Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 137 Perfume Capital. Glass


Provence (provence). Located in the south of France, it is a world-famous hometown of lavender and a tourist attraction!

Grasse is one of the most distinctive towns in Provence. It is the world-famous perfume capital and is known as the most fragrant town in the world.

"Ah, sister..." With a scream in the early morning, Lan Xiya woke up from the nightmare.

In the dream, she saw Lan Yu lying on the ground covered in blood. She was dying and no one dared to help her. The devil-like man was sitting a few steps away from her, staring at the The bloodshot eyes looked at her like a god of death.

"Sister, sister..." Her forehead was covered with fine sweat. She didn't know if the dream was real or not, but she was sure that her sister's situation was very difficult now.

Rao Xueman just got up, heard her shouting outside, ran in quickly, saw her worried face, stepped forward and took her little hand to comfort her: "Xia, don't worry too much, she will be fine .”

"No, Aunt Man, you don't understand that man's temper. When he was angry, he was very scary. He even threw a living person into a cage and let two adult hungry Tibetan mastiffs flay that man alive. I'm afraid of my sister ..." Thinking of those past events, Lan Xiya felt even more uneasy.

Regarding what Lan Xiya said just now, it was the first time that Rao Xueman heard such a terrifying person, and couldn't help but sweat for Lan Yu, but in front of Xiya, she had to hide the fear in her heart in order to appease him. Shia's worries.

"Your sister has lived with him since she was a child. I believe that no matter what, that man will not be cruel to your sister. If you are uneasy, go to the small church in the city to pray for your sister. I see your prayers!" They have already left Taiwan, and there is nothing they can do now.

Lan Xiya nodded, wiped the fine sweat on her forehead and was about to get out of bed. Since she arrived in the small town of Grasse, she felt unwell due to the long-term flight and jet lag. She had been lying on the bed for five or six hours before getting out of bed. Allow yourself to acclimate to the environment and jet lag.

After walking out of the room, she took a closer look at the living environment. This is a European-style manor building surrounded by a large area of ​​vineyards. Standing on the balcony on the third floor and looking into the distance, there is a large area densely packed.

Under Aunt Mann's introduction, she finally learned that this is a red wine estate in the small town of Grasse, and that a large area of ​​vineyards belong to the winery. Workers pick the freshest grapes in the vineyard and bring them back to the manor to make mellow red wine.

The reason why Zuo Shaoyi sent her and Aunt Man here is because this winery is Zuo Shaoyi's private property, and it is far away from the bustling metropolis, so it is not easy to be found by Lei Bing, and it is easier to protect them !

The beautiful Provence has always been the place she dreamed of before, but her father said that she would not be able to come until after she graduated from university. Unexpectedly, her dream has been realized ahead of schedule today, but at this moment her situation is far from what she had planned so free!

"Xia, don't stand outside, come in and have breakfast, I'll take you to church later!" Rao Xueman had already prepared a delicious breakfast.

"Okay, I'll go and freshen up." Turning around and walking back to the room, although she escaped from that gorgeous cage, she was not at all happy about it, on the contrary, she was more worried and worried.

Patting her cheeks with cold water, Lan Xiya looked at herself in the mirror. In her heart, there was always a voice saying to her, how could Lan Xiya be so selfish, how could you leave alone regardless of your sister's safety?

"Sister, how are you doing now?" She whispered, asking herself.

After casually eating breakfast, accompanied by four bodyguards, Rao Xueman took her to the church in the city. At this time, the residents of the small town had just left after worshiping in the church. Seeing this strange beautiful girl, He couldn't help but look back at her a few more times.

"Aunt Man, I want to go in by myself." Lan Xiya suddenly changed her mind when she came to the steps outside the church.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Rao Xueman asked her worriedly.

"I can. This is not Taiwan. It's very safe. Don't worry." Before Rao Xueman nodded, Lan Xiya walked up the steps to the church alone.

Rao Xueman was still worried about her, and stood there waiting for her to come back. Although this is not Taiwan, those people might chase her here, so it is better to be cautious.

Lan Xiya walked into the church alone, just finished the service, the church was empty now, walked forward step by step, went to the front row and sat down, looked up at a statue of Jesus standing in the center , She slowly closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and told Jesus everything she wanted to say in her heart.

I hope Jesus can hear her prayer and keep my sister safe...

"Boom..." A loud bell rang suddenly from the church, disturbing Lan Xiya who was in deep thought.

