Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 191 Let's Go Check Tomorrow 1

On an energetic morning, Rao Xueman came back with a vegetable basket in his hand, and looked at the time on the wall, it had already pointed to 09:30.

"Xia, Shia, get up and have breakfast soon." Rao Xueman bought her a morning meal and put it on the table, and hurriedly knocked on the door to wake her up.

Since the child came back that day, he felt weird all over, he didn't like to talk, and he didn't want to go out of the room.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement in the room. Fearing that something would happen to her, Rao Xueman opened the door and walked in, but where is her shadow inside?

"Is something going to happen?" Thinking of this, Rao Xueman didn't care about anything else, picked up the key she had just put down and ran out to find her.

The administrator downstairs said that she saw her go out about 10 minutes ago, as if she was leaving in the direction of the small park in front.

Following the instructions given by the administrator, Rao Xueman ran forward anxiously. Suddenly, a black Bentley stopped in front of Rao Xueman. Zuo Shaoyi had just been discharged from the hospital this morning and wanted to come and see Xi Ya. Before I got downstairs, I saw Aunt Man with an anxious look on her face, as if she was looking for something?

"Aunt Man, what's wrong with you?" Zuo Shaoyi stepped forward and asked.

"Shaoyi, you came just in time. Shia is gone. The administrator said that she saw her go downstairs and walk towards the small park in front." Temporarily forgetting the unpleasantness before, seeing him appear is like seeing her. Like a savior.

"Get in the car, let's go and look for it!" Zuo Shaoyi helped her, who was out of breath, into the car, and they went to the small park not far ahead together.

Lan Xiya was wearing a pure white dress, sitting next to a sandpit, watching the children playing in the sand inside, unconsciously reminded her of her own childhood.

That would be in London. Every night after dinner, Aunt Man would take her to play in the park not far from home. At that time, life was carefree. Every day when Aunt Man was in class, she would sit quietly On the one hand, watching her seriously teach her students to play the piano.

"I really miss London..." Looking up at the sky, she wished she could grow a pair of wings and fly in the sky like a bird.

Free, without any worries...

"Xia, Shia..." Rao Xueman's shout interrupted her fantasy.

Lan Xiya looked in the direction of the source of the voice. Besides Aunt Man, there was another person she didn't want to see in her life.

"Why did you just run out without saying a word? I thought something happened to you, but it scared me!" Rao Xueman squatted in front of her, reaching out to help her straighten her long messy hair.

After the accident last time, Zuo Shaoyi knew that she must have a grudge against him, so he just stood beside Aunt Man and looked at her without speaking.

Lan Xiya completely regarded him as a transparent person, as if he didn't exist at all.

"I'm just bored in the room, so I want to go out for a walk and get some air. You don't have to worry so much." Lan Xiya said with a smile.

"It seems that I'm too nervous, but if you continue to behave like this in the future, please leave me a note, so that I won't see you when I come back and think that something happened to you again."

"Well, I remember..." With a shallow smile, she nodded obediently, not letting Aunt Man worry about herself.

Zuo Shaoyi looked at her quietly, no matter what she did to him, in his eyes, she was always the angel in his heart and would never change.

Suddenly, Lan Xiya frowned deeply, "Ugh..."

Pressing his chest, he couldn't stop retching, and his stomach was overwhelmed with discomfort.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly do this? Is it..." Rao Xueman was about to ask if she was pregnant, but suddenly realized that Zuo Shaoyi was at the side, and immediately swallowed the words back.

Lan Xiya shook her head, and after a while, when she felt more comfortable, she replied: "It's okay, maybe it's because I didn't have breakfast this morning, I suddenly feel very hungry!"

"Scared me, let's go back quickly, I bought you rice noodles, if you don't go back to eat, it will all be mushy." Rao Xueman had a trace of worry in his eyes as he helped her up.

"Okay, let's go back." After finishing speaking, they left together accompanied by Aunt Man.

But she never paid attention to Zuo Shaoyi from the beginning to the end, and didn't even look him straight.

Zuo Shaoyi walked out of the park a few steps away from them. Looking at Xi Ya's leaving back, he had already guessed what Aunt Man's hesitation to say just now meant.

Pregnant... Lei Bing's child?

Unconsciously clenched his fists, he actually let Shia fuck his child, hateful!

"Go! A voice as cold as ice sounded, and Zuo Shaoyi's eyes were completely blinded by jealousy and hatred.

Pregnancy... Lei Bing... These two words could not dissipate in Zuo Shaoyi's mind for a long time.

"Lei Bing, I will never let you become the father of that child!" This thought soon took root in his mind.

------Dividing line--------

Lan Xiya's departure made Rose Manor become lifeless again. The servants all bowed their heads to do their own work, not daring to discuss right and wrong about the masters.

"Young Master Lei, Shadow has already found a clue." After working for a few days, he finally found the clue.

"Say." Lei Bing stood outside the balcony, looking at a sea of ​​roses in the back garden.

