Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 148 The more you explain, the more chaotic

Situ Jun and Lisa are the protagonists tonight, greeting all the guests tonight, but he is always distracted tonight, always looking absent-minded, and his eyes keep looking in a certain direction, which makes Lisa seem to sense something is wrong.

"Honey, what's the matter with you?" Lisa pulled him to the lounge, and they were going to dance together later, she was really afraid that some joke would come out of him in this state.

"It's okay, maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night." Situ Jun held her hand guiltily.

"If you're really tired, just rest here for a while, and I'll call you back when you can dance." Pulling him to sit down, she didn't allow her party to be messed up.

"It's okay, don't think too much about it, let's go." After pulling her out, Lei Bing finally brought Lan Xiya to participate tonight, he must find a chance to talk to her.

Seeing him so persistent, Lisa had no choice but to be more cautious later, but Lei Bing always carried Lan Xiya with her wherever she went, which also made some women who wanted to approach him to strike up a conversation stop. With such a beautiful woman by their side, they would not seek to humiliate themselves.

Sitting next to Lei Bing, Lan Xiya was like a beautiful sculpture. She had no interest in what these men were talking about. She was looking around for Situ Jun. When he led Lisa back to the banquet, Her burning eyes followed him again.

"Everyone, next, let's ask the bride and groom to present a dance for us, okay?" The hotel staff walked onto the stage at this time, picked up the microphone and shouted.

"Okay, okay..." The guests at the banquet all applauded, agreeing with the master of ceremonies' proposal.

The lights at the banquet suddenly became dim, and a dazzling beam of light suddenly shot down, just shining Situ Jun and Lisa in everyone's sight. The music played slowly, and the two looked at each other. Situ Jun embraced Lisa's body. Around the waist, dancing to the music...

In the dimness, Lan Xiya could see the face that she missed day and night more clearly, she couldn't help standing up, and stared at the bright beam of light intently.

Situ Jun hugged Lisa and waltzed, but he had already noticed Lan Xiya's position from the corner of his eye. During the dance, he unconsciously regarded Lisa in his arms as Lan Xiya's position. The delicate face of an angel...

The sound of the music gradually faded with the dance steps, and the lights returned to the banquet hall again. The uncomfortable feeling made Lan Xiya's eyes sting. Lei Bing pulled her to sit down and let her lean in his arms to relax for a while.

Seeing this, Noke immediately stepped forward and said, "Miss Shia is not feeling well, do you need to go outside the balcony to get some air, or go to the lounge to rest for a while?"

"Baby, how are you?" Lei Bing asked with his head lowered.

"I'm fine. The light just now made my eyes blind for a while. I'll just go outside to the balcony to get some air."

"I'll accompany you there." Lei Bing helped her stand up.

"No need, there should be a lot of business matters to be discussed between you guys, I'll just walk over by myself." Lan Xiya refused, and she just wanted to go get some air by herself.

"Okay then, you go there by yourself, I will always be here waiting for you to come back." Let go of her hand and let her leave by herself, so that Situ Jun can have a chance to be alone with her.

Lan Xiya left the dining area and walked across the dance floor to the balcony. Compared with the inside, the outside of the balcony seemed much quieter, which just allowed her to relax a little.

Situ Jun watched Lan Xiya walk to the balcony alone, the opportunity came, he asked Lisa to go to the dining area to greet him, go to the lounge to rest for a while, and go to find her later, Lisa thought he was really If he is tired, let him go to rest and greet the guests by himself.

After getting rid of his fiancée, Situ Jun immediately walked towards the balcony. A glass door separated the two worlds. Lan Xiya heard the sound of the glass door behind her and turned to look. She thought it was Lei Bing who followed, but unexpectedly it was he!

"It's you?" Lan Xiya looked at him in surprise.

"It's me, Lin Feng's older brother Situ Jun." To reveal his identity, it was also a self-introduction.

"The last time I was in the church was because of me, and you were implicated. Are you recovering from your injuries?" She still remembered the scene of the two men in black beating him to the ground.

"I'm fine, but I have something very important to ask you, I hope you don't hide it from me, okay?" Approaching her, the fragrance of her hair made him intoxicated.

Lan Xiya nodded. In fact, she could guess what his question was, and she would have to answer this question sooner or later.

"My brother, is he dead? How did he die? Who killed him? Where is his body?" He must know the answer to this question today.

As soon as his words came out, Lan Xiya's eyes turned red instantly, she lowered her head, and told him what happened in the hotel that day from beginning to end...

Listening to her narration, Situ Jun couldn't believe it was true?His younger brother was shot in the middle by that man named Zuo Shaoyi, killing him instantly?

"Where's his body? Where is his body buried?" Continue to ask.

