Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 218 Am I Thinking Too Much?

Lei Bing nodded: "She can be regarded as a hero of the female school. She can participate in many military and other fields. The British Prime Minister loves her very much. This time she helped us stop foreign suppliers and let Zuo Shaoyi in You can’t buy any raw materials from overseas!”

"But...why did she call you?" Lan Xiya lowered her head, muttering like an aggrieved little girl.

Lei Bing smiled helplessly, lowered his head and kissed her forehead: "Believe me, and believe in yourself, I only have you in my heart, and she doesn't mean the way you imagined to me, looking for me may just be Because of business!"

"Then why did you hang up on me?" Lan Xiya raised her head, biting her lip with displeasure.

"How about I call back and ask her?" Lei Bing deliberately teased her, seeing that Lan Xiya's tears seemed to come out again, he hugged her tightly and comforted her and said, "It's really just business, I still owe them One life, no matter when they make a request, I need to fulfill my promise, so don't misunderstand my relationship with Nancy, there is really nothing!"

After Lei Bing's repeated assurances and reassurances, Lan Xiya could only persuade herself not to think too much, and it was so rare for Lei Bing and herself to be together, so she didn't want to make trouble because of it.

In the next few days, I didn't see Nancy and Lei Bing contact again. In order to reassure her, Lei Bing also took the initiative to ask Andre to hand over a detailed information about Nancy to Lan Xiya. .

Looking at the young and beautiful woman in the photo, Lan Xiya couldn't help but feel a sense of oppression.

Her eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. Although it was just an ordinary ID photo, the sharp eyes and powerful aura made people feel a little afraid when they looked at it.

Looking back at Nancy's experience from childhood to adulthood, Lan Xiya was even more speechless. The above-mentioned outstanding achievements over men, as well as the projects and matters she had served or directed, are enough to show that Nancy No wonder the British Prime Minister sent her to Taiwan to investigate, and it is no wonder that she was able to rescue Lei Bing from the hands of death.

"How is it? Don't you believe me yet?" Lei Bing saw her staring intently, bent down from behind and hugged her, and then looked at the information report in Lan Xiya's hand.

Lan Xiya shook her head, "I believe in you, but I just think that this Miss Nancy is really amazing, a three-degree outstanding graduate from Cambridge University... But why didn't the above mention her love experience?"

Other things can be ignored, but I haven't had a love experience in more than [-] years. As an open-minded foreign girl, it seems a bit unreasonable.

Even if she used to be a pure and conservative oriental woman, she and Lin Feng started to get together early, let alone a woman like Nancy who is both talented and beautiful?

"Because she is not as beautiful, gentle and lovely as my wife, so no one chases after her!" Lei Bing said with a smile, which made Lan Xiya couldn't help laughing too.

I thought this matter was over, but I didn't expect that after a few days, Nancy's phone call came again, and since then, it has basically remained uninterrupted every day.

Seeing Lei Bing talking to her, Lan Xiya felt panicked, but thinking that Nancy was Lei Bing's savior after all, she couldn't say anything?Asking too many questions makes it seem like I don't believe Lei Bing!

"Xia, have you been on your mind lately?" Lan Yu took off a grape and threw it into his mouth. He sat on a bench in the garden with his legs crossed, looking forward at the people who were playing ball together on the grass in front of him. Father and son.

Lan Xiya next to him also looked in the direction of the father and son, with a trace of bitterness in his eyes, and whispered: "You can also see that I am unhappy, why doesn't he seem to notice it at all?"

"Don't think too much, Young Master Lei treats you differently!" Lan Yu has been by his side for 20 years, she will never be wrong about this.

Especially because of my first boyfriend, for almost two years, any woman who had sex with Lei Shao would die at the hands of Lan Yu, and Lei Shao always turned a blind eye and closed his eyes. bother.

Thinking of this, Lan Yu couldn't help laughing, and Lan Xiya looked at her innocently, her eyes were wronged like an abandoned deer: "Sister!"

"Haha, I'm sorry Xi Ya, I just think it's funny when I think about the past." Seeing that Lan Xiya was still looking depressed, Lan Yu suppressed his smile and asked her: "Then you have to tell me first, What is going on, I can help you analyze and analyze."

Lan Xiya nodded. After waiting for this sentence for a long time, she turned her head and glanced at Lei Bing, and saw that he was fascinated by playing with the child, and he should not be able to hear him after a distance of more than ten meters.

Even so, she was still a little uneasy, and tried to lower her voice: "Do you know Miss Nancy, the daughter of the British Prime Minister Blair Cameron?"

Lan Yu thought for a while and nodded.

"She was the one who saved Lei Bing back then, and she was by her side during the years when Lei Bing stayed in England, and before that, because she wanted to cut off Zuo Shaoyi's purchase of raw materials, Nancy helped stop him Overseas suppliers have helped a lot!" Lan Xiya told her what she knew.

"Are you suspecting that she likes Young Master Lei?" As expected of twin sisters, Lan Xiya had already guessed before Lan Xiya had finished speaking.

And seeing that Shia didn't deny it, the melancholy on her face seemed to deepen, which was equivalent to affirming Lan Yu's guess.

After thinking about it, Lan Yu still shook his head, stretched out his hand to hold Lan Xiya's hand, and said seriously: "Even if she likes Shao Lei, it doesn't mean anything? There are countless women in Taiwan who like Shao Lei." Count, is it possible that you still make yourself uncomfortable for those women you don't know every day?"

"It's different, I don't think about those women, but Nancy is Bing's savior, and her status is a bit special. Before, she still called Lei Bing occasionally, and now she calls almost every day. I... ..."

