Located in the office on the top floor of the main building, Simon brought Sean here directly. After receiving the notice, Lei Bing rushed over immediately. Seeing Sean sitting on the sofa waiting for him, he immediately put on a smirk after entering the door Going up to meet him: "Why did the uncle come to Taiwan suddenly?"

Sean, who was sitting on the sofa, saw him come in, put down the coffee in his hand and stood up: "It was a good day for you, but you left suddenly, I guess there must be something wrong with the child?"

Lei Bing walked up to him and sat down, Xiao En could see the worry in his eyes at a glance.

"It's still uncle who understands me. You guessed it right. There is indeed something wrong with the child, and it has been confirmed that the infection is a mutant virus!" Speaking of this, Lei Bing even clenched his palms tightly at some point.

Sean has watched Lei Bing grow up since he was a teenager, and now seeing his clenched fists, it seems that the child's condition is very difficult!

"Mutated virus? Have you found out which type it is?"

"Similar to hsv-1, but not quite. The hospital team at the base has already started research, but it will take time. I am worried about the child..." Lei Bing, a man who is not afraid of anything, is now powerless Save your own children.

"The mutated hsv-1 virus seems to have been heard in the UK recently. You might as well send someone to the UK to investigate, and it would be best to get the help of the British royal family." Sean said to Lei Bing The variant hsv-1 seems to have heard a little bit, so I told him the only information I knew, hoping to help him.

"The British royal family...why?" Lei Bing didn't understand what he meant.

Sean picked up the coffee on the table, took a sip, put down the cup, took out the Cuban cigar he carried with him, lit it, took a puff, smelled the aroma of the cigar, and answered him: "If my If the old friend's news is correct, this virus must have come from the British royal family!"

"You mean, the British royal family is secretly researching this virus?" Lei Bing suddenly realized, and a face appeared in his mind.

"On the surface, the British royal family seems to be in harmony, but in order to fight for power since ancient times, no matter whether it is a rich family or an ordinary family, it is inevitable to fight internally, let alone a royal family?" Sean didn't make too much sense. It is clear, but Lei Bing has already understood the meaning of his words.

"Will Mountbatten Windsor." After a moment of silence, Lei Bing slowly read out a name.

Sean sat next to him and clearly heard the name he said, but he didn't give too much expression on his face to evaluate this person.

The two sat in the office in silence. After a long time, Lei Bing spoke to break the silence in the room: "Thank you uncle for reminding me, I think I know what to do."

"Bing, you are a smart person. I believe that there is no problem that can stump you. Just like four years ago, everyone thought you were dead, but now you are living a more wonderful life than anyone else!" With a mature face, Sean suddenly remembered Lei Zhaotian from 40 years ago.


After the private conversation between the two of them ended, Xiao En asked to see Zihao. Although he didn't want Zihao to be disturbed, everyone else had already come here, and Lei Bing had no reason to refuse.

In the treatment room, Lan Xiya met Sean for the first time. She thought he was Mary's father, and he was not much better. But after meeting today, she completely changed her view of him.

"Grandpa, I still remember you." Zihao, who was full of food and drink, regained his strength, and when he saw the foreign grandfather appearing in front of the bed, his little head immediately searched for the picture of meeting that day.

Xiao En kindly came to the bedside and looked at the cute boy Hao. He never expected that someone would be so cruel, even a three-year-old child would not let him go!

"Grandpa still remembers you, your name is Lei Zihao, right?"

"Well, I'm Lei Zihao!" He straightened up and sat up straight, answering him deliberately louder.

Although Xiao En's Chinese is not particularly fluent, there is no language barrier at all when communicating with Xiao Zihao. The old and the young are talking happily. Lan Xiya looks at such a harmonious picture, but feels a pang in her heart.

Lei Bing could see her worry. As long as no effective treatment method was found, her worry would increase every day.

"Don't think too much about it, I already know that it was the British side who did the tricks. As long as we can find out who researched this mutant virus, we will definitely be able to find a cure from him!" He put his arms around her shoulders, hoping that he would His words can temporarily calm her worries.

"En." Lan Xiya looked at him beside him, leaned her head on his shoulder, and replied simply.