"I don't know, but later I asked Lei Bing to help me investigate, he said, he said..." She didn't know how to say the next words.

"Lei Bing also knew about this matter? What did he say, and what was the result?" Situ Jun asked excitedly, grasping her wrist.

"He said that his subordinates found the person who handled the corpse that day, and they said that the corpse was thrown to feed the wild dogs..." Dou Da's tears fell, and she couldn't accept the result.

Listening to her words, Situ Jun froze in place, looking at the passing cars downstairs, as if the whole world had stopped running at this moment!

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me. If we hadn't met that day, Feng wouldn't have died. It's all my fault. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Lan Xiya cried in pain, whenever she thought of what happened that day Her heart hurt like being cut by a knife.

Situ Jun didn't speak, and hugged the crying Lan Xiya in his arms: "It's not your fault, it's not your fault..."

"I'm sorry..." Apart from these three words, she was powerless to say anything else.

Lisa didn't see Situ Jun when she went to the lounge, and she searched around the venue but couldn't find him. Where did he go?

"Miss Lisa, I seem to have seen Master Situ go out of the balcony just now." A waiter saw Situ Jun just now, and hurriedly stepped forward to tell Lisa.

"Thank you." Lisa was prompted to look for the balcony.

Outside the balcony, the two people who were still in pain didn't notice Lisa's approach at all. Lan Xiya snuggled into his arms with tears all over her face. Although Situ Jun couldn't see anything on the surface, deep in his heart , the blood and tears between brothers and sisters that had already fallen, it was unexpected that the two brothers would never have the chance to meet again.

"What are you doing?" Lisa walked step by step. When she walked outside the glass door of the balcony, she saw a picture of two people embracing each other.

Situ Jun was pulled back to reality by Lisa's voice. Looking at his fiancée a few steps away and Lan Xiya in his arms, his first reaction was to push her away. He knew Lisa's character very well. Seeing such a She must have misunderstood the picture.

"Lisa, don't get me wrong, Miss Lan was not in a good mood just now, so..." Situ Jun was busy explaining, but Lisa interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"Miss Lan? Isn't she the second daughter of Longtian Group? As far as I know, the former chairman of Longtian Group was surnamed Long. Why is her surname Lan? Did you guys know each other a long time ago?" Lisa's memory is very good. Okay, Lei Bing's introduction to Lan Xiya just now, she remembers it correctly.

"She is really two thousand gold, and my brother and I have a very good relationship. This is the second time we have met, and it really has nothing to do with it!" Situ Jun was afraid that Lisa's misunderstanding would cause Lan Xiya trouble.

"Brother? When did you have a younger brother? We've known each other for so many years, why haven't you and your father mentioned it? You have never had any photos of your younger brother at home?" Lisa didn't believe it. For such a statement, she thought It was just a lie that Situ Jun defended himself.

"My parents divorced for many years, my brother went to Taiwan with my mother, because my father didn't want to mention my mother, so there is no picture of my mother at home, but there are many pictures of my brother, but you never realized that it was my twin brother, not me !" Situ Jun listened to her series of questions, and didn't want to explain to her anymore.

"Miss Lisa, what Brother Situ said is true, please don't misunderstand!" Seeing their quarrel, Lan Xiya wanted to go forward and explain clearly.

"Shut up, I knew something was wrong from the moment you came in, and your eyes never moved away from my fiancé. I don't want to know about the relationship between you. But I'm warning you, Situ Jun It's my Lisa Carlos' fiancé, if you dare to seduce my man behind your back, don't say I won't let you go, I believe Lei Bing won't tolerate a woman cuckolding him, right?" He stared fiercely Lan Xiya glanced, Lisa took Situ Jun's arm and dragged him away from the balcony.

Unexpectedly, that woman has such a big appetite. With Lei Bing, the fifth son of diamonds, she wants to seduce her man. What a bitch!

It was eight o'clock sharp, and Mary was late. It turned out that she had misremembered the time and thought that the banquet would start at eight o'clock. Tonight, she continued her usual sexy and flirtatious style, with a low-cut p dress and a long hair. With golden curly hair scattered behind her head, she walked into the banquet hall under the leadership of the staff in ten-inch high heels.

Her appearance immediately made many men present take a deep breath. At first glance, she is definitely a sexy and hot little wild cat, full of charm!

Lisa dragged Situ Jun away from the balcony, and when she crossed the dance floor, she happened to meet her face to face. Seeing her hot clothes, Lisa hated her from the bottom of her heart, but due to her identity, she couldn't make it too obvious .

"Are you Miss Mary Sofaro? Why are you here now?" Lisa guessed her identity. She had seen her photo in a magazine, so she should be right.

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