Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 142 Lisa Carlos

Lei Bing released all the anger accumulated in the past few days, and pulled her into her on the big bed, changing various ambiguous humiliating postures, waves of violent impacts knocked Lan Xiya's consciousness into a daze. In a trance, under the attack of the last wave, she finally couldn't resist his momentum and fainted under him.

"Aw..." Lei Bing was released, let out a long and comfortable growl, and was satisfied to leave the embarrassing body below him.

A layer of darkness had just been pulled from the sky, a black Mercedes sedan drove into the urban area of ​​Cannes, Situ Jun accompanied Rao Xueman and waited for several hours before leaving, and it was already pitch black when he returned to the urban area of ​​Cannes .

"Honey, why did you come back at this hour? It's already dark, have you had dinner yet?" Situ Jun had just walked in when a blond woman ran out, holding his arm and asking with concern.

"Something happened today, I don't have much appetite, just cook me a bowl of noodles." Situ Jun wanted to avoid her, so that she wouldn't make a fuss when she found out about the injury on his left cheek.

But the woman had obviously seen it, and held his arm to prevent him from going upstairs, walked up to him, and looked at him face to face: "How did you get the injury on your face, didn't you go to church? How could it happen?" Like this?"

The woman's name is Lisa Carlos, who is Situ Jun's fiancée, but Situ Jun doesn't have much affection for her. On the contrary, Lisa has loved him deeply since college. Because of the Rose family, Lisa confessed to her father in private that she insisted on marrying Situ Jun. Situ Jun had no choice but to get engaged to Lisa because of the family business. He went to Grasse today because Lisa wanted to marry Situ Jun The wedding was held in the city, and I went to Grasse to see the church.

"Didn't I just say that something happened today, so stop asking, and let me be quiet for a while?" Situ Jun shook off her hand, unbuttoned his shirt, and walked upstairs sullenly go.

Lisa stood there and watched his back when he went upstairs, always feeling that something was wrong. What happened today?

But if he doesn't say anything, she can't force him to ask, call the servant, let the servant go to the kitchen to get him some food, and then test him when she brings it up.

Situ Jun returned to the room and immediately made a call to Taiwan. Today at the Maison Winery, he always felt that Rao Xueman seemed to be hiding something from him. Maybe his mother would give him the answer.

Ten minutes later, just after Situ Jun finished the call, Lisa came in with a bowl of spaghetti. Seeing that he just hung up the phone, she wondered in her heart, did he have a woman outside?

"Honey, come and eat noodles." Lisa acted gentle and generous in front of Situ Jun, but she was not such a person in her bones.

Like Mary Sofaro, they are both high-society daughters and the jewels in their father's eyes, so they all have the savage willfulness of the eldest lady in their bones, but Lisa is not as dissolute as Mary. In comparison, she is still A very business-minded strong woman, always think twice before placing a bet with the chips in her hand!

But once a woman's jealousy is aroused, no matter how kind-hearted a person is, she will instantly become another person. For Lisa, if anyone dares to rob Situ Jun from her, she will definitely not treat the enemy Relentless.

"En." Throwing the phone on the bed, Situ Jun got up and walked over to take the tray in her hand, and sat down at the desk to have dinner.

Lisa watched him start to eat noodles, glanced at the mobile phone he threw on the bed from the corner of the eye, and suddenly thought of something, she left the room for a while, and when she returned to the room, she already had a medicine box in her hand.

"Honey, take a hot bath after eating noodles, and I'll help you apply the medicine later." Her tenderness and consideration will only be for him alone, with a sweet smile on her lips, and she will find a sweet spot for him. Come change clothes.

"I'll do these small things by myself. Go back to your room and rest." The two of them are now a fiancée. Even though they came to the holiday villa in Cannes together, Situ Jun still insisted on separating the two bedrooms.

"No, I just want to do something for you, don't you like it?" Lisa looked at him with an aggrieved look, trying to get his attention.

