The palace is the most difficult place to hide news, and it is also the easiest place to create rumors.While everyone was talking about Tara's death, Arnold had already returned to the Yunnan Palace.

There was steaming heat in the tub, and Arnold leaned on the tub to rest his mind.Now that Tara is dead, Queen Chabi will definitely focus on her. If so, Nanbi may really have a chance to give birth to a child and have a bargaining chip in the competition with Queen Chabi.However, Nan Bi will definitely not win, and it is impossible to win, even if he has a child.Nanbi, who is pregnant, is smart, but still can't see through her own situation.

Arnold rubbed his temples slowly, and blinked tiredly.No matter what happened to Nanbi or Chabi, she just wanted to live a comfortable and ordinary life.The reason why she was involved in the struggle between the two was that she was forced by Queen Chabi to have nowhere to go.

There was a soft knock on the door, and Hu Gechi came in and stood behind her.Smelling the familiar breath, she suddenly calmed down, and her voice softened, "Hugechi..."

Hu Gechi stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her shoulders, some rough calluses rubbed against the delicate skin, "It's been soaking for so long, why is my body still so cold?"

Anuo's ears were a little hot, "soak it for a while and it will be fine." She raised her hand to caress the back of his hand, "it's okay, it's just that it was a little cold when I fell into the water, but it's actually much better after going ashore, after all, it's summer Is not it?"

"I've already asked Wu Enqi to send someone to invite the imperial doctor to come over and check your pulse later." Hu Gechi reached out and took off the clothes on the screen, "Although it's summer, you've been in poor health recently, if you What do you do if you have a cold?"

A Nuo blushed, looked at the clothes in Huge Chi's hand and didn't say anything for a long time, thinking, "Isn't he trying to help her dress?" The two looked at each other quietly, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. *stand up.

"The water is a bit cold, come out!" Brother Hu Chi's ears were a little red, and there was a hazy lust in his light brown eyes.Even though the two of them have been together for so many years, every time he saw her, he would feel an uncontrollable flame in his lower abdomen.

A Nuo naturally knew what Huge Chi was thinking, and his face couldn't help turning redder.It's rare that Hu Gechi can still tell her to get up and get out of the bath with a blank face at this time, making it seem like she should give him such a high-sounding peep.Biting her lower lip, she snatched the clothes away, "I'll wear it myself."

Hu Gechi looked at A Nuo, and reached for the cotton towel next to the tub, "Then I'll wipe the water for you."


"You are not in good health. I really don't trust you to come by yourself. Besides, you don't like to be followed by maids, and you don't even have a servant by your side." Hu Gechi pulled Anuo up as he spoke, holding the hand in his hand. The cotton towel dries up the water on that beautiful body little by little.However, his hands were trembling a little at this time, who was usually neat and tidy. He clearly wanted to eat A Nuo in one bite, but he had to endure it.

A Nuo blushed, she hurriedly put on her clothes, "It's hot, don't dry it too much."

Hu Gechi threw aside the cotton towel in his hand, picked up the woman in front of him, and gently pressed a kiss on A Nuo's lips.It was so fragrant and captivating that he could never get enough of it.After a long time, he let her go, "Amur, I...I want to have another son."

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