Mary has only been discharged from the hospital for a few days, and she almost stays at home for no more than six hours a day. I don't even know where she is?What are you doing?For such a daughter, Sean is already at a loss what to do with her!

"Sir, this is from the hospital. It seems to be Miss's physical examination report." After looking at the words on the outside of the envelope, the servant handed it to Xiao En.

"Well, leave it to me first." Sean held the envelope in his hand and opened the envelope without thinking too much.

This is a physical examination report that Mary made in the hospital before she was discharged from the hospital. Mary didn't keep this report in her heart at all, and she had forgotten everything about the hospital, and she didn't go to the hospital to get it. Her personal information was sent home.

Sean opened the report and glanced at it. Suddenly, a few English words made his face change on the spot, e) AIDS.

His brows were deeply furrowed, and Sean was in a state of confusion for a moment. No matter how much property the Sofaro family had, there was no medicine to treat AIDS at the current stage. He could only slowly deplete his immunity and wait for death.

"Daddy, what's the matter with you?" Jason came down from the study and saw him sitting on the sofa alone, without saying a word.

Sean looked up at his son, and handed him the report in his hand. Jason didn't understand what was going on, and when he saw the inspection results written on the report, he was also surprised for a while.

"Daddy, don't worry. Doesn't the test result mean that further tests are needed? Maybe they made a mistake." Jason could only comfort his father in this way.

"You don't need to say, you and I know exactly what kind of person Mary is. This is her retribution!" Sean shook his head helplessly. He doesn't know that his daughter often hangs around bars and clubs, but There is no way to control her anymore.

It is very likely that she contracted this disease because of her **.

"By the way, let the servant pack up her things and let her move to the holiday villa." For the health of his family, he could only make such a decision.

Jason didn't say a word, and after his father left, he rushed out the door. It seems that the dead girl still doesn't know what her physical condition is.

"Bell..." The phone rang again and again, but Mary was completely immersed in the heat wave of the sea of ​​desire and couldn't extricate herself.

"Ryder, hurry up, hurry up..." The clothes were all off, and the two naked bodies were tightly overlapped.

Ryder's strong waist pushed her up and down vigorously, and Mary's separated white legs were wrapped around his waist, enjoying every minute and every second of spending time with him.

Suddenly - "Boom", the door was kicked open from the outside, and Jason rushed in with two bodyguards, only to see the mess in the room and the two people closely connected on the bed.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Several people who broke in suddenly interrupted the two who were coddling on the bed, causing Mary to yell at Jason in a state of distress.

"Put on your clothes and follow me immediately!" Jason turned away from looking at them, giving her time to organize himself.

"Asshole!" Interrupted at a critical moment, the blush on Mary's face was quickly replaced by black lines.

This is Ryder's apartment. Jason sent someone to investigate and found out that if Mary wasn't in a club or bar, she must be hanging out with him at Ryder's apartment.

Before leaving, Jason gave Ryder a strange look. It seems that he didn't even know that he had been tricked!

Maybe it was because of Jason's sulking along the way, Mary didn't say a word to him, and when she got home, she saw the servants carrying all her luggage out, what does this mean?What the hell happened?

"Why are you taking my luggage out and putting it all back!" She is Mary Sofaro, who dares to touch her things.

"This is what Daddy asked them to do. From today onwards, you will move to live in the holiday villa." Jason stood beside her, conveying Daddy's words.

"What did you say? Daddy wants to drive me away, I don't believe it!" He stared at Jason in disbelief, he must have been messing with her on purpose.

Running upstairs, she must find Daddy and ask him about it.

Sean sat in the study with a calm expression on his face. He figured that when Mary came back, he would ask him to clarify, and he spread out the inspection report early on and put it on the desk, waiting for her to come back.

"Daddy, Daddy..." Before anyone arrived, the voice came first, and after a while, Mary's figure appeared in the study.

"I finally got you back. Here is your inspection report. Let's take a good look at it." She pointed to the desk and asked her to pick it up and read it by herself.

It was only because she was too careless in her usual sex life that she was infected with htv germs.

Mary wanted to ask him why he drove her to the villa, but her father's words made her temporarily press back the question she wanted to ask, picked up the inspection report on the desktop, and glanced at it casually.

