France. Northwestern Brittany Peninsula

On the calm sea, three fishing boats went fishing together. The heavy rain last night prevented the fishing boats from moving forward. They moved their hulls closer together to resist the storm last night.

"The weather is fine, everyone come out and collect!" A middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing a thin old T-shirt, walked out of the cabin, went to the deck and stretched his waist, yes cried the companion in the cabin.

After the baptism of the heavy rain last night, today's weather looks particularly good, the sky is blue, and taking a deep breath makes people full of energy.

The man's shout woke up the people on the other two fishing boats, and they walked out of the cabin one by one, stretching in unison.

"Maoli, you boy, you are the last one to come out again." The middle-aged man said to the young man who walked out of the cabin last.

"I'm a young man, you have to understand me." Mao Li scratched his curly hair indiscriminately, walked to the bow of the boat and looked towards the sea.

Suddenly, a moving object in the distance caught his attention. Curiosity arose, and he immediately ran back to the cabin to find the telescope and returned to the splint, looking at the moving object in the distance.

"Uncle Sam, come quickly, there is a person in front!" Mao Li clearly saw through the telescope that the moving object turned out to be a person lying on a bush.

The middle-aged man who was preparing to collect and others heard his shout, put down their work and ran to the bow, looking in the direction he pointed.

"It seems to be a lady. Let's sail over to see if she is still alive." The kind Uncle Sam returned to the cockpit and started the fishing boat to drive forward.

The young boy Mao Li stood at the bow of the boat and watched their boat getting closer to her. When the boat reached a certain position, Mao Li jumped into the sea and rescued the girl lying on the bush.

Let her lie flat on the deck, Uncle Sam immediately stepped forward to check if she still had signs of life. He saw that her lips were turning white, and the several knife wounds on her left cheek had been turned outward due to being soaked in water for a long time , the long skirt was still stained with blood red, but after soaking in the water for a long time, the dazzling blood color has turned into a light red.

Touching her arm, the whole person was like an ice cube, without any temperature at all.

"The child is still alive, but his body is very weak. If it hadn't been discovered by Maori, it would have been a few hours later." Uncle Sam let out a long sigh of relief, he is really a poor child.

The other two fishing boats also approached them at this time. After looking at each other, they decided to take the girl back to the village. May God bless her to survive this difficult time.

Maori carried her into the cabin and wrapped her cold body in a blanket. There were no women on board, they were all men, so it was not convenient for her to take off her wet clothes, so he could only keep her warm temporarily.

This is France, the Brittany Peninsula in the northwest, a small village near the small town of Saint-Malo, a kind, simple and beautiful place.

Uncle Sam and Maori took the girl they saved in the sea back to the village. There are many yellow-skinned Asian women in the village, so they are not unfamiliar with this Asian girl.

"Grandma, grandma, come quickly, we rescued a girl." Mao Li returned to his home with the girl on his back, and shouted loudly to the grandma in the house.

The grandson has been fishing with Uncle Sam next door for several days. Hearing his shout, the old woman with white hair came out of the house, just in time to see the grandson put a wet girl on the bed .

"What's going on, who is this girl?" The old woman in her 60s looked at the girl suspiciously, especially the knife wound on her face, which might not heal in the future.

"Aunt Rong, Mao Li found this in the sea. I saw that the poor child was still alive, so I brought it back." Sam walked in after Mao Li and explained to his grandma.

"It's really a poor child. Her whole body is frozen like this. It seems that she needs to take a hot bath first, and I'm looking for a doctor in the village." The old lady is also one of the Asians in this village. Seeing this poor girl , don't mention how distressed.

But she was in her 60s and couldn't move her alone, so Sam asked his wife to help.

"Aunt Rong, look, these are all blood stains?" After Kelly took off the girl's clothes, she found light blood stains on the underpants and skirt.

The two looked at each other, feeling strange, could this girl be pregnant?An unfortunate miscarriage in the midst of a death?

"Aunt Rong, and this, this is the thing hanging around the girl's neck." He handed the thing in her hand. Kelly is French, so she didn't know it was a long-life lock.