Looking up at the statue of Jesus intently, the bell sounded as if Jesus was telling her that he heard her prayer.

Half an hour later, Lan Xiya washed away her previous worries, and walked out with a slight smile on her face. Looking at her changes before and after, Rao Xueman finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xia, let's go back. Shanzi will be returning to Taiwan later. If you have anything you want him to convey, go and tell him."

"Okay." Their current situation is in an extraordinary state, so it is temporarily inconvenient to make calls and use the Internet.

Shan Zi sent Lan Xiya to her destination safely, and now he has to rush back to Taiwan. Zuo Shaoyi just took the position of chairman, and there are many things that need his help.

Lan Xiya didn't thank Zuo Shaoyi for everything he did this time. He was a murderer, and she would never forget this until she died. If it wasn't for her sister's words reminding her to leave first to take revenge, she He would never accept Zuo Shaoyi's help at all.

Shanzi left by the helicopter when he arrived, but there were twenty bodyguards in the winery, and their task was to protect the safety of their mother and daughter.

Zuo Shaoyi thought that this would protect them well, but what he didn't know was that Lei Bing's target had already set his sights on the winery, and the dark organization had already sent people to investigate, and it wouldn't take long, as long as it was confirmed If Lan Xiya is in the winery, Lei Bing will personally go to the small town of Grasse to arrest her!

Lan Xiya is far away from Taiwan, and has no idea that Zuo Shaoyi not only killed Lin Feng, but also embezzled the Longtian Group founded by Long Junsheng. Now he is the chairman and president of the group. Junsheng was deprived of all his real power.

In the evening, Zuo Shaoyi returned to Long's house with a smile all over his face. Compared with his joy today, the Long's house seemed extremely lifeless!

He just wanted to pack his luggage when he came back, now that his purpose has been fully achieved, he no longer needs to stay here, let alone look at the faces of the Long family.

"Crack." A crisp voice sounded, and all the lights in the living room suddenly turned on.

Long Zilin came out of the darkness with a bloodless face. She had been waiting for him here for several hours, and she needed an explanation from him.

"Why, why are you staying up so late?" Zuo Shaoyi said indifferently, as if he really didn't know the reason why she appeared here.

"Should you have something to say to me?" Seeing that he was about to go upstairs, Long Zilin hurriedly walked up to him to block his way.

Zuo Shaoyi glanced at her disdainfully, it seems that if he didn't make it clear, this crazy woman would definitely continue to pester him, if that's the case, let's clarify with her today.

"You want to hear what I have to say, just ask." Zuo Shaoyi retreated to the sofa and sat down.

"Why did you lie to me? Why did you take away the company that my father ran alone? What else do you want to do to our Long family?" Long Zilin's eyes were full of resentment. Why did she love this man for so many years? , to deal with their family in such a cruel way, she trusts him so much, why?Why?

She knows that there are countless women around him, but she never cared about them, as long as he is tired of playing outside and knows to go home, but he... left her on the wedding night to fool around with other women, she no matter what I can't accept it!

"Cheating you? I don't think I have? I told you from the very beginning that I'm not interested in you. It was you who insisted on marrying me and insisting on getting engaged to me! Later, it was you who offered to transfer that Give me 5.00% of the shares to ask me to marry you, and I have done all of these." Zuo Shaoyi raised Erlang's legs and sat on the sofa, he said it with confidence, from the beginning to the end, he never cheated she.

Listening to his answer, Long Zilin felt very uncomfortable, but after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed what he said.

"Then tell me, why did you take away things that belonged to our Long family? The Longtian Group is my father's painstaking effort. How could you force him like this?" Long Zilin was most annoyed by this. How could he be ungrateful? Grace will be revenged.

Had he forgotten who brought him into this home?Who fed and clothed him and gave him such a luxurious life?Who gave him such status and reputation today?

Zuo Shaoyi didn't change his face when she questioned her. He stood up, stared straight at her, walked up to her, and answered with a look of cruelty in his eyes: "This is a world where the weak prey on the strong. The weak are destined to be defeated by the strong. Don't you understand this truth?"

"You, you..." Long Zilin glared at him angrily, his answer made her unacceptable, how could he become so cold-blooded!

After Zuo Shaoyi answered her question, he walked away from her and went upstairs, went back to the room to find all his documents, casually packed up a few suits and left quickly.

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