Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 270 1 Everything is destined

Emperor Building. Lei's Group...

In the past two days, because Zihao was not feeling well, she hadn't returned to work at the company, and she was busy dealing with the backlog of things when she came back. After signing the last document, she could finally rest for a while.

It's just that she just closed her eyes. The content of Daddy's phone call yesterday evening really made her a little troubled. What kind of position should be arranged for Peter?

"What are you thinking about?" Lei Bing's big hands came around from behind, put his arms around Lan Xiya's waist, and brought her to him.

Lan Xiya was caught off guard, her center of gravity was unstable, and she leaned directly on Lei Bing's body, and she didn't bother to get up again, so she moved a little to the side and adjusted to a comfortable posture to lean on.

"Daddy called me yesterday and said that he wanted me to arrange a job for Peter. He has been with my daddy for so many years. Although he once betrayed Daddy, but thinking of his old love for so many years, he couldn't bear to look at him. It's too miserable now!" Lan Xiya said what she was worrying about without thinking too much.

The acquisition of Longtian and the subsequent reorganization and distribution have always been handled by Lei Bing, and Lan Xiya has not participated in it at all!

Hearing this, Lei Bing's face sank slightly, and he said slowly, "What position does he want to arrange for Peter?"

For a person like Peter, Lei Bing deliberately put him on the sidelines at the time, but he didn't expect that now that Long Junsheng had just returned to China, he would embrace the tree of Long Junsheng again, and directly approached Xi Ya's relationship.

"Arrange him a position in an office, as long as the salary is decent!" Lan Xiya has been in the mall for four years, so she naturally knows the importance of this, and she will never arrange a high-level job for him.

After listening to Lan Xiya's words, Lei Bing had already made a decision in his heart, and immediately gave her an answer: "Then let's take the position of personnel specialist. In terms of salary, I will increase their salary by 50%, how about it?"

"Thank you husband!" Lan Xiya stretched out her hand to hook Lei Bing's neck actively, and kissed her with a smile.

This position belongs to the Human Resources Department. The work is relatively easy and there is no right to speak of. It is suitable for the current Peter.

"It's almost time, have you finished your work?" Lei Bing looked at the time, and it was already time to get off work.

"Okay, I can go after tidying up!" With a sweet smile on his face, he stood up from him and tidied up the documents on the desktop.

The two of them went to and from get off work together like glue, which made everyone in the company envious...

But as soon as the two returned home, Lan Xiya was taken aback by the scene in front of her: "Zihao, how can you eat ice cream, throw it away immediately!"

Zihao, who was holding a colorful chocolate ice cream in his hand, was about to put a cold and delicious chocolate ice cream into his mouth, when he was stopped by his mother's voice.

"Mommy, Teacher Milan said it's edible." Kid Hao looked at the half-eaten ice cream eagerly, and brought out the rescuers by the way.

Lan Xiya left Lei Bing behind, walked forward quickly, took the ice cream in his son's hand, turned around and handed it to Lei Bing behind him, and asked the little guy vividly: "Did you forget the ice cream before?" Why do you have a stomachache for a few days? Why are you so uncomfortable that you vomit?"

Kid Hao stared at Lan Xiya in a daze, recalling the scene that day, he obediently stretched out his little hand, handed over the small spoon in his hand, and said, "Mummy, Zi Hao knew he was wrong."

Seeing her son apologizing, Lan Xiya picked him up and sat on the sofa, and told Lei Bing with her eyes, telling him to take the ice cream to the kitchen and throw it away, lest Zihao want to eat it again after seeing it.

After receiving her message, Lei Bing moved quickly, out of Zihao's sight, and disposed of the leftover ice cream he ate.

"Zi Hao, you have to remember Mommy's words. You can't eat snacks casually this week. You can eat them after a few days when your belly is healed, you know?" For the sake of her son's health, Lan Xiya told him again and again he.

"Then can't you eat the little cake made by Teacher Milan?" Looking up at Mommy, Zihao asked with some reluctance.

"Little cake? What kind of cake?" This was the first time Lan Xiya heard Zihao mention it.

"It's a small cake made by Teacher Milan himself. The teacher often distributes it to the children. It's delicious." As he spoke, Xiaozui started to eat it.

"This..." Lan Xiya thought for a while, then looked down at her son's greedy face, and then said with relief: "Okay, I can only eat one!"

"Mummy is so kind!" With the agreement, the little guy happily circled Lan Xiya's neck, and pressed his wet little mouth to her cheek.

"Okay, darling, let's go to the kitchen to see what's delicious tonight..." He said, picked up his son, got up and walked towards the kitchen.

In the afternoon of the next day, Long Junsheng came to the construction site again with the good news from Xi Ya. After picking up Peter, the vehicle drove straight towards Taichung.

"I came back this time mainly to attend Shia and Xiaoyu's wedding. After the wedding, I will return to France immediately. The work has been arranged. The salary will increase by 50%. Shia will not treat you badly!" He is a construction commissioner, but it is much better than him being a small steward on that construction site.

