Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 620 Winning the Battle and Rewarding the Assassin 18

Xu Xiaomo didn't continue to speak, and A Nuo quietly looked up at the sky.

After an unknown amount of time, a post station soldier ran over, "Princess, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has arrived."

The two recovered from their fugue, looked at each other and smiled.There is helplessness, trust, and perhaps more understanding in this smile.

"Understood, you go down first, we'll go there now." Xu Xiaomo said slowly.

The little soldier hurriedly turned around and ran away. This time, His Royal Highness came to rest at their inn, but he could not neglect in the slightest.

Arnold stretched his waist, "Let's go!"

Xu Xiaomo nodded, and the two walked towards the gate of the post station together.

Zhen Jin sat in the car with his eyes closed as if he was resting.The carriage stopped slowly, and a gap was opened in the curtain of the carriage.

Hasen's voice was hoarse and steady: "Master, we've arrived."

Zhen Jin opened his eyes, the dark brown pupils seemed to be covered by a cloud of mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

With a worried look on his face, Hasson slowly lowered the car curtain.Recently, Zhenjin has become more and more silent. Although he doesn't know why, he can guess that all of this has something to do with Arnold.Since the Battle of Diaoyushan ended, something seemed to have happened between Zhenjin and Arnold, which made the relationship between the two people alienated a lot.

Xu Xiaomo walked out of the post station with Anuo, just as Hasen lowered the curtain.A Nuo looked at the carriage with no expression on his face, only his eyes were getting deeper and deeper.Xu Xiaomo touched her fingertips lightly and nodded to her.A Nuo squeezed out a smile, but there was helplessness and something incomprehensible in the smile.

"His Royal Highness, the concubine has lost his way, please make atonement, Your Highness."

Zhen Jin got out of the car, his eyes paused when he saw A Nuo, he turned his eyes to look at Xu Xiaomo, "Princess, you are welcome."

"I have seen His Royal Highness the Prince." A Nuo saluted slightly, looking forward but not at the real gold.

When Hasen heard this, his hands tightened.

Zhen Jin just smiled and didn't reply to A Nuo's words.But even though he was smiling, he could still feel his heart slowly splitting open.Why is it that she is in such a situation that she doesn't even want to call his name again.His eyes became darker again, but he still maintained that already somewhat stiff smile. "It turns out that Amur is also there." His voice was very soft, lingering in his ears like the spring wind.

A Nuo laughed, "Going out to hunt, I happened to meet Princess An'xi, so I came to the station to rest."

"I see." Zhen Jin still had a smile on his face, and there was nothing wrong with his expression. Only careful people could find that his pupils seemed to be trembling.

"His Royal Highness, the station has been cleaned up, why not go in and have a rest!" Xu Xiaomo hurriedly changed the subject and led the real gold into the station.

Zhenjin strode into the post station, but his peripheral vision was always on Arnold's body.No matter how ruthless she was to him, he still couldn't let go.He thought for a long time, pondered for a long time, but still couldn't give up.Perhaps, he is such an indecisive person, he can no longer be cold to her.He had already lost a lot at one time, and he didn't want to lose more.

Arnold followed closely, and suddenly felt an angry and resentful gaze staring at him.She looked over by feeling, and saw Hasen looking at him in shock.In his eyes, she was so strange at this moment.

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