Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 198 Daddy is really here!

Ten minutes later, Lan Xiya and others who received the call also arrived at the hospital. There were more than a dozen tall bodyguards behind Andre, and Lan Xiya hurriedly walked in the front. It's more like the boss of the underworld traveling, and everyone backs away in fright.

"Zi Hao!" After finding the medical staff and asking where her son was in the ward, Lan Xiya rushed in, her voice trembling uncontrollably.

But at that moment, the figure of the person sitting beside the hospital bed fell into her eyes, and she froze in place, as if what she saw was just a hallucination...

The familiar voice reached Lei Bing's ears, he stood up and slowly turned around, looking at Lan Xiya face to face.

The man in front of her eyes became clearer and clearer, so that Lan Xiya couldn't believe what she saw, she stretched out her hand and tightly covered her mouth, within two seconds, big tears began to fall down quickly .

Even though that face was more haggard, vicissitudes, and thinner than four years ago, she would never forget that face that appeared in her dreams every night!

"Lei Bing, is that you..." Seeing him walking towards her step by step, Lan Xiya couldn't help but trembling and opened her mouth, and when she spoke, the tears fell even more fiercely.

Lei Bing didn't answer, and he couldn't see any expression changes on his face, but he didn't know that at this time, his heart had already started to turmoil, and he wished to hug her tightly in his arms immediately.

Seeing that he had arrived in front of him, Lan Xiya would never forget the familiar aura on his body, and finally couldn't help it. She stretched out her arms and hugged him tightly, crying and saying, "You're back, you're back I said, you must not be dead yet, you will definitely come back..."

"How did you take care of your son, how did you let him run out alone, and even rushed to the road, and see how I deal with you tonight!" Holding her, he had a thousand words to say to her, but the words came to his lips , he still...

Lan Xiya didn't expect that after four years of separation, the first thing Lei Bing said to her was to scold her for not being optimistic about the child...

Wait a moment!This last sentence seems a bit wrong?

Lan Xiya came to her senses, her original worry, puzzlement and fear disappeared all of a sudden, she raised her head and saw Lei Bing's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she immediately became angry, and pushed him away forcefully: "Lei Bing stoneware!"

"It hurts..." Lei Bing staggered back a few steps. Unexpectedly, after four years of absence, her strength gradually grew.

Seeing the painful look on his face, Lan Xiya was startled, and couldn't help complaining in her heart that she had used too much force just now, she hurried over to support Lei Bing, and said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, what's wrong with you? Where else..."


Lan Xiya didn't expect that Lei Bing, who was still frowning in pain and unable to speak, actually hugged her tightly in his arms, and pressed her plump breasts tightly against his strong chest, holding her with both hands. He hugged her tightly, and pressed her harder into his arms.

"I haven't seen them in four years, they seem to have grown again!" Lei Bing's deep voice rang softly in his ears, and Lan Xiya's face flushed with shame.

His cheeks flushed for a while, and he stretched out his hand to push him away, but he hugged him even harder.

"Don't push me away, let me give you a good hug, I miss you so much..." The voice gradually became hoarse, with a slight tremor.

Lan Xiya understood his mood at the moment, and didn't push him away, instead, she took the initiative to put her hands around Lei Bing's waist, and hugged him tightly with all her strength.

"Lei Bing, are you really back? I'm so scared, I'm so afraid that I'm dreaming again, and when I open my eyes, you'll disappear..." Lan Xiya closed her eyes, absorbing the familiar fragrance from his body. Taste, put your head on his chest, listen to his strong heartbeat, but still feel uneasy.

There was a more real scene in the dream, but after waking up, it was still a dream...

Lan Xiya started crying again as she spoke. After waiting for too long, even she almost gave up and started to give up hope. But now that he is back, the real texture of his body is real, isn't it? Fake!

"Fool, it's me, it's really me!" Lei Bing lowered his head, reached out and lifted Lan Xiya's chin slowly, looking at her eyes glistening with tears and her slightly parted lips, Without any hesitation, he directly bowed his head and kissed her sweetness.

Lan Xiya's hands also slowly moved up a little so that her angle could fit Lei Bing better, and she warmly responded to his hot and domineering kiss.

When Lan Yu and Andre, who were following behind, rushed to the door of the ward, they stopped when they saw the two hugging each other inside.

"It's Young Master Lei, Young Master Lei is still alive, he's back!" Lan Yu couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart, but she kept her voice very low, not wanting to disturb the two people inside.

Andre is also very excited at the moment. The search work in the past few years has been fruitless again and again, which also makes him start to wonder if Shao Lei is really dead?

But now, seeing Shao Lei and Lan Xiya hugging each other, both of them are sure that he is really back.

"Should we go in..." As soon as Andre opened his mouth, Lan Yu covered his mouth with his hand, gave him a hard look, and said unhappily, "Didn't you see that the husband and wife reunited after a long time, and want to go in and do something?" Well!"

Andre's mouth was covered by her, and when he wanted to speak, he could only make some "woo woo woo" sounds, his eyes looked inside, and he happened to see the scene where the two began to kiss passionately, and he felt a little embarrassed, with a look on his face. It also got hot.

