Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 240 You Can Have a Longer Memory

When she woke up the next day, as soon as Lan Xiya opened her eyes, she saw Lei Bing's firm chest in front of her, and her own plumpness was still attached to his chest.

Lei Bing's breath was still hovering above his head, and Lan Xiya felt a little ashamed when she thought that she had such a lingering passion with him last night. She was still fighting coldly a moment ago, but she screamed so embarrassingly last night. I felt more and more embarrassed in my heart.

Raising his head slowly, Lei Bing suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Lan Xiya's suddenly terrified eyes, Lei Bing couldn't help laughing.

With such a smile, Lan Xiya also understood that he must have woken up early, waiting for her to look up at him to deliberately scare herself!

"You're bullying me again!" Lan Xiya wanted to push Lei Bing away as she spoke, although her tone was reproachful, but there was still a smile on her face.

"Why did you bully you? Like last night? But I remember that you enjoyed it too. Do you want to verify it again?" Lei Bing looked at her with a smirk, and pushed Lan Xiya with his body again. The warm touch made both of them tremble.

It was also at this time that Lan Xiya felt her thigh was being held back by something, and when she looked at Lei Bing's undisguised eyes, she suddenly understood again.

Lan Xiya bit her lip and said in a low voice, "Stop making trouble, you have to go to work."

"You mean you can just come back at night, right? Well, let's get up and go back to the company!" Lei Bing squinted his eyes and smiled like a fox. The next second, he also hugged Lan Xiya, and walked together The bathroom is rinsed clean.

Rao Xueman watched the two walk over together arm in arm in the dining room, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, stood up quickly and said with a smile, "Breakfast is here, come here quickly."

Yesterday I was still worried that they didn't know when they would reconcile, but looking at it now, they should be fine.

As an insider, Lan Yu naturally guessed most of it, but she still felt a little uncomfortable. She knew how many women Lei Shao had played with before. For women who took the initiative to throw themselves into their arms, especially women like Nancy, I dare not say that Young Master Lei will be able to refuse!

"It's fine this time, what should we do next time?" Lan Yu muttered in a low voice, looking at Lan Xiya with worry in his eyes.

Lan Xiya turned her head, saw Lan Yu's expression, and knew that she was worried for her own sake, so she quickly smiled at her, let go of Lei Bing's arm and walked towards Lan Yu.

She told Lan Yu again about Lei Bing's explanation last night, and repeatedly emphasized that she believed that nothing happened between Lei Bing and Nancy that day.

"Since you have chosen to believe it, as my sister, of course I hope you will be happier, but I always feel that Nancy's scheming is too deep, even if she doesn't succeed this time, there will be another time, you have to be careful !" Lan Yu frowned slightly, still a little worried.

"I know!" Nodding, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

------Dividing line------

London, England…

It's been the third day since she came back. Looking at the heavy fog outside, Nancy couldn't even see the nearest building clearly. Her mood was the same as the weather outside. It was covered with fog and not very sunny.

When Blair walked to the door, he saw Nancy standing in front of the window. He didn't even notice him standing there for a few minutes, so he reached out and knocked on the door lightly to attract her attention.


Hearing the voice, Nancy suddenly came back to her senses. Seeing the father walk in, she quickly put away her thoughts, smiled at him and said, "Daddy, what do you need from me?"

Blair nodded, walked over and sat down, and Nancy also came and sat opposite him, waiting for his instructions.

"In the past few days since you came back, Will didn't seem to have any specific actions. We still don't know what his intentions are. We must be careful in everything, and we can't make a wrong move!" Blair said cautiously.

Nancy nodded: "I understand!"

Blair looked at Nancy's face, paused, and asked with some concern: "Did something unpleasant happen to you when you went to Taiwan this time?"

Even Blair was suspicious of her depressed mood. The cold and noble Nancy in the past was gone, and in exchange for a little girl with a lot of worries!

Nancy looked up at her father, shook her head and replied: "It's nothing, it's just a small problem, I believe it will be resolved soon, Daddy doesn't have to worry about me, we should spend more energy now to prepare for half a year later It's the election."

"Thank you for your hard work in the next six months." Hearing her answer, Blair felt relieved.

After chatting for a while, Blair left. As soon as he left, Nancy fell into missing Lei Bing again...

"Lei Bing, why didn't you find me..." Nancy took out her mobile phone and took a look. It was [-]:[-] pm in London time, and it was about [-]:[-] am in Taiwan. At this time, Lei shouldn't be too busy.

