Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 152 Falling into Her Trap

It just so happened that a Thai who had a long-term relationship with the arms business was also on vacation in Cannes. Out of politeness, Lei Bing invited him to have lunch with him. As soon as he came back, he heard Luo Bao report to him that Mary had just come to talk to Lan Xiya About ten minutes, just left.

Mary's intentions were never pure. As soon as Lei Bing came back, she walked upstairs and opened the door, only to see Lan Xiya sitting quietly on the bed reading a book.

"What is Mary looking for you here?" Lei Bing sat beside her, and pulled her slender arms with a pair of powerful hands, making her look at him face to face.

"Ask me, why did you take me to the dance last night instead of her?" Lan Xiya had already thought of an excuse to deal with him before he went upstairs.

"Then how do you answer?" This was very similar to Mary's character, but he was more interested in how she answered.

"How can I answer? Of course, let her go to you, but if you are not here today, maybe she will come to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to ask for an answer!" Throwing this question back to her, Lei Bing couldn't answer this time. A little suspicious.

"If you don't want to get hurt, you'd better stay away from her. As for her, I will deal with it!" Lei Bing was surprisingly calm. After kissing her on the forehead, he got up, took off his suit, and walked to the bathroom go.

After a while, the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom, which relieved Lan Xiya's tense nerves just now.

------Dividing line--------

"How about it? Have you found Situ Jun's whereabouts?" Mary is most anxious to find that kid. If she can't find him, her plan will be ruined.

"I'm sorry, miss. I haven't found his whereabouts yet." He has already contacted the local forces to investigate, but so far, the major hotels in Cannes have not found his check-in registration.

"Cannes is just that big. I don't care what method you use. Before tomorrow morning, you must find someone for me, and you must find him before Carlos!" Lisa must not be allowed to find someone first, or she The play couldn't go on.

"We will do our best, but we have received news that some forces in Taiwan have been secretly tracking down Lei Bing's whereabouts. Lei Bing attended the Carlos family's banquet last night. Now that book probably knows his location." , should send people over soon." The power in Taiwan refers to Zuo Shaoyi, and his people have been inquiring about Lei Bing's whereabouts before.

He attended Lisa's celebration banquet. Although few media came, the news was released. After confirming that he was in Cannes, Zuo Shaoyi put down the pile of project proposals in the company and prepared to rush to Cannes.

Although she didn't know him very well, when Mary heard that it was another force from Taiwan, she immediately guessed that it was Zuo Shaoyi. If he also joined it, her plan would fail completely!

"Hurry up, hurry up, find Situ Jun quickly!" Mary urged anxiously, her plan couldn't be ruined just because of that little boy.

At this time in Taiwan, Zuo Shaoyi had already learned through the media that Lei Bing was in Cannes, France, but Peter insisted against him going there in person. The company was in an extraordinary period at this time. As the chairman and chief executive officer of the company, how could he Is it possible to leave Taiwan at such a juncture?

Not only Peter, but even Zuo Shaoyi's most powerful assistant, Shan Zi, agreed with Peter's opinion, let him stay in Taiwan to take charge of the company, and let him take care of Miss Xi Ya's affairs.

Zuo Shaoyi's series of reasons lingered in Zuo Shaoyi's ears, but they still couldn't change his decision. They didn't understand Xi Ya's position in his heart at all. If the love of a Longtian Group and Xi Ya made him choose, he would never Choose the latter without hesitation!

Rights can be fought for again, money can be earned again, but there is only one Shia, if you miss it, you will never have another chance to do it again. After he lost his mind and killed Lin Feng, he deeply experienced Shiya's love for him. own change.

Although the two of them didn't meet face to face, the phone call had already told everything. In her heart, he would always be a murderer!She will never go back to the past, and she will never, ever call him Brother Shaoyi again!

"I've already made up my mind. I'll leave for Cannes early tomorrow morning. Follow me for the list. I'll leave all the company affairs to Peter for the time being!" It was nine o'clock in the evening in Taiwan. Go in person.

Shanzi and Peter looked at each other, it seemed that Zuo Shao had already made up his mind, and it was useless for them to persuade him any further.

Early the next morning, Zuo Shaoyi's private jet was ready at the airport, the destination - Cannes, France!

Zuo Shaoyi's plane had just taken off. In Cannes, Mary's people had just found Situ Jun's whereabouts. It turned out that he had hidden in a small hotel. No wonder so many people sent out couldn't find his whereabouts.

France. Cannes, at one o'clock in the morning, Mary first found Situ Jun. No matter how late it was, she would come to this remote small hotel to talk to Situ Jun about her important affairs!

