now, Boyan is bound to win.

This is the contention, and it is also the cruelest war.

It is not only the soldiers who died in the war between the two countries, but also ordinary people, whether men or women, old people and children, who were crushed into mud after the iron hooves of war stepped on.

And what she saw at this time, maybe it was just the tip of the iceberg, the tip of the iceberg that Hu Gechi allowed her to see.

Hu Gechi fought since he was a child, and he has seen more than her.Because of this, he knows what reality is.

The reality is that the Southern Song Dynasty will be ruined, the Southern Song Dynasty will be crushed under the iron hooves of the Yuan army, the people of the Southern Song Dynasty will die a lot, and the Southern Song Dynasty will completely disappear from this land.

A person's ambition, a person's ambition will pay a lot of price for it, and Khan Kublai Khan's dream of unifying the world is the most beautiful in his own eyes, but the other side of the beauty is the most beautiful. Brutal and darkest.

Once the success is complete, all bones are dead, so the price paid for an emperor's eternal dream is more than [-] skeletons.

Hu Gechi carefully protected her for a long time, so long that she didn't know that there were still wars raging outside the Taohuayuan.

After a long time, the gust of wind had passed, and Anuo's mind was cleared up a lot. She looked at Hu Gechi and said calmly, "What is your purpose?"

Hu Gechi looked at her for a long time, but he had to tell her the reality, "Massacre."

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