Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 040 The Bloodiest Picture

Lan Xiya sat slumped on the ground, covered her mouth with her hands and did not dare to make a sound, the tears in her eyes were rushing down, like a continuous stream flowing continuously.

The bloody smell on the man quickly attracted the Tibetan Mastiff's appetite. Looking at the extra food in the cage out of thin air, they looked very excited, opened their teeth and jumped on the man.

The man who was already in a deep coma had no idea what terrible things would happen to him next, perhaps he never even dreamed that he would end his life in such a tragic way!

"Oh..." A Tibetan mastiff was very excited, lowered its head and bit the man's neck. When he raised his head again, the blood in his mouth made Lan Xiya in the distance almost vomit, but all this looked In Lei Bing's eyes, it seemed to be the most common thing.

The man's main artery was bitten off, and a strong smell of blood came to his nostrils. In the pain at that distance, the man opened his eyes suddenly, his pupils protruded and were covered with bloodshot eyes, but the Tibetan mastiff bit off his eyes in the next second. neck, so that his expression stopped at that second in the end.

"Ah—" the neck was bitten off, and the head rolled to the side. The protruding eyeballs were facing Lan Xiya's direction, which made her scream and fainted on the ground in fright.

"Useless woman!" Seeing Shia behind her fainted from fright, Lei Bing snorted coldly, then continued to fix his eyes on the cage.

A stumped arm flew out of the cage and landed right at Lei Bing's feet. The two Tibetan mastiffs in the cage had been starved for a few days. Bring out their most ferocious side!

Baring his teeth, he gnawed at the delicacy in front of him. His sharp claws cut through the man's chest and swallowed all his internal organs, but these were far from enough. Another Tibetan Mastiff bit off the man's flesh After throwing his arm out of the cage, the sharp claws directly tore off a large piece of flesh on his thigh, and the blood flowed horizontally, covering the entire back mountain in blood.

The bottom of the cage was completely stained red with blood, and it even flowed out slowly along the path on the ground, looking as terrifying as being in a flaming hell.

From time to time, the sound of "cracking and cracking" can be heard from the cage. This is the sound of Tibetan mastiffs gnawing on human bones. It seems that their meal is very delicious.

Standing there watching for a few minutes, Lei Bing turned around blankly, went to the place where Lan Xiya passed out, picked her up, and threw Andre a look that I leave to you to deal with, and then left the surrounded area. An area surrounded by blood!

------Dividing line------

"Don't... ah..." With a scream, Lan Xiya's forehead was covered with dense sweat.

In the dream just now, she dreamed that she was in the iron cage of the Tibetan mastiff, watching them approaching her step by step, and pounced on her, which made her wake up from the nightmare suddenly.

"Why, you're so scared?" She just woke up before she could settle down, when the familiar voice came from above her head, and she knew who it was without looking up.

Lan Xiya put her hands on her chest, trying to calm down her flustered and fearful heart. What happened in Houshan today made her realize that the man standing by her bed was not human at all, he was a devil, a monster who liked to chew A devil who drank human bones, drank human blood, and ate human flesh!

She bowed her head silently and faced him. She had nothing to say to a devil like him.

Feeling that she is ignoring her own existence, Lei Bing hates this feeling the most. She stretched out her big palm, clamped her jaw forcefully with her fingers, and forced her to raise her head to look at herself: "Don't you dare to look at me? Is it possible Are you freaking out?"

Lei Bing bent down and lowered his head, staring at her with evil eyes, and printed a kiss on her pale lips, as if he was demonstrating to her, but also seemed to be expressing another meaning.

"Let go of me, devil!" His hand was strong, as if if he pressed a little harder, the mandible would be crushed by his fingers.

"Devil? Many people in the Tao like to describe me like that over the years, but you are the first woman to describe me with this word!" Lei Bing's face was as cold as the frost that would not melt for thousands of years. It is difficult to see expressions other than evil smiles and anger.

"Hmph!" Lan Xiya snorted coldly and turned her head in disgust, avoiding the scorching gaze he was staring at her.

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