Situ Jun raised his head, just in time to see her little aggrieved face, he wanted to reject her kindness, but he couldn't say it.

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that you, a young lady, did this for me. I'm afraid I'll wrong you." Feel free to find a reason to prevaricate her.

When Lisa heard it, she felt very happy in her heart, and she knew that Situ Jun would not have no feelings for her!

After dinner, Situ Jun went into the bathroom to wash away the tiredness of the day. Lisa stayed in his room all this time, in order to secretly check his mobile phone while he was taking a shower.

Opening the call log, I found the number he dialed just now. The place of origin is actually Taiwan?She thought he...

It seemed that she was really delusional.

But looking at this strange number, Lisa still felt strange, why did he call Taiwan so well?Hasn't she heard that he has any friends in Taiwan?

After hesitating for a moment, no matter what time it is in Taiwan, she dialed that number and waited for the other party to answer.

"Hello, son, what else can I do?" The call was finally connected, but a kind voice sounded from the other end of the line. Lin Wan thought it was the elder son who hadn't finished talking just now.

Hearing the other party's voice, Lisa paused for a while, and said hello to Lin Wan on the other end of the phone in fluent Chinese: "Hi Auntie, I am Jun's fiancee, and I accidentally pressed the wrong button just now to dial Sorry to bother you on your phone!"

Hearing the voice of a strange woman on the other end of the phone, he paused for a while, but quickly responded to her again: "You are Lisa, right? I heard Jun mention you, although I haven't seen you in person, but listening to the voice, You must be a very beautiful girl."

"Auntie, did Jun really mention me to you?" Lisa asked in disbelief thinking she had heard wrong.

"Of course, otherwise how would I know that your name is Lisa and that you are Jun's fiancée? Although his father and I have been divorced for many years and we no longer care about each other's affairs, Jun has always been my biological son. Over the years, we He has been in private contact all the time, and of course he will tell me about such a big thing as his marriage!" In fact, Situ Jun only mentioned her once in front of Lin Wan, and he told his mother that he didn't want to marry Lisa at all, and he didn't care about her either. The affection between men and women.

But under pressure from both parents and the family's business, he had no choice but to agree to get engaged to Lisa. Marrying her was not Situ Jun's original intention at all!

Lin Wan knew the truth of this, so even if she knew the truth, she would not show it in front of Lisa, making Lisa think that Situ Jun really mentioned their marriage in front of his mother.

"Jun never told me about him, so I never knew that you are in Taiwan, auntie. We will definitely go to Taiwan to pick you up in a few days after we make preparations for the wedding." Lisa smiled excitedly , hurried to please her future mother-in-law.

"Okay, you are all good boys. If there is nothing else, I will rest first, and say hello to your father for me!" It is 3 am in Taiwan now, and it is time to fall asleep.

"Okay, sorry to bother you." After hanging up the phone, knowing that Situ Jun was calling his mother just now, Lisa felt at ease this time.

The sound of running water in the bathroom came out. Lisa was lying on his bed, thinking about what his mother said just now, which still made her so happy that she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Why are you still here?" Ten minutes later, Situ Jun came out wearing a dark blue bathrobe.

"Oh, I want to wait for you to come out and apply medicine to you before I leave." He picked up the medicine box in his hand and gave it to him.

After taking a shower, Situ Jun looked more like a mature man. Lisa stared at him intently. In college, he was the Prince Charming that all the girls wanted. Over the years, in her eyes, she has always only allowed Let him alone.

"I can take care of this little injury myself." After wiping the water from his hair, Situ Jun sat by the bed and let her apply the medicine on himself.

Responding to Situ Jun's little move, Lisa pursed her red lips and pressed a kiss on his cheek, then lowered her head and started to open the medicine box, took out the medicine and a cotton swab to apply the medicine on him gently.

The two seem to be very harmonious and loving on the surface, but in fact, Situ Jun is just putting on a show in front of her, and his heart has never been with her.

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