"Yes, this time, I'm really grateful to Mr. Long and Ms. Lan!" Peter nodded repeatedly, and when the gap between the past and the present suddenly became a fact, he also became sober again.

Long Junsheng nodded slightly, chatted with Peter about the past, looked at the building not far ahead where he could vaguely see the corner of his head, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Have you never visited him before? "

Peter looked forward. Just now he didn't understand why the car was driving in the direction of Taichung. Now that he asked, Peter came to his senses: "At the beginning, I would have been there, but later I fell into such a state, so I just Never went back!"

"Hmm..." Long Junsheng nodded slightly, but didn't continue to ask.

After about two hours' drive, they finally arrived at the destination. Peter got out of the car first, and helped Long Junsheng open the door. After Long Junsheng got out of the car, he walked in with him.

Walking in front of the big iron gate, Long Junsheng suddenly stopped, looked up at the sign hanging beside the gate, said to himself once, and suddenly laughed: "You said that I have been in the underworld for so many years, and I have never I’ve been to this place before, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it…”

Peter was speechless for a while, and after thinking for a while, he said, "It's because he did too much himself and provoked people who shouldn't be provoked."

Long Junsheng was noncommittal, raised his feet and continued to walk forward.

After applying for registration, the prison guard brought the two of them to the meeting room. Long Junsheng's face was very calm, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the door from time to time. Move over half a point.

"Did he know I'm coming, so he won't come out to see me?" Long Junsheng asked Peter beside him with some worry.

"This... I didn't reveal that you are here, but I just filled in my name. It should be here soon, right?" Peter himself didn't have much foundation in his heart, and he couldn't figure out what Zuo Shaoyi was thinking now. .

At this moment, the sound of turning the handle came from the door. Long Junsheng and Peter looked up almost at the same time, and the space less than ten square meters was immediately filled with a tense atmosphere.

The fat prison guard came into view first, "Here we are, let's go in!"

As the voice fell, a tall and thin figure also walked in. When he saw the haggard and emaciated man in the prison uniform, Long Junsheng's first feeling was a little distressed, and the hatred of the past had long since disappeared.

"Young Master Zuo, Mr. Long is here to see you." Peter said quickly, but his voice sounded a little guilty.

Peter's words came from ahead, making the blood in Zuo Shaoyi's whole body boil all of a sudden, filled with hatred, he raised his head, staring at the two people in front of him with blood red eyes.

"What are you doing here!" Zuo Shaoyi stared at Long Junsheng and said coldly.

"Young Master Zuo, Mr. Long just came back from France, and this time he came here to see you..." Peter immediately added, hoping to ease the atmosphere.

"Did you come here to see my joke? If I'm not wrong, you must have been waiting for today for a long time. I guess you knew Lei Bing was not dead from the beginning, and you just waited to see him come back to take revenge on me!"

Zuo Shaoyi opened the chair and sat down heavily, his eyes were gloomy and cold, such a pair of eyes set on Zuo Shaoyi's face that was too thin at the moment, looked even more frightening.

Long Junsheng shook his head, and said helplessly: "I have never known about the matter between you and Lei Bing, and you have caused your fate today. Don't you regret that you didn't regret it at the beginning?" did something?"

"Regret?" Zuo Shaoyi sneered, and a strong mockery flashed in his eyes, "I have nothing to regret! Everything I do is right, and you are the ones who are wrong!"

Seeing his unrepentant appearance, Peter and Long Junsheng were speechless...

However, Long Junsheng's temporary silence aroused Zuo Shaoyi's emotions even more. He pointed at Long Junsheng and said viciously, "You old bastard is all to blame!"

"If you had listened to me from the beginning, rescued Xi Ya and let Xi Ya marry me, the result would not be like this today. The Longtian Group is still yours today!"

Hearing these words, Long Junsheng was shocked: "Xia married you? Have you forgotten that Zi Lin is your fiancée?"

"Shut up! Let me tell you, I have never liked that woman from the beginning to the end. It is you, an old bastard, who insisted on matching me and Long Zilin. If you insist on a relationship, I can only tell you , she is just a step for me, Zuo Shaoyi. The woman in my heart has always been Xi Ya, and it has never changed for so many years!" Zuo Shaoyi hinted at it many times in the past, but Long Junsheng never paid attention to it, even He also offered 5.00% of Longtian Group's shares to lure him into marrying Long Zilin.

Long Junsheng was so excited by his words that his whole body trembled slightly: "You, I really raised a white-eyed wolf. If I knew you were such a person, I shouldn't have brought you back!"

Long Junsheng's words hit the most sensitive line of defense in Zuo Shaoyi's heart deeply. He raised his cold eyes and glanced at Long Junsheng, his voice suddenly dropped to freezing point, and he said with a trace of sarcasm: "For so many years, haven't you always Am I just a dog picked up by your side?"