After struggling repeatedly, Nancy decided to call Lei Bing, and walked back and forth in the room a few times with the phone in her hand, thinking what should she say to him after she got on the phone?

On the Taiwan side, Lan Xiya and Lei Bing were about to go to the conference room for a meeting. Before they reached the door of the office, they heard Lei Bing's cell phone ring.

After seeing that the caller ID was Nancy's call, Lei Bing hung up the phone directly and handed it to Lan Xiya.

As soon as the phone reached Lan Xiya's hand, it continued to ring again. Lan Xiya looked up at Lei Bing, and under the affirmation in his eyes, she stretched out her hand to open the screen, but handed the phone to Lei Bing again. Signal him to answer himself.

"Ray, it's me, Nancy!" Nancy, who thought she would have to call many times before anyone would answer, unexpectedly succeeded only the second time, and was so excited that she couldn't restrain it.

Lei Bing's attitude was very different from Nancy's, and his voice was colder than ever: "I'll give you a minute."

Nancy's enthusiasm was completely extinguished by Lei Bing's words like this, and her mood fell to the bottom immediately, but she still pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Just now Daddy asked about the ammunition, so I wanted to ask May I ask you, when will the ammunition be delivered?"

"When do you want it to be delivered?" Lei Bing's voice was still cold and unchanged.

Nancy turned her head around and saw that the time was almost 1 minute, and immediately continued: "The sooner the better, I will contact you later to discuss the details."

After the words fell, Nancy took the initiative to hang up the phone, because her last sentence had given her an excuse to contact him again.

Lan Xiya took the phone and glanced at the call end time displayed on it, and said with a smile, "It was just 59 seconds ago, you two are really accurate."

"After finishing the matter, of course I hung up the phone. She just called to ask when the batch of munitions would be delivered. She had nothing else to do." Lei Bing seemed to be worried that Lan Xiya might misunderstand, so she took the initiative to explain it .

Seeing his nervous expression really made her want to laugh, she reached out and took Lalei Bing's hand, and said, "Okay, I didn't ask you again, it's time, let's go to the meeting."

Sure enough, that night, Nancy used this incident as a reason to call Lei Bing again. How could Lei Bing not know her intentions, and everything was done according to her request, and the arms were shipped to the UK as soon as possible.

"Lei Shao, the warehouse over there has already loaded the goods. When are we going to leave?" Andre walked into the study and reported the preparations for the base book.

"Tomorrow morning, you will be responsible for the delivery!" Lei Bing said, picking up a briefcase from the table and handing it to Andre.

Andre took the briefcase and opened it, which contained all the information of this shipment, including the transaction location, contact person, etc...

"Don't worry, Shao Lei, I will deliver the goods to them safely!" Andre confidently assured that since Shao Lei returned to the company, he has slowly left the company's job and returned to the base In charge of all affairs of the base.

"Well, let's go back to the room early tonight and rest, this time the plan can't be missed!" Lei Bing waved his hand, indicating that he can leave.

Just as Andre walked out of the study, Lan Yu, who was leaning on the corridor, came into his eyes, with an ambiguous smile on his face, he stepped forward and hugged her: "Why are you standing here?"

"Why can't I come? Didn't you say you were going to England tonight? Why are you still here?" Lan Yu gently pushed Andre away, turned and walked back to the room.

"Waiting for you!" Lan Yu said, pushed him away, turned and walked downstairs to the room.

Andre looked at her exquisite and graceful figure, and then realized what she meant, and immediately followed her to her room.

As soon as he reached the door of the room, Lan Yu asked jokingly, "Aren't you going to England tomorrow? Why don't you go back and rest?"

"You also know that I'm going to England tomorrow, then..." Andre said, stretched out his arms to hug Lan Yu, knocked open the half-closed door with his body, turned around and brought Lan Yu in with him, and walked in smoothly. Kick the door shut.

Seeing his anxious look, Lan Yu smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to wrap around Andre's neck, and kissed him passionately.

After receiving the response, Andre became even more frantic. He pressed Lan Yu hard onto the bed, and covered herself with it. With a few big hands, he tore the clothes on her body into pieces and threw them aside. The liberated proud twin peaks lowered their heads and bit them.

"Why are you acting like a ferocious beast every time, why can't you be gentle?" Lan Yu just finished speaking, blocking...

Andre raised his head, looked at Lan Yu with eyes reddened by desire, and said hoarsely, "Didn't you tell me the first time you liked me like this?"

