Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 277 Variant HSV-1 Virus

The goalkeeper brought Ye Xin's medicine box to the bedroom. Ye Xin frowned deeply. There are no sophisticated instruments and equipment here. She can only judge by her experience and Zihao's symptoms. After a while, Zihao's convulsion symptoms gradually eased. It weakened, but Ye Xin found that his pupils were demented. After taking off his small suit and unbuttoning his clothes, he discovered that some small red spots had appeared on his body at some point, and began to spread on his hands and feet one after another.

"Young Master Lei, the child must be sent back to the base for examination immediately. The situation is not optimistic!" Seeing these symptoms, Ye Xin showed a look of worry on his face, which made Lan Xiya panicked.

"Be clear, what is the problem?" Lei Bing looked at the red spots on his son and realized the seriousness of the problem.

He waved Simon to prepare the plane immediately, and asked Ye Xin how optimistic his son's situation was.

"The child convulsed and foamed at the mouth. I thought it was epilepsy at first, but just now Zihao vomited and complained of a stomachache. Coupled with the red spots on his body now, I concluded that the child was infected with a chronic virus. This is definitely not a day or two. Something!" Ye Xin firmly held his opinion, and looked at Zihao lying on the bed with some worry.

Hearing this, Lan Xiya seemed to think of something, and immediately said: "Last month, Di Zihao also experienced symptoms of vomiting and abdominal pain. We took the child for an examination, but the doctor said it was just the child's gastrointestinal indigestion."

"It's not that simple. It should be a sign that the virus started to attack in Zihao's body. Apart from that time, is there anything wrong with Zihao's daily life recently?" Ye Xin asked rigorously.

Lan Xiya looked at Lei Bing, and suddenly thought of it after a while: "It seems that the child's stool is relatively dry recently, and he always yells that he can't pass the stinky smell, and he is very lethargic. After playing for a while, he starts to cry sleepy. An excuse for children to drink less water and not want to go to school."

"Because of the invasion of the virus, it began to destroy the child's digestive system, so that the child can't get rid of the smell all the time. The fatigue is also caused by this reason. We need to find out what kind of virus has invaded the child's body as soon as possible. , if the treatment is not timely..." After Ye Xin didn't say anything, they could know what it meant.

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and send the child to the base?" Lan Xiya couldn't imagine the fact that she might lose her son.

"Calm down, Simon has already made preparations, you go and change into light clothes, we're leaving right away!" Lei Bing took Lan Xiya's hand, and made her believe that with him, the child would never be happy. something will happen.

Seeing his firm expression, Lan Xiya nodded, turned around, found a casual outfit in the suitcase, went to the bathroom to change out of her wedding dress, and tied her hair loose behind her head into a ponytail, ignoring the present Their wedding was still going on, so they boarded the helicopter with Lei Bing and Ye Xin and left first.

After Lei Bing left, Andre and Long Junsheng could only come forward to greet the guests. Although everyone was puzzled by the disappearance of Lei Bing and his wife, it was after all a matter between husband and wife, and it was not easy for them to ask. In other words, Long Junsheng could only prevaricate and say that the Taiwanese company had a large-scale project to be signed, and they had to be rushed back.

On the plane, Lan Xiya looked at her son in a coma without saying a word. Ye Xin injected him with some antibiotics, hoping to temporarily suppress his symptoms. After a six-hour long flight, when he arrived at the base, It was already evening.

The medical room at the base has already been prepared, and all medical elites from all walks of life who work for the base have arrived, waiting for them to send Zihao back.

Lei Bing walked into the medical room with his son in his arms, and asked Lan Xiya to wait outside in case Lan Xiya looked suspiciously at her. After an hour-long series of sophisticated instrument tests, the data analysis results came out, confirming that Zihao There is a variant virus similar to hsv-1 in the body.

It will first invade the internal organs of the human body and destroy the digestive and immune systems of the human body. In the early stage, the infected person will often appear erythema on the body, but in the later stage, the number of erythema appears more and more, and the number of white blood cells will gradually increase. When herpes starts to itch and appear, it means that the patient's condition is very serious. Within a month, the skin will begin to fester, become infected and die!

