Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 195 Where is Daddy?

Four years later......

A silver high-end limousine was parked outside the gate of an aristocratic school. Rao Xueman stood in front of the car, watching a small figure with a small blue schoolbag come out of the school gate, and immediately opened a kind smile towards the school. She shouted: "Zihao, mother-in-law is here!"

But the little figure didn't seem happy when he saw her. After he walked in, he found that his face and body were as dirty as a little tabby cat.

"My good grandson, what's the matter with you? Did you fight with someone again?" Rao Xueman squatted down and held his chubby little hand, and asked him with concern.

Facing the kind grandmother, the little guy didn't appreciate it. He shook off her hand, threw his schoolbag into the car, and sat on the back seat without saying a word!

Seeing him like this, Rao Xueman must have had conflicts with her classmates in the kindergarten, so she stopped asking him, got in the car together, and left the school quickly.

Four years is enough to bring about earth-shaking changes in a person.

Lan Xiya was dressed in a black professional suit, and her long curly hair had already been replaced by straight hair just past her shoulders. The childishness on her face had been baptized for four years, and there was no trace of it on her face at all. .

She had just negotiated a project in the United States and successfully signed a contract. She had just gotten off the plane when she received a call from Aunt Man. Her young master seemed not very happy today.

"Ma'am, you are finally back. The young master has been depressed since he came home from school. When I asked him what's the matter, he kept his head down and refused to speak!" He greeted her with an open face.

"It's okay, leave it to me!" After handing over the luggage and briefcase to the housekeeper, Lan Xiya walked directly to her son's room.

Unlike other little boys, his room likes to be pasted with various cartoon characters, perhaps because he inherited his father’s genetic characteristics and hobbies. He also likes to be decorated in deep and cool colors, just like a little adult, if he doesn’t know his own Son, Lan Xiya often thinks that she is in the wrong room.

"Baby, Mommy is back." In the room, I saw my son sitting alone on the bed, looking at something in his hand.

Lan Xiya's voice finally made the little guy who had been silent for a whole day react, and turned to look outside the door. It was really Mommy who came back.

"Mummy..." He jumped out of bed excitedly and ran towards Lan Xiya.

Lan Xiya closed the door casually, bent down to hold him in her arms, and directly printed a big kiss on his face.

It has been four years, looking at the son in her arms, Lan Xiya seemed to see a long-lost shadow.

He, Lei Zihao, is three years old this year, and has obtained all of his father's genes. At a young age, he and Lei Bing look like they were printed in the same mold. Let Lan Xiya hug him every time, Looking at his little face, you will feel touched.

"I heard from grandma and the housekeeper that you seem a little unhappy today. Did you have a conflict with the children in the kindergarten?" Lan Xiya sat on the bed with her son in her arms, and looked at the dirty coat he threw on the ground, she seemed to guess it Some.

"Mommy, I didn't mean to fight with them. It was Lu Jiaming who first laughed at me for not having a daddy, so I did it!" At such a young age, his self-esteem was already very strong.

Although he was born in a wealthy family, well-clothed and well-fed, many people cared about him and loved him since he was a child, but since he became sensible, the word "father" has frequently appeared in his consciousness, looking at other people's children With the company of daddy and mommy, he will ask himself, why does he only have mommy?Where did his daddy go?

When Lan Xiya heard these words, her heart tightened, she didn't know how to answer his words?

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a photo album he had put on the bed. It turned out that he was looking at these just now.

There are photos of her and Lei Bing in the photo album, but most of them were made by Andre who asked Shadow to combine the two photos together. Now this photo album has become Zihao's most precious thing.

Every time he misses Daddy, he will take out this photo album and keep Daddy's appearance firmly in his heart.

Lan Xiya was very sad for her son's sensibleness, shouldn't this be a characteristic that a three-year-old boy should have?

"Daddy went to a place far, far away. He said that when our Zihao grows up to be a little man, Daddy will come back and return to Zihao's side. He will never leave again. ....." Lan Xiya felt sore in her heart, she couldn't remember how many times she had said these words.