The organization base cannot allow outsiders to enter casually, so even if Rao Xueman wants to visit Zihao, he can't come in. When Lan Yu and Andre rushed back to the base, Zihao had already fallen asleep.

It was only two days since I saw Zihao, and Lan Yu suddenly felt that he had lost a lot of weight. There were still needle holes from antibiotics on his delicate hands. He was going to be tortured by the virus at a young age. Feeling pity.

"It must be that woman Nancy, this must be her revenge!" When she moved into the manor in Taiwan, Lan Yu knew that she was definitely not a cheap lamp. A witch of conscience.

As soon as Lan Yu's voice fell, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Saimen came in nervously: "Young Master Lei, the kindergarten has a result."

Lei Bing looked at the expression on Simon's face, he seemed to have already guessed the answer without him saying it, and waved all the people in the room to leave to talk outside, lest Zi Hao hear their conversation.

Sitting on the bench in the corridor outside the room, Lan Xiya couldn't help asking first, "Simon, how is the kindergarten?"

"Six children in the kindergarten also had symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. Immediately after our visit, they were sent to the hospital for blood analysis, and it was confirmed that the virus was the same as Zihao's!" A test report was handed over to Lei Bing.

"These children must be the little classmates in Zihao's class, and they must have eaten the cake made by Milan to be infected!" Lan Xiya thought of those poor children, and felt a little sorry.

The opponent's target is Zihao, those children are all involved

"We have already investigated the background of that teacher when she started school, but we didn't find any doubts." Andre remembered the woman Lan Xiya mentioned, but her file was very ordinary, which made them treat her Let your guard down.

"It seems that the other party came prepared, we have to be more careful!" Lei Bing already had a plan in his heart, and it also counted that the other party must be staring at him secretly.

"By the way, Lie, come with me." As if suddenly thinking of something urgent, Lei Bing stood up and walked to the elevator while talking.

Andre patted Lan Yu on the shoulder, asking her to stay here with Lan Xiya, and immediately followed Lei Bing's footsteps to leave.

On the rooftop of the top floor, this place is the most suitable place for confidentiality, because the rooftop can have a panoramic view at a glance, and there is absolutely no need to worry about being overheard.

"Young Master Lei, is there something special?" Andre was already familiar with this habit of his.

"Zihao's matter is just a trigger. Whether it is the base or the company, there will be troubles one after another. If my judgment is correct, Blair and Prince Will in the UK must have formed an alliance and cooperation relationship! "This guess came to him when it was confirmed that Zihao was infected with the virus. It was not until Sean showed up and told him that the virus was related to the British royal family that he affirmed his judgment.

"If they join hands to deal with us, we will be the enemy!" Andre actually guessed a bit, but there is no actual evidence, and it is difficult for him to judge.

"So, we also want to find an alliance!" Lei Bing turned around suddenly, and his dark eyes seemed to be fixed on Andre.

This kind of look made Andre's heart "thump", but he quickly recovered his rationality and asked: "Does Young Master Lei already have a candidate in his heart?"

Lei Bing nodded. There are naturally candidates, but he has to go there himself to be 100% sure that the other party will believe them.

"I'm going to the UK secretly in the next few days, and Taiwan will be left to you. The news of my departure must not be leaked!" Lei Bing explained the matter very carefully.

"I know what to do, but Sofaro Sean is also in Taiwan now, and I'm worried about him..." The relationship between the two families is not as good as before, especially after Mary's incident, Andre is worried His old fox has a sharp nose and can smell anything.

Lei Bing glanced at him, but he could understand his scruples. Once Sean knew that Mary's AIDS was his secret manipulation, he would definitely turn against him and bite Lei's back!

"Don't worry about it. What you have to do is to rot the past in your stomach. Since he happens to be in Taiwan now, we can just use him to make a show, making those hiding in the dark think that I am greeting him in Taiwan, so that Isn't it a better cover for me to leave secretly?" Lei Bing had already secretly arranged all the plans.

"Alright, when is Young Master Lei going to leave?"

"The sooner the better, preferably tonight!"

