Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 611 Winning the Battle and Rewarding the Assassin 9

Outside the tent, the cold wind immediately made people feel much better.Arno looked up at the sky, the sky was like a huge black screen with countless stars shining on it.

I still remember that the last time I watched the starry sky was on the grassland, the sky there was as beautiful as the one here.In fact, no matter where it is, it is the same sky.

"I have something to say to you." A voice was low and gentle, and if you didn't listen carefully, you might think it was the wind.

Arnold was slightly surprised, and looked at the speaker.

The person who came was none other than real gold.

A Nuo saw him glance at him, then turned and walked towards the distance.So, she hurried to keep up, but she was a little confused about what Zhen Jin would say to herself.

Inside the tent, Mrs. Zhang shook General Zhang lightly, "My daughter has already left, you don't have to pretend anymore."

General Zhang opened his eyes and stared at the top of the tent in a daze for a while.

"You heard what A Nuo said, do you really have the heart to make her sad?"

General Zhang sighed quietly, "Just treat us as dead!" He was a loyal general, but he never expected that it would end up like this in the end.

Mrs. Zhang didn't speak, and there were tears in front of her eyes.

Outside the camp, Zhen Jin had already found an open space to stand there waiting.

A Nuo walked over, first showing a smile, "Thank you, thank you for helping me so much."

"Actually, I didn't help you too much. If I had been more ruthless, the servant would not have had the opportunity to board the ship." Zhen Jin turned around with guilt on his face, "I'm sorry, Arnold."

"You don't need to apologize. In fact, you and I both understand that this situation is inevitable now." When A Nuo said this, she understood the difficulty of Zhenjin, who has always been unable to attack him.Even though Queen Chabi had done a lot, he just tried his best not to save Queen Chabi's face.

"Are you blaming me?" Zhen Jin smiled, how regretful he was at the moment when he saw A Nuo's life and death on the boat today.However, all this was caused by his indecision.He promised Anuo to help her send her parents away, but he failed to do so.Perhaps, it's not that he can't do it but that he didn't do it.

Zhenjin looked sideways into the distance. General Zhang had a special status, and Eji had always emphasized that General Zhang had received a team of Western Xia remnants back then.In this way, that thing is likely to be in the hands of General Zhang.

Therefore, he had to capture General Zhang alive.It is precisely because of this that the current situation exists.Otherwise, Arnold wouldn't be using Fishing Hill at all.It came, and it was nothing more than an introduction to let General Zhang continue to live.

"I won't blame you." A Nuo's voice was flat, "She is your Erji, but she is not you."

Zhen Jin seemed to understand something, and smiled wryly, "Are you planning to do something?"

A Nuo raised his face, "What do you think? Zhen Jin, when will you be able to confess? You have never confessed from the beginning, you have too many things in your heart, and you are also concerned about too many things. But I am different, She can shoot at me, I don't mind, and I won't hate her, but the person she's going to kill now is my parents."

"Your parents will not die, I will protect their safety."

"You will, but I will not sit still. True gold, you will always make amends, and you will never try to stop. You are too indecisive, and you will always be like this. So, please don't stop me now, you To make up for it after what I choose to do."


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