Kid Hao nestled in Mummy's arms, and he didn't speak for a long time, his chubby little hands tightly grabbed Mummy's clothes.

Suddenly, he raised his head, mist formed in his clear eyes, his little face collapsed, and he asked with a sad cry: "Lu Jiaming said that you are a liar, Daddy didn't go to a very far place at all, He is dead, daddy is dead, right?"

What her son said made Lan Xiya's face turn pale, she was a little flustered and didn't know how to answer?

"Mommy, I want Daddy, Zihao wants Daddy..." He buried his little head in her arms, his chubby body was shaking non-stop in her arms, wiping all his tears and snot on his face. In her high-end suit.

"Baby, Lu Jiaming is talking nonsense. Daddy is not dead. He really is not dead. Let me assure you, okay?" Lan Xiya could only comfort him while holding her son.

"I don't want to promise, I want Daddy, unless Mommy can make Daddy appear in front of me on Sunday, I will believe what Mommy says!" Kid Hao still had tears in his eyes, this time he was really hurt.

"This..." Lan Xiya was a little embarrassed by her son's request, where could she find him a daddy?

"Mommy..." Seeing her embarrassed face, Xiao Zihao called to her with a long tail.

Gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Lan Xiya nodded helplessly, but after nodding, she regretted agreeing to him, because she didn't know how to do it?

Seeing that Mommy nodded, a smile appeared on Xiao Zihao's face, he opened his chubby little hands, and counted carefully: "One day, two days, three days...

Today is Tuesday, as long as you persist for four days, you will be able to see Daddy by the weekend.

Thinking of this, his mood suddenly changed for the better, and his stomach started to growl, "Mummy, I'm hungry."

"Then go downstairs and find grandma." Lan Xiya put him down from her arms.

In a good mood, he turned around and ran out of the room and rushed downstairs, but for Lan Xiya, he didn't know what to do on Sunday?

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Andre's number. His son is usually the best with him and listens to him the most. Maybe he can think of some solutions.

"Lie, there's trouble, you have to do it this time!" After the call was connected, before the other end could speak, Lan Xiya couldn't hold back anymore.

Andre is still in the company now. Hearing her words, he thought that her project in the United States had collapsed.

"What's the trouble?" Putting down the work in hand, waiting for her next words.

"It's Zihao, who came back just now crying and clamoring to find Daddy..." Lan Xiya told him the exact situation just now.

"It's a bit troublesome, but don't worry, I will find a way to deal with that kid!" Andre on the phone comforted her, but this time she did bring him back a big trouble.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." After receiving his affirmation, Lan Xiya felt a little relieved.

In the past four years, if Andre hadn't supported their mother and son, she might not have been able to survive today in despair.

"Xia, what are you thinking?" Lan Yu's figure suddenly appeared in front of the door.

"Sister, can you knock on the door when you come in?" Her sudden appearance always made her uncomfortable.

"This is not your room. Why should I knock on the door? If you're done thinking about it, come down and see that little ancestor!" Lan Yu leaned against the door, and the little ancestor in his mouth naturally meant that he just came downstairs. Lei Zihao.

It seems that her precious son is in trouble again, he got up and walked to her side, holding her hand and went downstairs together, while walking, he did not forget to sarcastically say a few words to her: "Sister, Lie seems to have been chasing you for four years, right? And I saw him come out of your room several times in the morning, do you have something to hide from me, should you tell me honestly?"

"Lan Xiya—" Lan Yu stopped suddenly and shouted at her.

"Why are you so loud, I'm listening!" Her reaction seemed a bit extreme.

"I have nothing to do with him, don't talk nonsense, let alone ask him!" Lan Yu hurriedly explained, but the more she explained, the easier it was for people to misunderstand her.

"Ann, I'm not a big speaker, let's go..." The corner of her mouth twitched into a smile, I really didn't understand what she was stubborn about.

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