Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 126 No Body Left Behind

"Hello, hello." The voice on the other end of the phone was Uncle Gui, the housekeeper.

"Uncle Gui, it's me. Is Lan Xiya here? Please ask her to answer the call." Lan Yu said directly.

"So it's Miss Lan Yu, wait a moment, I'll call her right away." Uncle Gui put down the phone and asked the servant to go upstairs to call her.

A moment later, a crisp voice came from the other end of the phone: "Miss Lan Yu, it's me."

"I'm at your adoptive mother's house. I've told you the truth about your situation. Now she wants to say a few words to you. Be careful when you talk, and be careful of the people around you." Lan Yu cautiously reminded her, and then Hand over the phone to Rao Xueman.

"Hey, Shia, I'm Aunt Man. Is it true what Miss Lan told me? I've already seen the longevity lock in her hand. The first time I saw her, I felt so familiar , I never thought she was your twin sister." Rao Xueman was 100% sure of Lan Yu's authenticity when she heard Xi Ya's voice.

"Yes, yes." There was a butler in the hall, and Lan Xiya could only respond to her in this way.

Although she couldn't say anything, once the facts were confirmed, Rao Xueman would feel at ease. After the call ended, Lan Yu politely left her home, and she had to go to Liufu Palace to find Mary in person.

Mary was surprised by her appearance, but when she stated her purpose for today, Mary seemed very interested.

"All you have to do is to send her out to join the person who took care of her. As long as the matter is successful, our account will be written off!" This is the purpose of Lan Yu's coming to her.

Vehicles entering and exiting the manor are strictly checked. Even the trucks that deliver goods in the back kitchen are supervised by bodyguards every day, so if you want to send her out smoothly, you can only rely on Mary.

Mary's entry and exit from the manor has always been unimpeded, and no one will stop her when she wants to come and go, so she is the most important person in this plan.

"Okay, I promise you it's not for anything else, I just don't want that woman to stay by Lei Bing's side!" Now that she has been kicked out, what right does that woman have to stay there.

"Okay, I will contact you later for the specific time arrangement." Having achieved her goal, Lan Yu didn't linger for a moment, got up and left her room and walked out of the hotel.

After Lan Xiya received Aunt Man's phone call, she seemed distraught all the time, standing on the balcony blankly, waiting for Lan Yu to come back.

However, Lan Yu left Liufu Palace and did not go back to the manor. Instead, he came to an apartment on Xinyi Road, and the owner of this apartment was "Luo Zi"!

As Lan Yu, if she was found to meet Zuo Shaoyi, then all these plans would go to waste, so she had done Zuo Shaoyi's homework before that and asked him to meet at Luo Zi's apartment.

"I didn't expect Lei Bing's right-hand man to come to me in private. What a surprise!" Zuo Shaoyi had no intention of meeting her invitation, but she said that her purpose was to send Xiya away from the manor, so naturally he couldn't refuse .

Facing him, Lan Yu didn't say anything, and took out the two long-life locks from his bag and handed them to him. He believed that he had been by Long Junsheng's side for more than ten years, so he should know what the two locks represented.

Zuo Shaoyi held the two longevity locks in his hand and carefully observed and compared them, and asked suspiciously: "This is Xi Ya's thing, did you go to Aunt Man's house?"

"That's right, I just went there to confirm whether all I've done is worth it?" If they were real sisters, she would be willing to pay for all of this.

Zuo Shaoyi understood what she said, and said with surprise at the corner of his mouth: "I never imagined that Lei Bing's right-hand man who was trained and brought up by himself would be the daughter of his competitor?"

"No, you're wrong. I never thought that Long Junsheng had anything to do with me. The only ones I knew were my sister and mother." Lan Yu sharply refuted his words. For Long Junsheng, she never put him in the right place. in the eyes.

"Okay, well said, one day I will take his place, and this day will come soon!" Zuo Shaoyi couldn't hide his inner excitement anymore.

He desperately wanted to replace Long Junsheng, and his main purpose was to make himself strong enough to save Xi Ya from Lei Bing.

His happy events seem to be one after another. Last month, he acquired 15.00% of the shares of the two shareholders of the board of directors. Overseas companies have also recently absorbed nearly 5.00% of the shares at high prices. Bank loans and all his All of his private funds have been invested in this area, and Long Zilin's [-]% shares have already been obtained. As long as he successfully holds a wedding ceremony with Long Zilin next month, he will be the largest shareholder of Longtian Group!

"Tell me, how do we cooperate?" This is what Zuo Shaoyi is most interested in today.

