Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 603 Winning the Battle and Rewarding the Assassin 1

The wind from the river was chilly, blowing A Nuo's temple hair.She gripped the golden token tightly, and the winter sun was shining on the deck she was standing on.

Suddenly, she focused her eyes and saw a red light and shadow suddenly appearing on the deck.

All I can see is that the red light and shadow are formed by refracted lines, and there are also small black shadows that are slightly thicker.Two blurred words were reflected on the deck, blurry but still clearly visible.

Her finger moved slightly, and the light and shadow also moved closely.She raised her hand slowly, but the light and shadow disappeared immediately.For a moment, she suddenly thought of something.The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she didn't know whether it was joy or anxiety, but she was delighted that at this time, she had solved the secret that had been in her heart for a long time, but this secret was really important.

A Nuo put his finger on the ruby ​​ring that Hu Gechi gave her, and she couldn't calm down like a storm in her heart. It turned out that the treasure of Xixia that she wanted to snatch back then was actually this.The gems looked even colder in such weather, but such icy cooling made Arnold feel a little hot.

The secret in this ring is the greatest secret in the world. No wonder the Mongols wanted to get it when they ruthlessly wiped out the Xixia clan, but the gods failed to fulfill their wishes, and this thing finally fell into the hands of the Mongols.

Thinking of the secret that Hu Gechi told her back then, she suddenly felt something was wrong.Where did this ring come from?Why did it finally appear in the hands of Hu Gechi's mother?This thing is clearly the treasure of Xixia, and even the person who wears it is the high priest of Xixia who has a special status.

Not to mention how the ring came about, it is really strange that the ring has not been deciphered even after passing through the hands of many people.The technique is special, and the hidden secret is even more special.

A Nuo was secretly startled, the person who made this ring must not be simple.

She touched the surface of the ring with her hand, and it was smooth and even, and when she touched the side, it was also very smooth.Then there is only one place where these carvings can be made, and that is the center of this ring. Is this gem hollow?

"Arnold, be careful..."

Suddenly a sharp sound of wind came to her ears, and Anuo came back to his senses and saw a knife flying towards her.She hurriedly fell to the ground sideways, narrowly dodging.

However, before she could stand up, a man in black among the opponent's killers rushed over.

It turned out that Wen Yingyun had already left her some distance away just now, and the other party seemed to deliberately separate the two of them.

A Nuo gritted his teeth, let himself stand up, turned around and was about to run towards the crowded place.There are many people and messy, and the chances of survival are higher.But after all, she has no kung fu, how can she resist the speed of the man in black at this time.

Seeing that the man in black was about to get behind her, she threw the gold medal in her hand without thinking.

The other party wanted to catch her, and even wanted her life.At the critical moment, I didn't expect that she would throw something. A golden light was extremely dazzling, and the knife in her hand swung down and chopped it down.

There was the sound of gold and iron intersecting, and a deep knife mark was left on the token, which shows how much strength the man used just now.

However, his face changed drastically when he glanced at it, the golden light was nothing but a token of real gold.

A Nuo took advantage of the surprise of the other party and took two steps forward. When she turned her head, she saw the man chasing after him again.

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