Lan Yu turned his head subconsciously, and when he saw that scene, he felt a little embarrassed, and he just dragged Andre away.


Lan Xiya bit her lip, her cheeks were reddish, she was gasping for breath, her eyes were filled with tears and she looked at Lei Bing beggingly, her appearance was pitiful and full of temptation, in Lei Bing's eyes, it didn't look like she was begging him, Instead, it seemed to be tempting him to take further action.

"My child, my child is also here..." Lan Xiya hadn't finished speaking, but Lei Bing had already gagged her mouth severely, swallowing all the unfinished words back into her stomach.

Lei Bing hugged Lan Xiya and backed away. When he reached the edge of the door, he changed his angle and freed his hand to slam the door shut.

Immediately afterwards, she was pressed against the wall,... shielded... Lan Xiya felt as if a weak electric current flowed through her whole body instantly from there, and her body became limp. Like a pool of spring water, Lei Bing's head was gradually embraced with both hands, and a low voice popped out from his mouth.

"Daddy, do you know where my daddy is..."

At this moment, Hao, who was sleeping on the bed, suddenly uttered a sound, causing Lan Xiya to open her eyes suddenly, and quickly pulled Lei Bing's head away from her chest, and tidied up her clothes, but Lei Bing Still refused to let go, still holding her tightly.

"My son is awake!" Lan Xiya said anxiously, trying to push Lei Bing away and walk over, but Lei Bing intensified his strength instead, holding her firmly in his arms with both hands: "It's nothing at all, he It’s just talking in your dreams, don’t worry!”

That tone sounded like she was jealous, which made Lan Xiya a little bit dumbfounded.

Xiao Zihao opened his eyes amidst the two talking, turned his head, and saw his mommy was hugging a man, and jumped off the bed with a "thump", standing on the bed like a little adult, the two The little hand tightly clenched his fist, and shouted angrily at the strange man with his back turned: "Who are you? Let go of my mommy, my mommy can only be hugged by my daddy!"

He doesn't allow other uncles to take advantage of his mommy, and daddy will be back soon!

Lan Xiya shook her head helplessly, with a look of wanting to laugh and helplessness on her face, and Lei Bing also turned around at this time, looking at the little man on the bed, with a hint of approval in his eyes.

Sure enough, it was his own son. At such a young age, he knew how to help him take care of his wife, not bad!

The boy was still puffing his cheeks angrily, but when he saw Lei Bing clearly, he was stunned for a moment, and within two seconds, he shouted with joy: "Daddy!"

It turns out that Daddy is back!His daddy really came back!

Little Zihao was excited, his small body climbed off the bed without hesitation, and ran towards Lei Bing directly, a pair of small hands tightly hugged Lei Bing's long legs like hugging a big tree, his small face was in his arms Rubbing on the pants: "Daddy, Daddy, will you take me to school tomorrow?"

Seeing her son's overly well-behaved appearance, Lan Xiya only felt that as soon as Lei Bing came back, her position in this little guy's heart would definitely fall behind.

"Baby, Daddy just came back, tomorrow Mommy..." Lan Xiya had just finished speaking, when Lei Bing was beside her and interrupted her: "From now on, Daddy will send you to school every day, okay?"

"Long live Daddy!" Kid Hao raised his face and cheered happily when he heard this.

And Lei Bing also freed up one hand, bent down and hugged the little boy Hao with one hand, and wrapped Lan Xiya with the other hand, holding the mother and child in his arms at the same time.

After four years of separation, today is finally a family reunion.

After finishing the formalities, Lei Bing took his wife and children back home in the car that had been waiting at the hospital gate for a long time, while Lan Yu and Andre had already gone back to Rose Manor to take care of everything. Lei Shao left for four years, and now finally I'm back, it's a big happy event, of course I have to go back and prepare well.

"Daddy, Mommy said you went to a far, far away place. Where is it? Will you go there again?" Since Xiao Zihao recognized his daddy, he has been like a tree bag since he was in the hospital. Sticking to Lei Bing like a bear and refusing to let go, even Lan Xiya could only retreat to the side.

Hearing this question, Lei Bing seemed to think of something in his heart, his face was slightly startled, but soon he smiled again, reached out and patted the boy on the shoulder: "No, Daddy won't go anymore How about staying at home with Zihao and Mommy?"

"Great! Lu Jiaming will never say that I am a child without a father!" When Zihao said this, his face was still a little angry, but it was only to Lan Xiya and Lei Bing's ears, But I couldn't help feeling a little sour in my heart.

Lan Xiya stretched out her hand and gently placed it on the back of Lei Bing's hand, and said in a low voice: "From now on, everything will be fine!"

The past few years have been difficult, and she has also survived. From the beginning of being deliberately made things difficult and denied by everyone, to now becoming a famous strong woman in the mall, how much she has paid in these four years is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Lei Bing held her little hand back, the warm palm made Lan Xiya feel relieved, raised her head, and met Lei Bing's firm eyes: "Leave it to me from now on, I will protect you mother and child. "

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