"You must find a very safe place in advance and send Shia's adoptive mother away first. Young Master Lei has already fixed her eyes on her. You must do this."

"Okay, leave it to me to arrange, what else?" Continue to ask.

"If the news in the gossip magazine is true, it seems that you will marry Long Zilin soon, and my plan is to act on your wedding day, but you have to send an invitation to Lei Shao. Lei Shao must be present, so we can ensure that there is enough time and there will be no accidents." In this way, there will be no problem with the time.

"This is very simple, continue!"

"My people will send Shia out of the manor, and your people must immediately respond outside, and take her out of Taiwan immediately. The farther and more concealed you go, the better!" The dark organization base has a strict search and tracking system. To avoid being tracked by this system, one must hide in a remote small city.

"I will send a helicopter to pick it up outside the suburbs. As for the hiding place, I will give you the exact location after careful consideration." Zuo Shaoyi did not dare to underestimate Lei Bing's ability, he had to find a very safe place to come Place Aunt Man and Shia.

"Okay, if the plan changes, I'll let you know!" Lan Yu looked at the time, she had been out for a long time, and she couldn't stay outside for too long.

"It's inconvenient for me to send you off." Returning the two longevity locks to her, let Luo Zi send her outside the door.

This time, with the help of Lan Yu Li Ying Wai He, Shia will be able to return to him soon, but what he didn't expect is that his current position in Shia's heart is just a murderer.

Unexpectedly, Lei Bing returned to the manor before twelve o'clock today. Lan Xiya stood on the balcony waiting for Lan Yu, but unexpectedly, it was him who waited!

"Why are you standing here? Are you waiting for me to come back?" Lei Bing hugged her from behind, holding her petite body in his arms.

"I didn't know you'd come back." She wouldn't lie, and she didn't want to lie to please him.

"Recently, I was busy discussing a project with the Taiwan authorities, and I almost forgot what you entrusted to me, so today I came back to have lunch with you, and I will tell you after lunch, how is it?" A few weeks ago, Lan Xiya asked him to investigate Lin Feng's whereabouts, but he kept forgetting to tell her.

She thought he had forgotten it, and she dared not mention it again. After hearing his words today, Lan Xiya's eyes were filled with hope again.

"Come on, follow me to have lunch, and I'll tell you." Lei Bing hugged her and let out a hot breath behind her ear.

Obediently followed him downstairs to the dining room, the housekeeper had already prepared lunch in the kitchen, Lan Xiya always felt very nervous with him, and she didn't dare to look at him more after a meal.

"I'm full, can you tell me?" Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, she was already waiting anxiously.

Lei Bing looked at her, stopped eating generously, put down the bowl and chopsticks and said, "I can only tell you that he is already dead, and he died very badly. Zuo Shaoyi didn't leave him a whole body." corpse!"

These words thumped in Lan Xiya's heart, could it be that he really, really...

"My subordinates found the person who was in charge of disposing of his body that day. According to him, Zuo Shaoyi ordered his hands to be cut off and his eyes gouged out..." Lei Bing added.

"No—how could he be so cruel, how could he!" Lan Xiya almost cried out in pain, she never thought that the brother she was talking about would do such a thing.

That man was her first love, her favorite boy, how could he be so cruel to him?Why doesn't he believe that there is innocence between them?What the hell happened that day?

"Silly girl, I told you a long time ago that Zuo Shaoyi is definitely not as simple a person as you think!" Seeing her painful appearance, Lei Bing took the opportunity to add embellishment in her ear.

"Woooo..." She wept silently, blaming herself for what happened to Lin Feng.

If she hadn't asked to meet, they wouldn't have appeared in the hotel, and the following things wouldn't have happened, and maybe she wouldn't have been reduced to his prisoner, a bird without wings.

Dou Da tears fell down, Lan Xiya covered her mouth and got up and ran back to the room, closed the door, hid in the quilt and wept...

Lei Bing followed her upstairs, asked the butler to take out the master key in the manor, and when the door was unlocked, there were mournful and painful cries from inside.

Going to the bed and sitting down, Lei Bing didn't say anything, the Cuban cigar in his hand was still burning, he put it in his mouth and took a puff and then exhaled, the white mist-like cloud of smoke just curled up above her.

After an unknown amount of time, there were five or six extinguished cigarette butts lying quietly on the floor. Lei Bing stood up after smoking the last cigar in his hand, looked at the towering quilt, and said coldly: "People They are all dead, no matter how sad you cry, if I were you, I would find a way to avenge him!"

After the words fell, Lei Bing threw the last cigar on the floor and stomped it out, and left her room with both hands ### in the pockets of her trousers.

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