No matter what the road ahead is, if you don't do it now, you won't know. "Wen Yingyue, let's go now, is there enough warships in the navy for us to leave!"

Wen Yingyun looked at A Nuo, raised his eyebrows, "Diaoyu Mountain is surrounded by water on three sides, and our water army is stronger than the army. If the Yuan army intends to chase us down, unless they dispatch warships temporarily, it is absolutely impossible will catch us."

"Really?" Arnold's heart brightened. If this is the case, they are very hopeful that they can escape.

Now that everyone has decided to leave the road, they will naturally speed up, packed up their things in a hurry, and immediately went on the road and ran towards the place where the navy was stationed.

When A Nuo came, it was a flat boat coming down the river. At that time, it was Zhen Jin's arrangement. At first, he didn't think so much. Now thinking about it, Zhen Jin might have seen the weakness of the Yuan army.

It's just that there are so many sailors in Diaoyu Mountain and Sky, but they are not necessarily comparable to the Yuan army's iron cavalry on land.

The carriage was running fast, and the river was close in sight.

Wen Yingyun first rushed to arrange together, and when they arrived, they could leave quickly without wasting time.

However, the sound of fighting suddenly came from far away from the carriage.

A Nuo lifted the curtain of the car and saw a fight going on near the pier where she first came.

The sword in Wen Yingyun's hand flashed coldly, and each shooting star would carry a string of blood beads redder than coral.

What the hell is going on here?

Arnold's hands were tightly held, was he attacked or civil strife?

At the critical moment of Diaoyushan, whether it is attacked or civil strife will bring great turmoil.

Wen Yingyun chopped down a person with a sword, and his figure had already left the circle in a flash.Under the newly rising sun, the iron armor reflected a unique layer of icy light. "You traitors secretly collude with the Mongol Tartars. What benefits did they give you?"

Hearing this angry shout, A Nuo's heart sank. Sure enough, there was something wrong with the navy.

The carriage finally stopped, and Mrs. Zhang, who was in the same carriage, understood that this situation was not easy to solve.

"Arnuo, stay in the car obediently, don't come out." After saying that, Mrs. Zhang wanted to get out of the car.

A Nuo grabbed her, "Mother, you are in the car, I'll go down and have a look." She didn't believe that they were really trapped here today, let alone that they had no other way to go.

Mrs. Zhang gritted her teeth and said, "I'll go down with you. I'm afraid your father won't think about it when the navy rebels."

This is also what A Nuo is worried about. General Zhang has always been loyal to the Southern Song Dynasty, and he is the most difficult person to accept the successive rebellions of Diaoyushan at this time.

A Nuo didn't stop him, he jumped out of the car first, and then helped Mrs. Zhang get out of the car.

As soon as the river wind blew, the thoughts in my mind became much clearer.She looked at the navy that had been divided into two forces, her gaze was cold and indifferent.

General Zhang looked gloomy, and sat on the horse without saying a word.He looked at the soldiers who were divided into two factions, with complicated expressions in his eyes, including loss, unwillingness, annoyance, and hatred.

Wen Yingyun swiped his long sword, "It's your business to surrender. Now we are leaving Diaoyu Mountain. Do you plan to kill us to claim credit from the Mongolian Tartars or let us go? You have a choice."

One of the rebellious sailors walked out, his eyes dodged, and he didn't dare to meet Wen Yingyun's eyes, "Vice General Wen, Southern Song Dynasty is gone, we surrendered just to save our lives."

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