"Then I will prepare immediately. Don't worry, Lei Shao here in Taiwan, I will do my best to arrange it!" Andre's expression was serious, not letting up.

Nodded, waved him to prepare first, he still wanted to be here alone to think about the follow-up matters.

Longya Villa...

The picture of boy Hao suddenly feeling unwell at the wedding is still vivid in Long Junsheng's mind. Xi Ya's phone is turned off and can't get through, but Rao Xueman is the only one who is there when she calls Rose Manor. He didn't go back to the manor, which made him so worried that he couldn't eat or sleep.

"Daddy, I beg you, okay? Don't keep walking around. It makes me dizzy." All morning, Long Junsheng kept walking back and forth in the living room, which really made Long Zi Lin couldn't take it anymore.

Hearing his daughter's complaint, Long Junsheng walked up to her and asked, "You are Zihao's aunt. Now that something happened to the child, why don't you worry about him at all?"

Long Zilin put down the remote control in her hand, looked up and saw him with disdain on her face: "Auntie? Forget it, I can't afford it! He is Lei Bing's son, and many people care about him. I don't want to be alone." It doesn't matter if there are more or less of me."

"You, how can you think so?" Long Junsheng accused her with a trace of anger.

"I've always thought this way. Don't you just know now, Daddy? When I was in France, I said that I didn't want to come back to attend the wedding. It was you who brought Danny out to persuade me. I did it for Danny's sake." You should be satisfied if you didn't conflict with the sisters!" In Long Zilin's heart, she never regarded the two sisters as relatives.

Their identities are illegitimate daughters to put it mildly, but they are bastards born of a fox spirit!

She, Long Zilin, is the upright eldest lady of the Long family. It is absolutely impossible for her to treat the two sisters well in the next life.

"You, what are you..." Long Junsheng wanted to accuse her, but everything she said was true.

"Danny's vacation is two days away, so we're going back to Paris tomorrow. The plane ticket has already been booked, so hurry up and pack your things, Daddy." Long Zilin relaxed her tone, and didn't want to continue with him. Those things are debated.

"I'm not leaving, if you want to leave, go on your own!" At this moment, Zihao didn't know what was going on, so how could he feel relieved.

"Daddy, if you don't go back to Paris with us, what can you do by staying here alone? Don't forget who the father of that child is, Lei Bing!" Long Zilin stood up excited by his words , walked up to him and reminded him again and again.

Long Junsheng frowned in displeasure. Although Lei Bing was capable, he just couldn't rest assured. Letting him leave Taiwan at this time would be tantamount to letting him die!

Seeing him walking to the balcony without saying a word to avoid her words, Long Zilin also followed up and continued to persuade him: "Daddy, Zihao is the treasure of the Lei family, and the Lei family will never let him have any love." Dangerous, don't you worry about that?"

"Zilin, I just want to know what's going on with the child. As soon as I see the child is safe and sound, I'll go back to Paris right away, how about it?" Long Junsheng made a concession if he couldn't stand his daughter's words.

But Long Zilin obviously didn't buy it, she turned her head and looked in the other direction of the balcony, determined to ask Daddy to follow her back to Paris.

"Ding dong..." The doorbell rang at the right time, temporarily interrupting their conversation.

Long Zilin stood outside the balcony with her arms folded and looked in the direction of the door curiously. It turned out to be Peter!

"Mr. Long, Missy." Peter walked into the living room, looked at the expressions on the faces of the father and daughter, and guessed that the two must have disagreements again.

"Sit down, why are you so free today?" Long Junsheng left the balcony and walked into the living room, beckoning Peter to sit down.

"Didn't Mr. Long watch the news?" Seeing his calm appearance, Peter suddenly asked.

"News? What news? I just came back from the island where Xi Ya held her wedding yesterday. I don't know what news there is? Is it news about their wedding? I remember that no reporters or media were invited on the island?" Long Junsheng thought for a while. , I really don't know anything worth reporting.

Peter looked at Long Zilin standing outside the balcony, and wanted to say something, but suddenly stopped, afraid that there would be something wrong with what he said.

