Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 101 Who is the mastermind behind the scenes

Rose Manor

Lan Xiya finally woke up after a night of rest, slowly opening her long eyelashes, and the housekeeper immediately delivered nutritious meals to keep her full.

The doctor also changed her dressing again, continued to hang the bottle, and injected anti-inflammatory drugs to let her recover from the injury on her arm quickly.

Suddenly there was a "da da" sound in the corridor. It turned out to be the collision sound of Mary's high heels touching the floor when she walked. She couldn't wait to come to her room, pretending to come to see her condolences.

"Miss Mary." Lan Xiya was reading a book alone in the room, seeing that it was her, she immediately greeted her politely.

"Well, is it much better?" Mary put on an approachable look and didn't show her face.

Lan Xiya was a little overwhelmed by her change, wondering what was the reason for her sudden change?

"It's much better, and the high fever has subsided." Lan Xiya lowered her head, not daring to meet her strong eyes.

"Oh, by the way, I just found out that you are the second lady of Longtian Group yesterday! I just happened to meet your sister when I was shopping in the mall." After some politeness, Mary finally got into the subject.

Hearing the word "sister", Lan Xiya immediately regained her spirits and looked up at her, hoping to learn more from her.

Seeing the expectant look on her face, Mary knew that this trick would work for her.

"I mentioned you to your sister, but her reaction seemed to be a bit unexpected. You two don't have a good relationship, do you?" Mary looked at her, wanting to hear her answer.

Lan Xiya lowered her head, she knew that her sister didn't like her, she could understand, if it was anyone else, it would be very difficult for her father to accept the child that her father had with other women outside.

"Sister, what did she say?" After a moment of silence, Lan Xiya asked.

Mary walked up to her, bent down, and whispered in her ear the answer she wanted: "She're a little bitch, it's a shame that you never go back, don't appear in front of her, your appearance , will only add trouble to more people!"

Hearing this, Lan Xiya's brain was roaring, even though she had already made good mental preparations, after hearing these words, she still couldn't stop feeling sad from the bottom of her heart.

The watery eyes were filled with depression in an instant. It turned out that her appearance would only add troubles to more people...

Seeing her depressed and lifeless appearance, it's very good, this is the result she wanted. Seeing her sad, Mary's mood suddenly improved, she left her room, and walked up to the fourth floor with a smile on her face.

At this time, in the chairman's office of Longtian Group, Long Junsheng got the news that the Taiwan authorities were going to build a commercial city in Wanhua District. He finally understood why Lei Bing paid a high price of [-] million yuan to buy the piece of Wanhua. landed.

However, it's too late for him to understand now, if this project can be taken over, it will be several billion yuan in profit, and this time Lei Bing took the lead again!

However, over the past few days, Lei Bing's affairs with the Xiong's family seemed to have calmed down, and nothing happened. It seemed that he was not going to touch the head on Shaoyi's neck yet.


Long Junsheng sighed, the deep thoughts in his eyes made the wrinkles on his face seem to deepen again.

Shia has been missing for many days, even though he knew that his daughter was in the Rose Manor, there was no way to save her from danger!

"Chairman, chairman..." Peter broke in suddenly without even knocking on the door.

"What's the matter with you, has something serious happened?" Peter has been by his side for so many years, and he has never been so reckless as today.

"Chairman, look!" Peter handed him the two documents in his hand, and hurriedly added: "In the past month, our company has been robbed of several contracts by a little-known company. In addition, the shares in the hands of Zhang Dong and Wang Dong of our board of directors also secretly made money transactions with others, and flowed into an overseas account, and the other party currently owns [-]% of our company's shares."

While listening to his supplementary words, Long Junsheng looked at the information in his hand, his whole face was abnormally distorted, because he had already noticed the changes in it.

"Go and find out, could it be Lei Bing who did it?" Long Junsheng thought of him in his first instinctive reaction.

"I have already checked Lei Bing's side, but the situation is calm. It doesn't look like he did it. Who does the overseas account belong to? We don't have the right to find out yet. The bank's confidentiality work is very good." Peter should I did everything I could, but couldn't figure it out.

Nodding his head, Long Junsheng waved him to go down first, he wanted to think alone...

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