At this time, it has been a long time since the city was broken, and the soldiers who rushed to break the city with the order to massacre the city had already killed and tortured the city of Changzhou.If it wasn't for driving the group of prisoners to clean up a little before leaving, the corpses might be everywhere.

Boyan made up his mind that he should agree with A Nuo's statement and let go of the remaining people, and at the same time spread the news that Changzhou was massacred.According to their Mongolian custom, all men are killed, and women and children are kept as slaves.After killing a few waves at this time, the number of captured men has decreased a lot.

Originally, he thought about leaving some people behind to pass on the news, but now it doesn't make any difference if there are more or less people left.Forget it, don't open your mouth for now, and see what the prince means before making the final decision.

At this moment, two people came up from the slope, they were Wu Enqi and Hu Gechi who were holding the child.

Wu Enqi was considered tall in the first place, and because he had practiced martial arts all year round, his body was very strong, even though he had a broken arm, he was still mighty.At this moment, Boyan's eyes flashed with tenderness in his eyes and face while holding a sleeping girl lying on his shoulder.

Looking at Hu Gechi again, he is still wearing the red robe, and his light brown eyes seem to be able to freeze everything he sees into ice.He didn't speak, he didn't seem to even look at everyone, he just looked at somewhere casually like indifference.However, it wasn't always like this. As soon as he walked two steps away, he immediately changed to another look, looking at A Nuo's back tenderly and dotingly.

Boyan immediately understood what Hu Gechi meant. Although he obviously wanted to achieve another goal, although he had not achieved all of it, it had already achieved results.

"Princess, since you are here to help this child find parents, why don't you go to the side and rest for a while, and I'll ask someone to find them for you."

A Nuo nodded, "Then there is Lord Lao Boyan." She was a little strange, Boyan was still doing Tai Chi just now, why did he suddenly change his mind now?

At this moment, everyone around knelt down, "My lord."

Hearing the word "Prince", Anuo instantly understood. She turned around and looked at Hu Gechi standing not far behind her.The corner of his mouth twitched into a smile, "Hu Ge Chi."

Hu Gechi came over, looked at A Nuo with a slight smile, stretched out his hands fondly and stroked A Nuo's hair.

This action is very intimate, in the eyes of the onlooker Boyan, it means that Hu Gechi loves the woman in front of him very much.His daughter Narentoya had liked Hugechi for many years, but in the end Khan had ordered a marriage and still did not marry him.

Boyan knew that Hugechi was the most distinctive of all the princes.Khan is an emperor, and he will never spoil a prince excessively, but in front of Hugechi, he seems to be a father, a father who wants his son to be happy, and he can repeatedly exceed the bottom line for anything for his son.In the end, there is only compromise.

Hu Gechi smiled, "Let's go over there to rest, and just hand over the child to Lord Boyan."

A Nuo looked at Hu Gechi, then at Boyan, "Will Master Boyan take care of the child?"

Hu Gechi shook his head, "Master Boyan doesn't know how to take care of children, but he can help children find their parents."

Boyan hurriedly stretched out his hand, wanting to take the little boy from A Nuo's hands, but at this moment the little boy suddenly ran towards the distance, shouting loudly while running, "I don't want him to help me find it, I want it myself try to find."

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