Looking at his appearance, Long Junsheng was really anxious: "What are you talking about? You always look at Zilin, does this matter have something to do with Zilin?"

Long Zilin heard Daddy mentioning herself sharply, and also walked in from the balcony, and sat on the sofa opposite Peter: "Uncle, if you have something to say, you may as well speak up."

"It seems that you really don't know about Zuo Shaoyi's escape from prison?" Peter asked directly without beating around the bush.

"What? He escaped from prison?" Long Zilin looked astonished, Zuo Shaoyi dared to do such a thing.

"Yes, just last week, a few days before Miss Shia's wedding. According to reports, he was beaten and stabbed in the prison in the right chest and sent to the hospital, but he disappeared in the hospital the next morning. Now The police are looking for him with all their strength, and I am worried that the boy will come to you for revenge, so Long Junsheng, you have to be careful when you go in and out!" Peter still remembered that when they went to visit Zuo Shaoyi that day, he wanted to eat the dragon. Junsheng's face.

Long Junsheng nodded, he didn't expect such a thing to happen again in just a few days.

"Daddy, did you hear that? In this case, I won't let you stay in Taiwan alone. No matter what, you have to go back to Paris with me tomorrow!" Zuo Shaoyi's crazy dragon Zilin knows, God knows He escaped from prison and wanted to do something.

"He is a fugitive now, he will definitely not show up blatantly, nothing will happen, don't worry too much!" In order to stay in Taiwan, Long Junsheng tried his best to appear calm.

"Mr. Long, this is not a joke. I think you should listen to the young lady this time. It is safer to return to Paris as soon as possible. Don't forget that he wanted to pounce on you that day!" Peter also said. Joined the team to persuade Long Junsheng.

"Daddy, you didn't tell me when you went to visit the prison." Long Zilin put on a serious face. Although she overheard it outside the door that night, at this moment, in order to let Daddy Going back to Paris with myself, I had to pretend not to know in front of them.

Long Junsheng looked at Peter with embarrassment, and it was all his fault for slipping the tongue!

"Zilin, it's not that I don't want to tell you, I'm just afraid that he will affect you!" Long Junsheng hurriedly explained.

"Affect me? Who does he think he is? Now if I see him again, I will mercilessly step forward and slap him twice. This is what he owes me!"

"Who owed you so much and made my Darling want to slap him so fiercely?" Just as Long Zilin finished speaking, Danny's voice came from the stairs at the right time.

Just now when he was upstairs, he heard the faint quarrel downstairs, thinking that they had quarreled again, put down the work in hand and just walked down, just in time to hear Long Zilin's angry words.

"It's nothing, just someone not worth mentioning!" Danny's appearance made Long Zilin immediately get up and stick to him.

Danny is a Frenchman who advocates romance, Long Zilin walked towards him, and gave Long Zilin a French kiss without hesitation in front of the other two, and then sat down on the sofa to show affection.

"This is Missy's fiancé, right?" Peter looked at their faces, and guessed his identity without an introduction.

"Hi, just call me Danny!" Danny warmly extended his arm to Peter and shook hands.

"My name is Peter. I used to be Mr. Long's subordinate. Nice to meet you." Similarly, Peter responded enthusiastically to his friendliness.

Seeing that the atmosphere was so good, Long Junsheng immediately grabbed Danny and said, "I have some private matters to stay in Taiwan for a few more days. How about you and Zilin going back to Paris first tomorrow?"

"Of course, I will take good care of Zi Lin!" Danny smiled, and it was his responsibility to take care of his fiancée.

"No! Tomorrow we have to go together. It's just a lift. I'll also carry you on the plane, Daddy." Long Zilin, who was in a good mood just a moment ago, became annoyed when Long Junsheng mentioned this matter again.

In front of the other two, she left the words here and ran upstairs angrily to pack her things. No matter what reason Daddy had, she would never let Daddy stay in Taiwan. Daddy belonged to her, and she belonged to Longzi Lin's!

The three men sitting in the living room looked at each other. In fact, Long Junsheng knew what his daughter was thinking, but he was just worried and didn't want to leave for the time being.

"Alas..." He sighed heavily, every family has their own hard-to-recite scriptures!

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