Aunt Rong took it from her hand, and when her presbyopic glasses saw clearly the longevity lock in her hand, she, who was over sixty years old, burst into tears in front of everyone.

"Aunt Rong, what's wrong with you?" Kelly asked quickly, seeing that something was wrong with her.

"We'll talk about this later, let's tidy up for her first." Aunt Rong suppressed the excitement in her heart for a while, and together with Kelly let the young girl under the temperature of hot water, and finally regained a little warmth.

Moving the girl to the room, Mao Li was shocked to see grandma's eyes were red, as if she had cried a lot.

"Grandma, what's the matter with you?" Although he usually eats too much, is lazy and loves to gamble, he never dared to provoke grandma.

"Thank you, thank you, you saved Miss's life." Standing by the bed, looking at the young girl in a coma, Aunt Rong tightly held the longevity lock in her hand, and thanked Sam and his wife repeatedly.

"Aunt Rong, what's going on, do you know this poor child?" Sam asked in surprise.

"Yes, if this lock really belongs to her, then she is one of the baby girls I was looking for 20 years ago." It turns out that Aunt Rong, who is over 20 years old, helped Lan Xinmei escape [-] years ago maid.

Everyone in the village knows that Aunt Rong was brought back to this village by Mao Li’s grandfather 20 years ago, but she left the village several times to go to Taiwan, saying that she was looking for a child. At that time, everyone thought she was out of her mind. But it was true that 20 years later, Dahai sent one of the baby girls to her.

"It turned out to be like this! By the way, I went to the village to find a doctor, and you stay here to take care of her. She is very weak now." Thinking of her physical condition, Sam immediately walked out while talking.

"Okay, okay, thank you again." Aunt Rong took Kelly's hand and thanked again and again.

A while later, the doctor came with the medicine box. Aunt Rong thought of the blood stain just now, and pulled the doctor aside and told him quietly, asking him to check it together.

The doctor understood what she meant and let the others go out, leaving only the nurse and Aunt Rong in the room to help do a detailed examination of the girl. The medical conditions here are relatively poor, there are no large instruments, and only rely on the doctor's excellent medical skills.

"Aunt Rong, you guessed right, this girl is indeed pregnant, but now the child is gone, I think she must have had a miscarriage during the accidental fall into the sea, so you can see the blood on her skirt , is the trace of miscarriage." The doctor shook his head, looked at the poor girl and said.

"Then how is her physical condition?" The child will be gone as soon as the child is gone, as long as the adult is fine.

"She just had a miscarriage, and she has been soaking in the sea for so long, so her body is naturally weak, but the most troublesome thing is the wound on her face. I'm afraid our small place is unable to heal the wound on her face!" the doctor told the truth. To be honest, the knife wound on her face was really troublesome.

"Then what should I do?" Aunt Rong frowned worriedly, making the wrinkles on her forehead more obvious.

"I will prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs to give her an infusion to let her wounds heal. As for her physical condition, she needs to recuperate slowly. Unless the wounds on her face are for facial skin grafting, if not, there is no other way Let her return to her previous appearance." The doctor has tried his best, and the medical conditions here are limited, and it is very good to save her life.

Aunt Rong nodded, that's all she can do for her.

The cold medicine was injected into the girl's body, but after a day and a night, the girl was still unconscious. Aunt Rong took good care of her, fearing that her body would not be able to survive, so she cooked rice soup and fed it to her carefully. Looking at her cheek, if it weren't for the knife wounds on the left cheek, she must be a great beauty.

With a delicate oval face and delicate facial features, the more Aunt Rong looks at her, the more she looks like Miss Lan. She must be Miss Lan's youngest daughter!

"Don't, don't..." After being in a coma for two days, the girl finally whispered weakly.

Seeing that her body was gradually improving, Aunt Rong finally let go of the uneasiness in her heart. She sat on the bedside and took her hand to comfort her: "Miss, don't be afraid. With grandma here to accompany you, everything will be fine."

The girl in a coma vaguely heard the kind and old voice, her trembling little hands gradually regained their composure, and fell into a deep sleep again...

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