A Nuo ran over and squatted down, "Don't cry, a man can't cry."

The boy looked at her, held back his tears, and wiped the corners of his eyes vigorously. "I do not cry."

The corner of A Nuo's mouth raised slightly, "Then do you dare to come with me to save your parents?"

The boy bit his lip, leaving a white mark on the red lip, "I dare, if I can't save my parents in time, then I will die with them too." The thin body stood upright in the cold wind, His face was covered with dirt, but his eyes were dazzlingly bright.

A Nuo looked sideways and looked at Hugechi, "Where were they taken?"

"A flat area at the north gate outside the city." Hu Gechi replied, but his eyes kept on A Nuo's face, "Are you really going?"

A Nuo didn't open his mouth to tell him the answer. He just stood up and handed his hand to the child. The boy wiped his hand on the dirty clothes and carefully held one of A Nuo's fingers.

Hu Gechi looked at the backs of the two people heading out of the city, raised his eyebrows slightly.Although he didn't say anything, all the attendants followed him consciously.

Wu Enqi picked up the little girl, but the little girl didn't dare to make a sound, she looked at him with big black and white eyes, maybe she felt that the uncle had no malice, and he wrapped his arms around his neck obediently.She lay on his shoulder and slowly closed her eyes.It's been too long since I had a good sleep, and I fell asleep without even drying the tears.

An attendant was about to take the child from Wu Enqi's arms, but Wu Enqi said lightly, "No, she's not heavy." He held the child firmly with his left hand all the time, but his brows and eyes seemed to soften many.He likes children. Although he hasn't hugged children very often, he is very clear about his liking in his heart.

It's just that I don't know if I can have a child of my own in this life.

Everyone followed suit, walking directly from the main street to the city gate, and then directly out of the city from the city gate towards a flat open land not far away.

Although the child is young, he is very smart. He has been to the open land north of the city, so he can help Arnold lead the way.

The two of them seemed to be walking easily but not slowly, and after a while, they could already see the open place from a distance.

This piece of land is huge, but at this time it has been completely surrounded by Mongolian soldiers.

Arnold watched, and asked the child beside him in a low voice, "Are you afraid?"

The boy raised his head, "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of death."

A Nuo smiled, she is not a procrastination person, she just thinks that a child needs to be tempered in order to grow up.At first she felt pity for the child and wanted to help him only after seeing him pitiful.However, after the conversation between the two and the silence along the way, she seemed to understand that she could help him once, but he was still young and still had a long, long way to go.

Suddenly, she remembered what Hugechi had done to her. At first, she was so well protected that it was difficult for her to survive in this era without Hugechi and Zhenjin.Later, when she was struggling to get to the present step by step alone, she suddenly discovered that it might be better to understand some things since she was a child.

And now, she can understand, but without any preparation in her heart, the sudden indoctrination is a bit unacceptable, which is why it took her a long time to understand Hu Gechi's intention just now.

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