"Why didn't I realize you were so bad before, I thought you were just a piece of wood and didn't understand anything!" Lan Yu laughed angrily, raised her legs and hooked them around his waist, her winking eyes were like silk, very touching.

Thinking that he was going to send arms to England tomorrow, Lan Yu also felt a little bit sad, so she would take the initiative to invite him tonight.

"Come back as soon as you finish the matter. I hate England, and I hate Nancy even more!" In public and private, Lan Yu issued an order to Andre with some dissatisfaction.

"Hmm..." Andre responded softly, pushed forward along the angle of Lan Yu's opening, sank into her body, and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Perhaps because of the reluctance to part, the two of them raced against the clock that night, and each time they seemed more devoted and passionate than before.

After sleeping for less than three hours, Andre got up and got dressed, ready to go.

Lan Yu stretched out her hand to hook his waist, raised her head and said reluctantly, "I remember you promised me to come back immediately, if I know that you are still thinking of hooking up with some British beauty, you will look good after you come back!"

Andre leaned over and kissed Lan Yu lightly, but he was also very reluctant: "Wait for me for a few days, and I'll be back!"

"Yeah." After a passionate kiss, while everyone was still asleep, Andre had already boarded a private jet and set off for England.

On the plane, Simon came up with a bottle of red wine, and asked gossipingly, "Why hasn't your relationship with Lan Yu been made public?"

"I'm afraid she's not ready yet, so I don't want to push her too hard!" Andre already feels very satisfied with the current relationship, it's better than Lan Yu's cold attitude towards him before. too much.

After receiving the red wine handed over by Simon, Andre just shook it lightly in his hand, without taking a sip, his mind was full of blue rain...


two days later...

In the spacious luxury car, Lei Bing's big hands went around Lan Xiya's shoulders, stretched in from the strapless dress, and grabbed her plump body lightly and heavily.

"Don't wear such a style next time, it's easy to lose everything!" Lei Bing looked down at Lan Xiya's deep and charming career line, and the corner of his mouth slightly twitched, seemingly displeased.

Lan Xiya directly reached out and slapped his hand away: "If you don't like it, don't touch it, be safe!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lan Xiya suddenly thought of something again, and Lan Xiya couldn't help complaining: "This time the delivery is going to the UK, can't you let Simon and others go? Lie has been away for the past two days, you didn't see me Does my sister look so lost, it hurts my heart!"

"This batch of munitions is no small matter. I don't worry if it's someone else!" Lei Bing also stretched out his hand to straighten his tie, and suddenly turned his head and said with jealousy, "You care about him now, don't you?"

Lan Xiya was speechless, and after a pause, she said, "Of course I care. In the past few years, thanks to his help, I survived, but now he and my sister..."

Having said this, he stopped abruptly, remembering that the two are still in the stage of underground love, and it has not been made public, so he stopped talking.

Unexpectedly, Lei Bing showed disapproval on his face: "I have known about their relationship for a long time. Lie liked Lan Yu not for a day or two, at least for at least 6 years, and Lan Yu didn't like him at all! "

"You knew it a long time ago and didn't tell me! I have been holding back to help them keep the secret." Lan Xiya couldn't laugh or cry, it turned out that she was not the first person to know.

Lei Bing shifted his target this time, stretched out his hand and lightly opened her high-fork skirt, put it on Lan Xiya's smooth thigh and rubbed it back and forth: "I even gave him the wedding gift, what else should I do?"

He gave Andre a huge sum of money for the profits he got from dealing with Zuo Shaoyi last time.

Hearing what Lei Bing said, Lan Xiya also felt a lot of satisfaction. Giving it to Andre was like giving it to Lan Yu, and it was in her family's pocket after all.

On the other hand, the protagonist they were talking about was not as relaxed as they said, he was listless and unable to lift his spirits!

"Eat more, it's not okay to eat so little these two days!" Rao Xueman brought the food to her in person and tried to persuade her.

Lan Yu waved his hands listlessly, "I..."

As soon as I said a word, I felt a tumbling pain in my stomach, and quickly stood up covering my mouth and ran to the bathroom. Listening to the voice coming from inside, Rao Xueman's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, and quickly Followed and walked in.

He stretched out his hand and patted Lan Yu's back lightly. Seeing that she was vomiting uncomfortably, he quickly went out and poured her a cup of hot water. Seeing that she was almost vomiting, he immediately handed it over.

"Drink some water, you haven't eaten much, why are you throwing up, is it because you have been eating irregularly for the past few days, and you have a stomach problem?" Rao Xueman said worriedly.

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