"This...htv is positive, what does this mean? Does it mean that I am infected with AIDS? How is that possible? This is definitely not my report, and it must be a mistake!" The three words AIDS are in Mary's She is no stranger to consciousness, because some of her friends died of AIDS.

"I have already called the hospital to confirm that they did not make a mistake in the report. They still need to strengthen targeted testing. After waiting for two days, they will know whether you are really infected with AIDS." Sean's face was cold, He had never treated her so coldly like today.

"Daddy, what should I do?" Mary panicked. If the test report proves that she is really infected with AIDS, will she have to wait to die?

"What should I do? Are you ashamed to ask me what to do? If it wasn't for your corrupt life and frequent lingering in those nightclubs, how could you have gotten into this disease?" Sean suddenly became stern, and even his eyes were full of anger.

If this matter gets out, not only her own reputation will be damaged, but even the whole family will be criticized.

"I, I won't dare in the future." Mary didn't know how to explain it.

"Don't dare? Do you think it's useful to regret now?" Sean suppressed his anger, and he no longer had any hope for her.

"Daddy, I'm your only daughter, you must find a way to cure me!" Mary couldn't control that much, she didn't want to die, she didn't want to die.

"Shut up, pack up your things and move to the villa immediately. I will send a few servants to take care of you in the villa. Also, you must keep this matter a secret. Before it is confirmed, not even your mommy Say, do you remember?" He admonished her fiercely, absolutely must not leak this matter.

"I, I see." Nodding, the word "despair" was written all over Mary's face.

She didn't dare to refute, so she could only obediently move to the holiday villa by herself. The holiday villa is located outside the suburbs. Compared with the city, there must be less fun here, and it is not Mary's living habits at all.

Two days later, the hospital conducted a series of precise tests on the blood she collected, confirming that she was indeed infected with htv germs, but she was in the initial stage and had no symptoms. After two or three years, the germs began to destroy her body Only when the body's immune system is ineffective, she will gradually feel the discomfort of the body, and thus suffer from various rare diseases and lead to death.

In order to hide this fact, Sean spent money to bribe all the medical staff who were tested. The Sofaro family must not have such a stain.

But his every move behind the scenes was closely watched by Simon, trying to hide it from everyone's eyes, it's not that simple.

90.00% of the men who have slept with Mary will be infected. During this time, Simon has recorded the information of all the men who have had sex with her this week from Mary's discharge from the hospital to today. Just wait for them to make a big deal out of it. .

------Dividing line------

Lan Xiya has been in the hospital for a week. Every night after she falls asleep, Lei Bing will quietly come to the room to accompany her, but at dawn, he will quietly leave again before she wakes up.

Today the gauze on her face can be removed, hesitant Lei Bing is present, the doctor is extra cautious, afraid that if she is a little nervous, she will hurt Miss Lan.

"Miss Lan, you can see for yourself." The doctor took off the gauze and asked the nurse to bring the mirror so she could see for herself.

Lei Bing sat at the side coldly, maybe there were outsiders, he deliberately appeared indifferent, but it could be seen from his eyes that he was very satisfied with the operation.

Lan Xiya held the mirror a little excitedly, looked at Lan Yu beside her, and picked up the mirror to face herself.

...a moment of silence...

"Sister, sister, the scar on my face is gone, it's really gone!" With joy and excitement, Lan Xiya smiled happily.

"Don't be too happy too early, it will be a week or two before you're done, so you should be more careful during this time, don't go out for now." Lan Yu was close to her position, and carefully looked at her face The skin grafting is still slightly different from the skin color on her face. After half a month, she will undergo a micro-plastic surgery and the skin will be flawless.

"Yeah." A beautiful face is what every woman dreams of, and Lan Xiya was very happy when she saw her face restored to its original appearance.

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief, and after explaining to her the precautions after leaving the hospital, he immediately withdrew and left the ward, because there was a strong pressure here, which made them feel uncomfortable.

"Bite, thank you!" After the doctors had left, Lan Xiya took the initiative to walk up to him, took his hand, and sincerely expressed her gratitude.

"If you really want to thank me, show me your sincerity." Lei Bing stood up and looked down at her, with a hint of hunger and desire in his eyes.

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