Facing her twin sister, Lan Xiya can pour out all her worries to her without any scruples, and she won't be afraid of Lei Bing knowing.

After saying this, the boulder that had been pressing on my heart for several days seemed to loosen a little, but it still hadn't completely rolled down. I looked up at the father and son in front of me, and found that Lei Bing also looked up and picked up the boy Hao. Together they waved to Lan Xiya and blew a kiss.

"You see, what a terrible man Lei Shao was originally, and he had no mercy for all women, but now, he is just an ordinary good man who loves his wife and son. Caring about it? By the way, did you ask Mr. Lei face to face?" Lan Yu helped her analyze while eating,

Lan Xiya shook her head, looking at Lei Bing who was playing with the children in the distance, he really changed a lot for the mother and son...

"Listen to my sister, don't think too much about meaningless things, and have confidence in you and Young Master Lei!" Lan Yu continued to cheer her up and encourage her.

At this time, the father and son were also tired from playing, and Lei Bing walked over with the boy on his neck, Lan Xiya had to quickly put away the uneasiness in her heart, and tried to force a smile, "Zihao tired from playing? "

"Mommy, Daddy is great, I want to play football with Daddy in the future!" The little guy slid off Lei Bing's shoulders, and climbed onto Lan Xiya's body with a "crawl, rub, rub". It's all sweat and mixed with a lot of weeds.

Looking at the lovely son in her arms, Lan Xiya couldn't help showing a smile: "Then you have to obediently eat and drink milk every day, so that you can grow up quickly and beat Daddy quickly, you know?"

"Well, I want to beat Daddy!" Kid Hao looked excited, waving his little hands excitedly.

Unexpectedly, Lei Bing, who was standing by the side, seemed unwilling to show weakness, and let out a cold snort: "If you want to beat me, it will be impossible in another 30 years!"

The excitement that had just been ignited was completely extinguished by Lei Bing's words, and Zihao's mouth began to pouted, looking at Lan Xiya as if asking for help.

Lan Xiya felt sorry for her son, so she couldn't help turning her head and glaring at Lei Bing, "How old are you, and you still bully your son all day long!"

"What I'm telling is the truth!" Lei Bing felt a little dissatisfied with the kid Hao who kept hiding in Lan Xiya's arms and acting coquettishly, and his tone was a little sour.

Seeing the sweet look of the family of three, Lan Yu also smiled, stood up and said, "Okay, I won't be your light bulb anymore, Shia, remember what my sister said just now!"

Lan Xiya raised her head and met Lan Yu's eyes. The two sisters had already understood each other's psychology with just a look. After a few seconds, they also nodded slowly.

When Lan Xiya was far away, Lei Yan also stood up, pulled the chair to Lan Xiya's side to be close to her chair, and stretched out his arms to wrap around Lan Xiya's shoulders from behind.

He and his son could still smell sweat, but Lan Xiya felt that it was the most reassuring smell for her. It was so real that she could be sure that the two most important men in her life were staying with her now. Around.

"What did Lan Yu say just now?" Lei Bing waited until now to open his mouth. In fact, he had already noticed that something was wrong with Lan Xiya, so he brought the child here to rest.

Lan Xiya paused, then turned her head and gave him a light kiss: "I didn't say anything, just let me pay attention to my body, don't be too tired."

Lei Bing obviously didn't believe Lan Xiya's answer, but seeing that she didn't intend to explain further, Lei Bing didn't ask any further questions, and moved to other topics on his own initiative.

Sweating all over from playing, the father and son sat for a while and went back to the house to take a bath together. Lan Xiya sat outside, and could still hear the sound of "crashing" water coming from the bathroom and the sound of the father and son. The sound of laughter.

He lowered his head and smiled, and said to himself, "Am I really thinking too much?"

Because a woman who has not even met before becomes paranoid and ignores the happy time with her family, it really feels a bit outweighed by comparison.

Thinking of this in her heart, the whole person began to relax a lot. Lan Xiya stood up, and was about to get a dry clothes for Xiao Zihao and yelled at her. Just after taking two steps, Lei Bing went in to take a bath and put the The phone on the table rang at this moment.

Lan Xiya's heartbeat suddenly sank, she turned around and stared at the phone, she kept telling herself not to look at it or to listen to it, but her legs couldn't help but walked forward quickly, walked to the table and looked down at the phone. The number displayed on it was the phone number I answered that day!

In other words, this call was from Nancy!

Lan Xiya felt her body trembling constantly, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, the pain was severe, and she couldn't breathe, her chest was solid and very uncomfortable.

"Mommy, Mommy, I'm done washing!" Xiao Zihao's voice came through the half-hidden door of the bathroom, pulling Lan Xiya back to reality.

And the phone stopped by itself at this time, Lan Xiya only felt that the soles of her feet were a little vacant, she quickly stretched out her hand to support the edge of the table, tried to calm down, and then raised her voice and replied: "Mommy will get you clothes now! "

When I came back, I saw Lei Bing wrapped in a bath towel and tied around his waist, playing with boy Hao on the bed. The scene of father and son playing seemed so harmonious and happy, but Nancy's phone call just now made Lan Shia really couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Zihao, put on your clothes first!" Lan Xiya walked over to hug her son, and sat on the side of the bed with her back to Lei Bing, not knowing how to face Lei Bing.

He was halfway through, and Lei Bing also came up behind him. His naked upper body was a little hot. He had just come out of the shower, and his body still smelled of shampoo.

"It's time for him to learn to dress himself. When I was his age, he dressed himself every day." Lei Bing reached out and flicked the boy on the forehead, and the child was happy in Lan Xiya's arms. swayed.

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