"It took Shadow a few days to finally crack the encryption code of Zuo Shaoyi's Swiss Bank. There is a deposit record of [-] million U.S. dollars, but no matter what method is used to trace the depositor, the record cannot be found. However, However, we found out that the sources of funds of the companies we cooperated with were all transferred out of the account of Zuo Shaoyi, a Swiss bank." Judging from the available evidence, the person who opposed Lei's behind the scenes , it is indeed Zuo Shaoyi, but who is the person who secretly provided such a large amount of money to support him?

Lei Bing had already been sure that Zuo Shaoyi did it, but who was helping him?The other party has such huge financial resources?

"Has Zuo Shaoyi been getting close to any suspicious person recently?" He did think of a candidate, but the two of them didn't seem to have much contact with each other.

"No, he had been in the hospital some time ago and was only discharged this morning." Andre also sent someone to investigate in this direction, but nothing suspicious was found.

Lei Bing closed his eyes. He didn't believe that Zuo Shaoyi hadn't been in contact with that person. Now he couldn't even use wireless monitoring to cut into his mobile phone. Obviously, the other party had already mastered his way of doing things. If it was Zuo Shaoyi, he wouldn't be able to will not notice.

"Stop any arms trade during this period. Now the enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark, let the brothers in the organization be careful!" This is an extraordinary period, and he absolutely does not allow any mistakes.


"Bell..." Lei Bing's cell phone rang.

He took out his phone from his pocket to check, and the caller ID turned out to be Zuo Shaoyi, which made Lei Bing a little strange.

"I'm Lei Bing." Pressing the answer button, he said coldly.

"I'm surprised that I called you, right?" Zuo Shaoyi's voice really came from the other end of the phone.

"I don't like corner-to-corner conversations. If you need to talk to me about business, just get to the point." Lei Bing didn't like him, and he didn't like hearing his voice.

"Okay, the recent crisis in Lei's family, I believe you have found out that I, Zuo, did it, but you also know that it is impossible for me to waste such a large amount of funds here, so I believe you must have a lot of money." Interested to know who is helping me behind the scenes?" Zuo Shaoyi got down to business and threw out the bait to lure him into the game.

"Tell me, what conditions do I need to pay?" He will never easily tell who is behind him, and there are no free meal coupons in the mall.

"Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, on the North Shore, I will wait for you on my private yacht. If you want to know the truth, don't be late!" After finishing speaking, Zuo Shaoyi hung up the phone.

What is he trying to do?This is Lei Bing's doubt.

Since someone is helping him deal with him behind his back, what a rare opportunity he wants to make a deal with himself to betray his benefactor?Something strange about this?

"Young Master Lei." Andre heard their conversation beside him, and felt that there was something wrong with it.

"Tomorrow afternoon, you stay in the company and let Luo Bao and Simon choose a few good brothers behind you to come with me!" He had already decided to go and see what conspiracy Zuo Shaoyi was planning.

"Yes, I'll let them prepare."

On the other end of the phone, Zuo Shaoyi's mouth twitched into an evil smile, as long as Lei Bing took the bait tomorrow, then next year's today will be his death day!

"List, are you ready?"

"Young Master Zuo, you're ready, just wait for Lei Bing to take the bait!"

"Okay, this time you can only succeed, never fail!" He clenched his hands tightly, knowing the fate of failure.

So, if Lei Bing didn't die this time, then he would be the one who died!


"Xia, Shia, are you okay?" Rao Xueman shouted anxiously outside the bathroom door.

Lan Xiya has been retching since yesterday, her face turned pale just now, and she couldn't help but ran into the bathroom to vomit again.

A little bit, when Lan Xiya came out of the bathroom, she was sweating profusely on her forehead, feeling very weak all over her body.

"I'm fine, Aunt Man, just take a break." She sat down on the sofa.

Now there are only the two of them at home, Rao Xueman sat next to Lan Xiya, pushed her, and asked seriously: "Xia, it's already the end of this month, have you had your period yet?"

When she asked her this question, Lan Xiya seemed to remember that she hadn't had her menstrual period for more than half a month.

Shaking her head, she seemed to understand why Aunt Man asked her such a question.

"I see that you vomit so much, you must be pregnant, right? Just now, Shaoyi was next to you in the park, so I can't ask you directly." Rao Xueman looked at her, and it did look like an early pregnancy reaction .

"Then what should I do?" Encountered such a thing, Lan Xiya was a little bit at a loss.

"Don't worry, I will take you to the hospital for an examination tomorrow. If you are really pregnant, you must tell Mr. Lei about it. He has the right to know about it." give birth.

"I... If I really have one, I don't want this child!" Lan Xiya lowered her head, as long as she thought that the child's father was Lei Bing, she felt that this child must also be a demon.

"Xiya, how can you say such a thing? Children are innocent, you can't be so selfish, and you can't kill your child's chance to come to this world!" Rao Xueman is very special to children because she is barren. Pampering, caring and caring for Lan Xiya, it seems to be no less than any mother.

Listening to her words, Lan Xiya was silent for a while, thinking about the children playing in the park in the morning, what Aunt Man said was right, she really couldn't be so selfish, she couldn't kill the children's chance to come to this world.

"Well, I understand."

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