Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 074 The twisted melon is not sweet

"What is your relationship with Zuo Shaoyi? I am not interested in Lei Bing, but my subordinates were injured indirectly because of you. Therefore, from today onwards, the responsibility of taking care of him will be entrusted to you. Don't even think about leaving the prisoner." You can escape out of the cage, you'd better be obedient, or else..." There was something in Lei Bing's words, but he deliberately dragged the end of the sentence so that he didn't say the whole thing.

"What else? Are you going to kill me?" Such an inhuman person would not be surprised to kill her.

"No, you are my little prey. How could I be willing to kill you? However, I remember that you have a adoptive mother who is still charming. Maybe..." Lei Bing's idea is obvious, he wants to take her Sherman threatens her.

"I can do whatever you want, as long as I can't hurt Aunt Man, my daddy will definitely send someone to protect her!" Hearing Lei Bing's words, Lan Xiya stood up excitedly.

"Protect her? I don't think you know how selfish your father is?" No one knows better than him what Long Junsheng is like.

Lan Xiya stared at him with wide eyes, as if waiting for his answer.

Lei Bing knew that she didn't understand the situation outside, so he pretended to be kind and told her, "Since the person he sent disappeared, Long Junsheng immediately sent his wife and daughter to London, and lied to your adoptive mother that , you also went to London together, and all the bodyguards who were protecting your adoptive mother's house withdrew to Long's house, he didn't take your adoptive mother's safety into consideration at all!"

"Impossible! Daddy promised me that he will send someone to take care of and protect Aunt Man. Daddy will not lie to me!" In this world, besides Daddy, Aunt Man is her closest relative. The relationship with my aunt is even deeper than that with my father.

Aunt Man raised her since she was a child. No matter what happens, whether she is by her side or not, she swears that she will do her best to protect Aunt Man, because in her heart, Aunt Man is her mother!

"If you don't believe me, I can bring her to you, how about it?" Lei Bing raised his hand to pinch her jaw, making her look up into his black eyes.

Looking at each other, Lan Xiya already understood his intention of doing this, and the huge pain in her jaw forced her to struggle hard: "Does it mean that as long as I am obedient, you can ensure the safety of my adoptive mother?"

"Long Junsheng used to be a gangster, and he must have made a lot of enemies. Your identity has been exposed. If those enemies want to take revenge on your dear adoptive mother, it is very possible!" Lei Bing lowered his head and approached her Lan Xiya was taken aback by the words that came out of her cheeks.

"Aunt Man is innocent, you can't do this to her, I will fulfill all your demands, as long as you promise me not to hurt Aunt Man, and send someone to protect her safety!" Lan Xiya blurted out, not allowing her to have any He hesitated a little.

"Okay! Remember what you said today. If you can't do it, then don't blame me for not keeping my promise." What Lei Bing wanted was her promise.

His rules of the game have changed, a twisted melon is not sweet, what he wants is her [-]% obedience!

"From today onwards, he will be taken care of by you. You can move freely in the manor, but if you want to escape, don't forget the promise between us." Let go of the hand that clamped her jaw, she is a smart man Girl, I believe she will remember it in her heart.

After being freed, Shia took two steps back unbearably before standing still, looked at the man in front of her, and nodded silently...

Lei Bing glanced at Lan Yu, signaled to leave this place to her, raised his legs to leave, when he came to Lan Xiya's side, he stopped his progress, and said coldly close to her ear: "Remember, I like nice girls..."

"En." Lan Xiya nodded softly like a cat, and Lei Bing walked out of the room with a wicked smile.

Lan Xiya breathed a sigh of relief when he left. With him around, she didn't even dare to breathe...

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