Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 554 Winter snow has not slowed down the hero to 6

"Why do you insist on knowing that you can't win?"

"Because there is no way to go."

"Where's Jiangyuan?" Arnold asked tentatively.

"You've changed." Wen Yingyun's voice was hoarse and helpless, as if he was sighing.He is wearing a fresh green robe, and he should be full of vitality in the early spring when the new green is not yet blooming, and the dead trees are not yet in the spring.However, at this moment, all he felt was sadness.

"I haven't changed." A Nuo said angrily, "What has changed is this world, everything here." She looked at Wen Yingyun, "You may not understand that no matter what happens in the Southern Song Dynasty, there is no way to have any vitality. You That's right, my father is good, you all see it very clearly, but you don't face it. You can't say this sentence, and it's because you don't want to face it."

Wen Yingyun was a little surprised and laughed three times.

A Nuo took a step forward, "If you really want to send a message to my father, just tell him the word 'surrender'." She lowered her head so that Wen Yingyun could not see her emotions.She also wanted to say something nice to him, and even more wanted to tell him that Diaoyu Mountain could turn the tide, and that as long as there was still a foot of land in the Southern Song Dynasty, there would be a day when the Southern Song Dynasty would win.

But, she can't.If she said that, they would be more determined, and thus resist more vigorously.

Khan's ambition is in the world, and the longer it drags on, the more irritable it will be. Then in the future, as long as it breaks the city of Diaoyushan, it may become the second Changzhou.

And she just wanted his father to understand that everything is better than living.

The tide is gone, this is a fact, and it cannot be changed.

"Aren't you afraid that if you tell your father this sentence, he will be angry?" Wen Yingyun's voice was so flat that no one could hear the joy, anger, sorrow and joy in his tone.

A Nuo frowned and let go, "No." She answered seriously, the answer she got after careful consideration.Her father could see the current situation clearly. Although he disagreed with her words, he would not be angry.

Wen Yingyun smiled, looked up at the sky, "It's getting late, I'll take you back."

A Nuo nodded, and the two walked side by side towards the place where A Nuo lived.

This is the camp of the Yuan Army, which is heavily guarded. Without A Nuo's company, they would have no way to get out of their tent.Although the two said they were sending Arnold back to the camp, they actually walked around the camp.

Boyan already had the idea of ​​keeping Wen Tianxiang, no matter whether he was under house arrest in Yuanying or trapped in a cell, he would not be allowed to escape.Now that he had this idea, they had to come up with countermeasures.Whether it's a tent or a cell, they have to leave.

It is impossible for Arnold to watch his friends die by his side, no matter right or wrong, he will try his best to let them go.

Hu Gechi didn't stop him, all he wanted was for A Nuo to be happy.As for whether Dayuan could quickly destroy the Southern Song Dynasty and unify the world, Hu Gechi felt that he didn't need to care at all.It is impossible for the meat on the plate to fly. There is actually not much difference between eating a bite early and eating a bite.And what he thinks is how to taste it in the best way.

Time passed quickly, and the first month has passed in a blink of an eye.At the beginning of February, the Yuan army once again received good news. Song Xiagui surrendered the Yuan with 36 counties in three prefectures and six prefectures in Huaixi, which was one step closer to the unification of the world.On the other hand, Boyan has already begun to gather troops in secret, intending to directly capture the Empress Dowager Xie and Song Youdi to make a peerless contribution.

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