Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 185 Do You Want To Kill Me Together?

Lei Bing just drank some wine in Ye Paris. The alcohol and her body odor made him force her uncontrollably.

Andre waited in the car for an hour and still didn't see him get off, and no one answered the phone, so he went up to look for him worriedly, just as he got out of the elevator, he saw Lan Xiya running past him in disheveled clothes, Lei Bing Responsibility followed behind her.

"Lei Shao..." Andre just wanted to speak, but was swallowed hard by Lei Bing's eyes.

"Let's go, come see her tomorrow." Seeing her safely walk into the house, Lei Bing left with peace of mind.

Lan Xiya ran back to the room with tears all over her face, afraid of disturbing Aunt Man, she held back her ability to cry, cleaned her body, and hid on the bed, weeping silently.

------Dividing line-------

Lan Xiya, who hadn't closed her eyes all night until a white belly appeared outside the window, just fell asleep because of exhaustion.

Rao Xueman knew that she must have suffered from insomnia last night, so it was not easy to wake her up, so she prepared breakfast and put it on the table, then went out to the fish market to buy some ingredients to replenish her body.

"Ding dong... ding dong..." Not long after Rao Xueman went out, the bell outside the door woke up Lan Xiya, who had only slept for less than three hours.

"Who is it?" She opened the door with a tired face, and when she saw the person coming outside the door, her drowsiness instantly dissipated without a trace.

"Xia, it's me, brother Shaoyi." Zuo Shaoyi was downstairs early in the morning, he knew that Aunt Man would go out to buy vegetables in the morning, and he came up after she went out.

"Aunt Man, Aunt Man..." Lan Xiya shouted nervously, she had no idea that Aunt Man had gone out.

"Aunt Man just went out, and now there are only two of us at home." Zuo Shaoyi forced his way in, scaring Lan Xiya back step by step.

"Murderer, what on earth do you want to do? Do you want to kill me too?" The scene of him killing Lin Feng is still vivid in her mind, and she will never forget it in her life.

Zuo Shaoyi frowned, obviously, he didn't like her calling him "murderer".

"Killing Lin Feng was just a moment of excitement on my part. No one can calm down after seeing such a scene!" As he approached her step by step, for many days and nights, the picture of her daydream repeatedly appeared in his dreams. face.

"Sophistry! Feng is my boyfriend, even if we do something, it's none of your business!" Facing him, she had nothing but hatred in her life.

Zuo Shaoyi's handsome face suddenly darkened. The angel he had cared for for more than ten years actually said such words to him, making his efforts come to naught.

"Xia, come here, we should have a good talk, you misunderstood me too much!" He didn't like her avoiding him, he liked it before, he liked her calling Brother Shaoyi with a smile.

"Misunderstanding, so you think so? It's okay if you want to be calm, to make a long story short, because I don't want to waste my time with you, a murderer!" Her eyes locked on a fruit knife on the coffee table, if she wanted to stab him , you must approach him first.

"Okay, let's sit down and talk slowly." Zuo Shaoyi sat on the sofa first, but never took his eyes off her for a moment.

Not daring to get too close to him, Lan Xiya sat on the edge of the sofa and kept guarding against him. He was no longer the brother Shaoyi who cared and cared for her before. He had become a devil, and it was him who killed Lin Feng. , almost raped her, and even deceived her sister to take away the company that Daddy worked so hard to manage. He is not worthy to be Daddy's adopted son at all!

Seeing that she also sat down quietly, Zuo Shaoyi began to take out his prepared lines.

"Xiya, I heard that you went to see Situ Jun yesterday? Then do you want to know why he became like that?" This is the purpose of his coming today, he wants to make Xiya full of hatred towards Lei Bing.

Lan Xiya looked at him fiercely, as if expecting what kind of answer he would say.

Looking at her eyes, Zuo Shaoyi knew that she must want to know very much, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said slowly according to his plan: "It was Lei Bing, it was Lei Bing who tied Situ Jun from France to Taiwan, and later I didn't know how to use it. What method tortured him and turned him into the useless person he is now!"

"Shut up, Brother Situ is not a cripple, he just fell asleep!" Lan Xiya yelled at him, no one could hurt him so badly.

"Okay, okay, as long as thinking this way can make you feel better." Unexpectedly, her reaction was so intense, Zuo Shaoyi was still secretly laughing.

"If this is what you want to talk to me about, then you can go now!" Lei Bing had already told her personally last night, and now she didn't want to hear the same thing from him a second time.

Zuo Shaoyi thought that her reaction would be violent, but he didn't expect her to be so calm. Did she already know about it?

"Xia, come back to me, I promise you that I will help you kill Lei Bing!" Although her reaction was not what he expected, Zuo Shaoyi's plan remained the same, all he wanted was for her to return to him. around.