This small hotel is located far away from the center of Cannes. In Mary's eyes, it looks shabby, but it is cleaned very cleanly. There is no elevator here. Wearing her usual ten-inch high heels, she came to the room No. 306 on the third floor. He knocked lightly on the door.

"Hi, I'm Mary Sofaro. It was Lan Xiya who asked me to come to you. If you are here, please open the door!" Mary stood outside the door, waiting for him to open the door and invite her in. .

Sure enough, there was a little movement inside. The sound insulation here is not very good. If the sound is a little louder, you can hear it.

Situ Jun lay on the bed and didn't fall asleep at all, and immediately sat up when he heard the voice outside the door. He didn't understand Mary's personality, and thought she was really Lan Xiya who asked her to come to him.

The door opened, and Mary stepped into the room. This kind of old small hotel always made her feel musty. She walked to the bed and found a clean place to sit down. She never imagined that this man could live in such a place. go down.

"Miss Mary, we seem to have met each other last night, right?" Although he had heard of her before, in Situ Jun's impression, it was only at the banquet last night.

"Yes, but you two seemed to be in a hurry last night." Mary knew what was going on, and deliberately teased him.

Situ Jun's smile was a little stiff. He didn't want to mention Lisa, so he asked her directly, "Miss Mary just said that Miss Lan asked you to come to me, but how did she know I'm here? What can I do?"

"Of course she doesn't know you are here. If I hadn't sent people to inquire about your whereabouts in Cannes, I'm afraid everyone would never have dreamed that you, a young master, would come to this small hotel!" Mary is used to living in luxurious and high-end hotels. Residential area, such a small place, if it weren't for the special situation today, she would not have set foot a step further.

"You made Miss Mary laugh. Only in this kind of place can Lisa find me so easily." Situ Jun said with a wry smile.

"That's true! The joke is over, let's talk about the serious business?" Mary suddenly became serious.

Seeing her suddenly change face, Situ Jun put away the wry smile on her face, waiting for her next words.

"Lan Xiya asked me to come to you for help. I hope you can send her back to Taiwan. She will escape from Lei Bing's beach house tomorrow." Mary has long been sure that he will help Lan Xiya.

"How does she want me to help her?" Situ Jun couldn't understand what she said.

"She doesn't have a passport, so she can't leave Cannes through normal channels. After she escapes tomorrow, I hope you can pick her up and hide her temporarily so that Lei Bing can't find her. I'm trying to find a way to send her back to Taiwan later!" Mary didn't want to Concerned about the next thing, as long as they can meet tomorrow, her plan will be considered complete.

"Okay! How to do it specifically?" Situ Jun agreed to her without thinking about it.

Mary will tell him the planned route and location, and just ask him to wait for her there at twelve o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and she will definitely show up!

With the final move in place, 90% of her plan has been completed, and the last and most important [-]%, as long as that bitch Lan Xiya can leave smoothly, what will greet her is death!

But Lan Xiya was kept in the dark by Mary's words, and she lingered with Lei Bing until the middle of the night. She didn't dare to sleep. Hours, as long as he sleeps peacefully for an hour tomorrow like now.

Mary told her to ask her to find a way to make Lei Bing drink tea or coffee with this sleeping pill at around 11 o'clock tomorrow, and she would arrive at the villa around 11 o'clock. They changed each other's clothes in the room, and let themselves pretend to be her and leave. Someone outside would pick her up and go to the appointed place. After an hour, she would come back and confess her mistake to Lei Bing. I believe he wouldn't be too angry.

Although the whole plan was well thought out, how could she get him to drink it?Unless she bowed her head to him and showed him favor, it would be difficult for her to make a move.

Thinking about it, sleepiness hit her unknowingly. When she opened her eyes and woke up, the man next to her was gone. When she touched the place where he slept, there was no trace of temperature. It seemed that he had already get up.

Fearing that she would delay the plan, Lan Xiya got up immediately to wash up, checked the time, it was past ten o'clock, and went downstairs cautiously, looking at him sitting in the yard, Lan Xiya gritted her teeth, and walked towards him proactively.

"Didn't you say we're going back to Taiwan in the next two days?" Lan Xiya stepped forward, thought for a while, and found a chat box to start with him.

"Tonight, we're leaving tonight!" Lei Bing already knew that Zuo Shaoyi had come to Cannes in person, and he did it on purpose, and when he came, he would leave.

"Really?" Hearing what he said, Lan Xiya shouted out in surprise. If she hadn't planned ahead, she might not have the chance to escape to meet Aunt Man after returning to Taiwan.

"Is going back to Taiwan so exciting?" Lei Bing was really surprised by her actions.

"Because my sister is in Taiwan, in the manor." Her answer was very frank and clear.

"It's really sisterly love!" Picking up the coffee beside her, she tasted it carefully.

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