Toya turned her face and looked at Nuo Min who was not far behind her, "Are you following me?"

Nuo Min laughed, "Miss Toya, you have to know that Nuo Min's skills are superior to yours. If you don't want to be noticed by you, do you think you can still see me?"

Tuoya glared angrily, and the anger in her heart rose, "Nuo Min, I am also the maid in charge of the princess. What do you mean by that, the princess is not as good as your young wife?"

It's been a while since Lost married into the Prince's Mansion, but Toya felt that Lost was deeply scheming and sinister.The dowry maids brought by her side are not weak in kung fu, and they are all defiant.And Nuo Min in front of him is one of them, the most presumptuous one.

Nuo Min giggled, her appearance belonged to that kind of enchanting type, at this time she smiled charmingly, "Sister Toya, you should know that the current princess can't believe your words so easily, our wife She is the one most trusted by the Crown Princess. Don't tell me, have you forgotten that you wanted to seduce the Crown Prince a few days ago?"

Toya's complexion changed, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm talking nonsense?" Nuo Min smiled even more happily, "If I hadn't seen that woman just now, I might not know why you, Toya, would suddenly dress up like that and go for a walk by the lake, but today I saw this woman The woman immediately understood why you acted like that."

"what on earth do you want?"

"Tell me, what would happen if the Crown Princess knew that you were spying on the Crown Prince as well?" Nuo Min asked without answering, her smile was extremely enchanting, but those eyes were like poisonous snakes staring at their prey.

Toya's face was ashen, "Tell me your request." She has been in this mansion for many years, and she has always been the only one who calculated others, but she did not expect to fall into this woman's hands today.

Nuo Min was not in a hurry, she walked in front of Toya, and walked around Toya twice, "Actually, girl Toya, you have always looked like a sign, but you have been suppressed by the princess so that you have no future." She said Pausing here for a while, observing Toya's expression carefully, she continued after a while, "If you want to be the prince's concubine or roommate girl, I think I can help you."

"Don't worry about it."

"Sister Toya, why do you have to cheat on me?" Nuo Min hurriedly changed her address, she didn't want to provoke Toya, she just wanted to ask this woman what she wanted.

Toya sneered, "Nuo Min, the two of us are not familiar with each other, and my sister doesn't dare to be a sister, so you should just say what you have to say!"

Nuo Min coughed lightly and said straightly, "Since Miss Toya is more anxious, then I will tell the truth. Now, no matter how much you are favored, you are just a maid beside the Crown Princess. If the Crown Princess knows that you are The prince's thoughts, I am afraid that you will be taken to the military camp immediately. You know better than me how we Mongols punish servants. Therefore, if you want to stop me, it depends on whether Miss Toya cooperates."

Toya's complexion changed again, if it wasn't because her kung fu was no match for Nuo Min, she would have killed her directly at this time.

Nuo Min knew her thoughts well, "Don't worry, I won't ask you to do anything, I just want to know one thing."

Hearing what she said, Toya's face became more serious. It was obvious that what this woman wanted to know would not be simple, but at this time she had no choice but to compromise.

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