"I have done so much in order to be able to stand beside Shia with dignity and dignity, and let her live the best life, but it is all because of you, all of which are gone! So I want to take it back, Shia is Mine, Longtian is mine, everything is mine, you just wait and see, I will definitely take all my things back!" Zuo Shaoyi suddenly became emotional, and stood up "嗤". Standing up, he clapped his hands heavily on the table.

"Mr. Long, be careful!" Seeing that something was wrong, Peter immediately pulled Long Junsheng up and took a few steps back.

The prison guard next to him saw that something was wrong, so he immediately pulled out the electric baton and pinned Zuo Shaoyi back on the table. Zuo Shaoyi's thin face was deformed a little.

"The meeting is over, take him back immediately!" The two prison guards who came later came forward to help, and escorted Zuo Shaoyi, who was still very emotional, out of the meeting room.

Long Junsheng stood where he was, watching his leaving back, and there was always an indescribable feeling in his heart that bothered him.

On the way back, Long Junsheng rested on the seat with his eyes closed, without saying a word, and he didn't know if he was really asleep or just calming down.

Peter sat next to him, turning his head to look at him from time to time, seeing that he didn't want to speak, and tactfully didn't disturb him.

Long Junsheng's sullen look couldn't escape the eyes of Danny, a psychiatrist. Seeing that he didn't even go downstairs for dinner, he asked Long Zilin to go upstairs to see what was going on.

Walking to the door of the room, Long Zilin raised her hand and was about to knock on the door, only to find that the door was ajar, and with a slight push, it opened a crack.

And Daddy's voice just came from inside. After listening to a few words carefully, she realized that she seemed to be talking with Lan Xiya on the phone. When she was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly heard a familiar name, which made her whole body feel like It was like being filled with lead, standing still in place, unable to move!

"Peter and I went to see Zuo Shaoyi in prison today. He seems to be having a bad time!" Long Junsheng thought of the situation in the afternoon. Very emotional.

Thinking about how high-spirited Zuo Shaoyi was back then when nothing had changed, how could he have fallen to the point where he is today?No matter where he goes, he is a top person who is respected by others, but now he is reduced to a prisoner, living the most difficult life.

Lan Xiya on the other end of the phone was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Lei Bing who was reading the documents behind him, and was slightly relieved to see that he didn't look at her.

Facing Zuo Shaoyi in his heart, he has long since lost any feeling. Of course, he has never had love before, and his hatred has long since disappeared. The only affection he had at the beginning as his brother was also long since he was in front of his own. When Lin Feng was killed in front of him, he disappeared completely.

But listening to Daddy's tone of voice, Lan Xiya still replied: "This is the end of the matter, Daddy, don't think too much, in the end, he has to blame for all of this."

If he hadn't been so cruel to Lei Bing back then, Lei Bing would not have forced him to this point, maybe now, he can still sit on Longtian's position as president.

Long Junsheng sighed, and his tone was full of helplessness: "Daddy also understands, but after all, I brought him up and married Zi Lin to him back then, so he doesn't cherish it himself, and he can't blame others. "

Long Zilin's heart suddenly became painful, and she stretched out her hand to cover her chest. Before she knew it, a line of hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

Lan Xiya was just about to reply, but Lei Bing had already walked behind him at some point, stretched out his arms to wrap her in his arms, lowered his head and gently stroked her cheek with his chin.

"Daddy, it's getting late, don't worry too much, go to bed early, I'll see you again when I find time." Lan Xiya didn't want Lei Bing to hear her talking too much about Zuo Shaoyi with Daddy, He quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, then you should go to bed early too!" She changed the subject in a hurry, Long Junsheng naturally guessed that Lei Bing must be here, and hung up the phone without saying much.

Long Zilin tried hard to control her emotions outside the door, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and when she was about to leave quietly, her elbow accidentally hit the door panel, making a crisp sound, and Long Junsheng inside heard a strange sound outside the door. rang, and immediately walked out quickly.

"who is it?"

"It's me, Daddy. I saw that you didn't have anything for dinner, so I came up to take a look." Her voice trembled slightly, and she tried her best to reduce her gaze and look down, trying not to let Daddy see the clue.

"I'm fine, but I'm old, and I feel very tired after going out for a day, and I just don't have any appetite." Long Junsheng didn't intend to let her know about Zuo Shaoyi's situation, so he just gave a reason to get over it.

"No matter what, you still have to eat some. I asked the servant to warm up the food for you and bring it to you. No matter what, you have to eat some!" Long Zilin continued without giving up.

"Okay, then you go back to your room first, I will definitely eat later, go!" Long Junsheng nodded repeatedly before sending her away.

Returning to the room, Long Zilin locked the door as soon as she entered, leaning her back against the door, her eyes fixed on the floor under her feet, with a preoccupied look.

"Zuo Shaoyi..." These three words had already been dusted in her memory, but when she returned to Taiwan, she had to extract him from her memory again.

But calm down and think about it carefully, perhaps all of this is predestined!

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