Lei Bing looked at these analysis reports, and walked out of the treatment room with heavy steps. This is the first time they have encountered this variant of hsv-1 virus. It is just ordinary hsv-1, and the whole world has not heard of a cure for it yet. The vaccine for this virus, and the mutant virus in Zihao's body, are even more difficult!

A child less than four years old had to resist this ferocious virus, which directly meant death, which made Lei Bing a little afraid to tell Lan Xiya the truth.

"Bite, how is it?" Lan Xiya sat outside, and when she saw him walking out with a lonely face, the big stone in her heart was raised in her throat.

"You, see for yourself." Lei Bing didn't know how to explain it to her, so he had to show her the results of the data analysis in his hand.

Lan Xiya carefully looked at every word above. Although she couldn't understand many medical academic terms, she understood the last paragraph...

"A mutant virus similar to is it possible, how could this virus be on Zihao's body, this is absolutely impossible?" Lan Xiya's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it The son will be infected with this variant virus.

"Calm down, trust me, I will never let our child have an accident!" Lei Bing hugged her tightly, but there was a fierce light in his eyes.

"Bing, you promise me that nothing will happen to our Zihao. I want to watch him grow up healthy, get married and have a family. Nothing will happen to him!" Dou Da's tears fell like rain, and she held her tightly. Grabbing Lei Bing's clothes and feet, his emotions became more and more uncontrollable.

"I promise you, I promise you!" Lei Bing, like her, hopes to see her children grow up healthily.

"Young Master Lei, the brother sent to investigate Zuo Shaoyi just found an important clue!" Simon's sudden appearance broke the sadness of the two of them.

Lei Bing helped Lan Xiya to sit down, and took a photo from Simon's hand. After seeing the woman in the photo, he suddenly realized: "This woman is the new music teacher in Zihao's school!"

"This is the surveillance data we stole from the police. It proves that this woman was the last person to visit Zuo Shaoyi before he escaped from prison! But this woman seems to have disappeared from the world now. There is no way to find her current whereabouts."

Lan Xiya stepped forward and took the photo in Lei Bing's hand. Although the surveillance was a little blurry, she recognized Teacher Milan's clear outline at a glance. At this moment, she finally understood why her son was infected with this terrible virus.

"It's her, it must be her. I remember Zihao told me that Teacher Milan would often make small cakes and take them to the kindergarten for the children to eat. If there is really a problem with the cake, then other children will also eat the cake. Are they too?" Lan Xiya didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Simon, immediately send someone to the kindergarten to check if the other children have symptoms of vomiting, abdominal pain, or convulsions?" Lei Bing's face became more serious, and those bastards refused to let the children go.

"Yes, I'll investigate right away!" Without delay, Simon didn't dare to waste a minute, and immediately launched an investigation on the other children in Zihao's class.

After Simon left, Lan Xiya asked, "Why didn't you tell me about Zuo Shaoyi's escape from prison?"

Lei Bing looked at her who was a little tired, and pampered her with a haircut on her forehead: "This happened a few days ago, I'm afraid you will be distracted after I tell you, so I just want to wait until the wedding is over and wait until the wedding is over." I told you."

"I just want to find him and ask him why they came to harm my child. If something happens to Zihao, I will never let him go, and I will never—" In the last four words, Lan Xiya is almost It can be seen how deeply her hatred for Zuo Shaoyi is buried by roaring it out.

"I will hand over his matter to Lie to investigate. Your current energy should be spent on Zihao. Zihao can't leave the base yet, so you have to stay here with him." Lei Bing can understand her current situation Mood, but now is not the time to pursue Zuo Shaoyi.

Zihao's condition cannot be delayed. If no treatment can be found to control the virus, Zihao's condition will only get worse and worse. In the end...

"I know, I will leave the job of taking care of Zihao to me, but..." Lan Xiya was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"I know what you want to say even if you don't say it, don't worry, I will definitely not let Zihao leave us!" Lei Bing comforted her, swearing to her secretly in his heart.

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