Hearing what he said, Lan Xiya couldn't help laughing out loud. After he hurt herself and the Long family, he still had the face to come here and tell her these things?

"Brother-in-law, I should call you that right, right? Although my relationship with Sister Zilin is not very good, after all, we both have Daddy's blood on our bodies. We are sisters. Since you have married her, how can you marry her?" Why did you say something like this to me? Have you ever respected her, and at the same time respected yourself?" She really felt sorry for sister Zilin, she had chosen thousands of choices, but in the end she chose a big liar.

If Daddy hadn't told her about the Long family's situation yesterday, maybe she still didn't know Zuo Shaoyi had done so many dirty things.

"You are wrong. We have divorced in secret a long time ago. If you don't believe me, I can show you the divorce certificate. Everything I have done is to be with you in a dignified way!" Zuo Shaoyi said very Tell her this question seriously, but fortunately he has already terminated the contract before.

"Hehe, your movements are really fast, do you even feel tired from acting?" In less than three months, he has already reached this point, it's terrifying.

Looking at her mocking eyes, the more Zuo Shaoyi thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, as if Xi Ya already knew all this, because she couldn't see any waves on her face, she was always so calm.

"Xia, listen to my explanation..." Zuo Shaoyi obviously couldn't sit still, he moved his upper body and leaned forward.

Seeing that he wanted to approach her, Lan Xiya quickly reached out to pick up the fruit knife in the fruit plate on the coffee table, held it tightly in her hand and stood up, pointing the direction of the knife at him: "Don't come here, I don't want to listen to you Explain, your explanation should be left to Sister Zilin!"

"Xia put down the knife, don't worry, I will never hurt you." Seeing her suddenly become so agitated, Zuo Shaoyi was afraid that the knife in her hand would hurt herself.

"I will never believe your words again. You'd better go out now. If you still dare to take a step forward, don't blame me for being rude!" The hand holding the knife was trembling because of nervousness, but the firm look in her eyes There is absolutely no trace of timidity in the eyes.

Zuo Shaoyi stood on the spot without speaking, just looked at her quietly...

After a long time, there was a hint of anger on his face and he said: "I am so kind to you, but you point a knife at me, Lei Bing has done so many things that are worse than beasts to you, but you are intimate with him at the charity meeting , could it be his ability in bed that conquered you?"

He couldn't accept Shia turning against him like this, approaching her while talking, distracting her attention.

"Shut up—both of you are not good people, whether it's you or him, I won't let you go!" shouted at him excitedly, because his words reminded her of what happened on the back stairs last night .

At this moment, Zuo Shaoyi caught sight of her flickering eyes, reached out and knocked the fruit knife in her hand to the ground, and hugged her body in his arms.

It has been half a year, and how many nights he missed, he yearned day and night to completely own this body, and today finally gave him a little excitement.

"Ah, let me go, what do you want to do, go away..." Being hugged by him, the fear in Lan Xiya's heart rose rapidly. Could it be that he wanted to...

She didn't dare to continue thinking, so she had to struggle desperately. The smell of his body seemed to have a hint of blood, which made her stomach churn and want to retch.

Zuo Shaoyi hugged her, sniffing the body fragrance emanating from her fascinatedly, desire swept his whole body unknowingly, a gleam of red light flashed in his eyes, and his big palms began to move more and more. Getting more and more restless.

"Let go, let go, help..." Lan Xiya tried to call for help, but the door was guarded by two of Zuo Shaoyi's men, and no one dared to come in.

"Xiya, my Shiya, since you can sleep with Lin Feng and Lei Bing, why can't you sleep with me? I will treat you very well, definitely gentler than they treat you!" The desire in the eyes became more and more The deeper it got, Zuo Shaoyi became more and more out of control.

He stroked Lan Xiya's skirt with one hand, and tried to kiss her lips, but she dodged it several times.

"Help, help..." Feeling the evil big palm on her thigh, Lan Xiya twisted and swayed desperately, trying to shake off his touch.

Zuo Shaoyi became more and more addicted, wishing he could have her right now, he dragged her to the sofa, fixed her hands on top of his head, leaned over and kissed her cheeks, eyes, eyebrows, collarbone crazily... ...

"Ah, help, help..." Her fear continued to rise, and she kept struggling and resisting under him.

That fragrant and soft body made Zuo Shaoyi want to stop, simply kissing and touching was far from satisfying his desire, so he stretched himself up and untied the belt, wanting to take her further.

Taking advantage of this moment, Lan Xiya kicked him hard in the chest with both legs, hurriedly got up from the sofa and wanted to run out, but Zuo Shaoyi grabbed his arm before running a few steps, and her steps didn't stop Steady, one staggered heavily and fell to the floor.

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