"Don't tease me with this. I haven't heard that the army is searching for anyone. If you really want to find out that my prince ordered the search of the barracks, wouldn't it be more straightforward?" The servant looked dissatisfied.

"Search directly?" The general laughed, "You have to know, this is the frontline battalion, if you search directly, it will definitely disturb the morale of the army." He said in a low voice, gritting his teeth.

I really don't understand how such a smart woman as Queen Chabi would send this idiot to do things now.Not only did they not know how to hide their identities, but they also arrogantly directed this and that.If he didn't want to benefit his family, he would never agree to cooperate with such a fool.

Sighing, the general said again, "Do you know what happened to the prince just now?"

"What can happen? At this time, you must be discussing how to attack Diaoyu Mountain, how? Is it going to massacre the city this time?" Eunuch Chen looked expectant, and he couldn't help but want to see the miserable scene of the massacred city. Sample.

"Slaughter the city?" The general's face turned a little green. Originally, he planned to please Queen Chabi and slaughter Diaoyu City, but now it was impossible. "Don't even think about massacring the city. His Royal Highness has ordered everyone in Diaoyu City to be spared. The troops entering the city are not allowed to kill innocent people indiscriminately. It doesn't matter if they violate military discipline."

"What? Didn't we agree to massacre the city and leave no one behind?" Eunuch Chen's face was moved. This time, Empress Chabi asked him to follow Zhenjin secretly to kill A Nuo's parents, although he didn't know about Empress Chabi. The real purpose, but the most beneficial and direct way to kill Zhang Jue, a general of the Southern Song Dynasty, is to slaughter Diaoyucheng.

Therefore, he secretly negotiated with the commander in charge of the main attack this time, and asked all the Mongolian generals to propose a massacre of the city, thinking that Mengge Khan would take revenge on the whole Diaoyu City.

But now, the general told him that it was impossible to slaughter the city, so how should he kill A Nuo's parents to complete the task entrusted by the queen?

Seeing that the father-in-law's expression had also changed, the master hurriedly said, "Although the city cannot be massacred, the prince seems to want to capture Zhang Jue alive. Now there are Han generals who have gone to contact other generals in Diaoyu Mountain. If we succeed, we can directly take back Zhang Jue." Diaoyu City, if not, send troops in seven days at the latest."

"You mean." Eunuch Chen turned to look at the general, "You mean, if Diaoyushan surrenders, we can capture Zhang Jue and his wife alive. As long as they fall into our hands, there is a chance to kill them at any time." Get rid of them, and it will be the same if you say suicide." Having said this, Eunuch Chen narrowed his eyes, "Hahaha, this is a good strategy!"

"Eunuch Chen, if we don't surrender, we will send troops in seven days. Even if we don't massacre the city, we will have to chop off Zhang Jue's head in the midst of the chaos. At that time, just push it to a small soldier to take the blame. The prince will definitely have nothing to say. After all This is war, either you die or I die."

"Your Excellency is really a good plan, really a good plan!" Eunuch Chen looked at the coach, "If this matter comes to fruition, the empress will not treat you badly."

"That's, that's, when the time comes, Eunuch Chen will need a lot of good words!"

"Don't worry, my lord, the slave is doing things for the empress. If you do your best, the slave will tell the truth to your empress. Just wait for the promotion!"

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