Milan sat across from him and watched him eat. The two of them were silent for a while, thinking about how beautiful he was in the past, who would have thought that he would be like this today?

Twenty minutes later, the meeting time was over, and Zuo Shaoyi returned to the cell with a bag of things. The prisoners in the same room stared at the high-end handbag in his hand, thinking that there must be something good thing?

"What are you looking at, get out—" Zuo Shaoyi has always been alone here, and never said a word to anyone.

He carefully took out the thermal clothes, and he remembered what Milan said just now, there must be something at the bottom of the trousers for him!

After nightfall, Zuo Shaoyi lay on his side on the bed, secretly took out the two pairs of thermal pants, groped for the edge of one of the trousers, which was slightly thicker than the others, and carefully looked at the other prisoners in the same room. He was asleep before he dared to act.

But in such an environment, without scissors or sharp objects, he could only carefully bite off the thread with his teeth, and dismantle the trousers little by little. Sure enough, there was something strange inside, a small piece of rag was hidden.

Although there are only a dozen or so short words, Zuo Shaoyi seems to have seen hope and the future that is about to welcome him!

In the Rose Manor, everyone was busy, and Lan Xiya sneaked in to Situ Jun's side. During this time, she was busy with Mary's brother and sister and the wedding, and hadn't visited him for a long time.

"Xia, you're here." Situ Jun saw her coming with a welcome written all over his face.

"Brother Situ, how is your health recently?" Lan Xiya still remembered the last time very clearly.

"I'm much better now, and..." Situ Jun looked at her hesitantly.

"And what?" Lan Xiya asked curiously.

Situ Jun watched her standing in front of him intact today, and after being silent for a while, he still didn't plan to hide it from her: "And my memory has recovered a lot, I already remember who you are."

His words made Lan Xiya stand there dumbfounded. As time passed, Lan Xiya's eyes became more and more moist. Finally, she couldn't help crying and threw herself into Situ Jun's arms .

"Brother Situ, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's because of me that Lei Bing hit you hard!" She felt ashamed of the two brothers, especially Lin Feng.

Situ Jun hugged her tightly, like a lost and found rare treasure.

Since he woke up from a coma last time, he seemed to see his former self in a dream every day. Maybe it was the effect of the drug shock, which made him recall the past little by little during this period of time.

"I'm sorry for you. If it wasn't for my carelessness and my inability to do anything, Lisa would not point the finger at you. Fortunately, you are safe and sound, thank God!" There is no right or wrong between them, as long as the two Well, Situ Jun has nothing else to ask for.

As for Lei Bing, after recovering his memory, he thought about the whole thing. It was because he loved Xiya that he vented all his anger on him. If it wasn't for him, Lisa wouldn't have done those crazy things. Behavior, what he did to himself, he didn't hate him at all!

Calming down her emotions little by little in his arms, looking at the face exactly like her former lover, Lan Xiya suddenly didn't dare to tell him her reason for coming.

Seeing her hesitation, Situ Jun can also understand her mood, but how could he not know her recent situation? Before she could speak, he asked first: "It seems that there are only a few days left before your marriage. Are you all ready?"

"Well, there are still five days left. I hope you and your aunt can also come to participate." Lan Xiya nodded with hope in her eyes.

"Congratulations! However, Mommy and I are going back to Paris tomorrow, and Daddy hopes that our family will live together."

"So suddenly? But it's the best to be a family together..." While speaking, Lan Xiya's eyes drifted to Lin Feng's previous room inexplicably.

"Xia, although I can't go to your wedding, I sincerely wish you a happy life!" Holding her palm tightly, he and Situ Jun didn't have such a fate with her in this life. He hoped that in the next life, he could soon Get to know her.

"Well, I will be happy!" A tear of happiness fell from his eyes, and he buried his cheek in his chest again.

After reluctantly saying goodbye to him, Lan Xiya returned to the manor with a feeling of being speechless. Aunt Man had already helped pack all the luggage, and the plane could take off when the three of Long Junsheng came to meet up.

"Mommy, why hasn't Grandpa come yet?" Zihao waited all morning, but he didn't see Long Junsheng, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hey, wait a minute, grandpa is already on his way." Holding her son, she lightened his chubby face.

Lei Bing put down his work today and rushed back early. Seeing that she was in a bad mood, he immediately sat beside her: "What's the matter, is Situ Jun's condition bad again?"

"You are such a crow's mouth, but it is really a blessing from the last time. He has slowly regained his memory, and now he looks no different from him before!" Holding his son in one hand, and Lei Bing's arm in the other, Maybe it was about to separate, she was a little attached and refused to let go.

"Okay, don't think about him anymore, since he's back to how he was before, wouldn't it be better? Now you should focus on our wedding, promise me, I won't be around these few days, you must not think about it , give me three days, I will arrange the company's project in three days, and I will go over to meet you immediately!" Lei Bing was also reluctant to part with her, and pulled out an arm to wrap her shoulders, telling her over and over again.

"Daddy, I want to pee." When the two of them were talking affectionately, Zi Hao said this in a very unsightly manner.

Lei Bing looked at his son sitting in Lan Xiya's arms with a trace of helplessness, and quickly pecked Lan Xiya's cheek, then resigned to his fate, picked up his son, took him to pee, and walked back Bian scolded him: "Little man should go pee by himself, and you can't let Daddy take you to pee in the future."

"No, I don't want to be a little man, I want to be Mommy's good baby!" Zihao resisted Lei Bing's words and retorted, and the figures of one big and one small quickly disappeared before Lan Xiya's eyes.

As soon as the father and son left, Uncle Gui, the housekeeper, rushed in: "Madam, Master Long and the others have arrived, I arranged for them to pack their luggage directly in the yard."

"Okay, go to the room and ask my sister to come down, it's time to go!" Lan Xiya stood up and walked out the door while talking.

Long Junsheng and others came to Rose Manor for the first time, but because of the gap between him and Lei Bing, he insisted on refusing to enter the house, and asked the housekeeper to take him to the backyard to put his luggage on the plane.

"Daddy, are you alright?" Long Zilin stayed by his side worriedly.

"Well, it's okay, we'll get on the plane when your sister comes!" Long Junsheng patted her hand, and while talking, he saw Lan Xiya walking towards them.

Seeing her approaching, Long Zilin immediately shook off Danny's arm and stood beside Danny, pretending not to see her. Lan Xiya had long been used to her reaction, and walked towards Long Zilin enthusiastically. Junsheng asked with concern, "Daddy, have you packed your luggage?"

"It's all packed, but what about your sister and Zihao?" Seeing that there was no one behind her, she couldn't help asking.

"My sister and Andre were in the room just now, and I asked the housekeeper to call her. Zihao was going to the bathroom just now, and Lei Bing will bring him over later. Why don't you get on the plane first?" To avoid embarrassment, Lan Xi Ya deliberately arranged this way.

"Okay, let's get on the plane first!" Long Junsheng nodded immediately, unexpectedly Lei Bing would be in the manor at this time.

This is a private jet owned by Lei Bing, a Boeing bbj3 business jet, which can accommodate about 20 people. The interior of the plane is a reflection of modern aesthetics and excellent cabin flexibility, soft light, and a smoother curved ceiling The overall cabin environment has been improved, which will definitely allow them to have a comfortable journey!Lan Yu has been pregnant for fourteen weeks, and now she is a little more charming than before. Fortunately, she realized this when she was choosing a wedding dress. Long Junsheng sat on the plane and looked out the window, just in time to see Andre Accompanying her here with care and care, he was also very relieved to see that she could find a husband who loved him.

At the same time he was looking at Lan Yu, Lei Bing's figure also walked over, holding his miniature version in his arms. At this moment, he had a child in his arms, and there was also a normal expression on his face. Invisible fatherly love!

"Mommy!" With a few steps away, Zihao couldn't wait to shout to Lan Xiya.

Lan Xiya stood where she was, waiting for the father and son to come over and hugged her son in her arms, followed by a kiss on Lei Bing's face: "Daddy and the others are already on the plane, we should go too gone."

"Okay, remember to call me when you arrive!" Lei Bing glanced at the plane, and then quickly focused his attention on the mother and son.

"I know!" Lan Xiya nodded, looking a little bit reluctant.

"Daddy, why don't you go with us?" Zihao listened to Daddy's and Mommy's conversation, and looked at Lei Bing with big round eyes.

Lei Bing stretched out his hand and gently pinched his son's little face and replied: "Daddy has to make arrangements for the company's affairs before going. Daddy will go over to meet you in three days at most, so this time let Uncle Simon go first." Send Zihao and Mommy to the island, okay?"

The little guy folded his hands on his chest, as if he was thinking about what his father said, looked him around with big eyes, and then nodded: "Okay, up to three days, if you don't come, Mommy and I will get along well." Eat up everything!"

"Okay, it's a deal!" Looking at the incomparably innocent little baby, Lei Bing liked it more and more.

"Bite, it's getting late, we still have to fly for a few hours!" Lan Xiya's words undoubtedly reminded him that we are about to take off.

"Go, take care of your son!" Don't waste time, let her get on the plane.

Lan Xiya hugged Zi Hao, looked back at him, and then walked into the cabin. This time, Simon led ten members of the organization to escort them to the island. In order to prevent people from making small moves on the island, Lei Bing He also asked Simon to bring some heavy weapons, just in case!

"Young Master Lei, the brothers in the UK have been watching the situation on both sides of Nancy and Will recently. They seem to be very calm and don't notice any visions!" Lei Bing was still worried, so Andre kept Send someone to watch in the UK.

"I hope so, but based on what I know about them and Blair's threat that day, I don't believe that Nancy will be a person who gives up lightly, so we should be careful!" Lei Bing stood where he was, looking As the plane took off little by little, I was still worried that Blair and his daughter would attack Shia at the wedding.

"Yes, I will pay special attention!" Andre could understand Shao Lei's worry, because he was also worried about Lan Yu.

The plane flew higher and higher, and soon left Lei Bing's sight. When Lan Xiya and others flew to the small island in the South Pacific, Zuo Shaoyi in the prison was ready to start his escape plan!

Life in the prison is not easy. This afternoon, the handmade factory just delivered a batch of handmade hairpins. The prison guards gathered everyone in the work room. Each person was assigned fifty, and asked them to complete the batch this afternoon. .

Zuo Shaoyi looked at the hairpins used by these women in front of him. Their job was to install the spring stuck in the center of the hairpins and wrap them in plastic bags, but these tasks were a kind of torture for Zuo Shaoyi. He got impatient with installing the springs within a few.

"F*ck, what kind of crap are these!" Zuo Shaoyi, who deliberately wanted to provoke trouble, picked up a pile of plastic hairpins in front of his desk and threw them towards another prison cell beside him. It hit him right on the head.

These raw materials are all made of plastic. When Zuo Shaoyi smashed them so hard, the other party became angry. He put down his work and ignored the obstruction of the people around him. He insisted on rushing to Zuo Shaoyi to push him: "Stinky boy, I have disliked you for a long time. Don't think that you were so arrogant when you were the big boss in the past. I want to let you know the rules here today!"

"It's up to you, I don't think you're qualified enough?" Zuo Shaoyi looked at him provocatively, his eyes full of contempt.

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